February 2015 Moms

When to have the baby shower?

Hi all,

Hoping for input and thoughts from all you Feb 2015 mamas.  My husband and I are thinking of waiting to find out the sex of the baby until our baby shower, making it a baby shower / sex reveal party.  We are first-time parents who really do not want gender-specific items (especially clothes).  We both feel very strongly against gender-stereotypes and in addition, could really use the essential and gender neutral items from the registry being that it's our first child.

We have some VERY interested family and friends who I know will be disappointed with the news that we will be putting off this information.  So, I'm wondering, if they want to throw an early baby shower, how early do you think would be TOO early?  I'm due Feb 27.  Would a November shower be too early (weeks 23-27)?


Re: When to have the baby shower?

  • Hi all,

    Hoping for input and thoughts from all you Feb 2015 mamas.  My husband and I are thinking of waiting to find out the sex of the baby until our baby shower, making it a baby shower / sex reveal party.  We are first-time parents who really do not want gender-specific items (especially clothes).  We both feel very strongly against gender-stereotypes and in addition, could really use the essential and gender neutral items from the registry being that it's our first child.

    We have some VERY interested family and friends who I know will be disappointed with the news that we will be putting off this information.  So, I'm wondering, if they want to throw an early baby shower, how early do you think would be TOO early?  I'm due Feb 27.  Would a November shower be too early (weeks 23-27)?

    I'm going to just hop right on over the gender stereotype topic......

    This isn't your family's shower or baby.  This is your shower and baby.  It is up to you when you find out.  I am due on February 9 and having my shower on November 1.  That is mostly because I am having twins and they will most likely come earlier than February.  I also didn't want to have to battle the holidays....
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  • Why not make a special sex reveal at the shower? People can only buy you gender nuetral things (or face being wrong) and you've made the party and reveal special and memorable for your guests.

    I don't think there is a"too early" for baby showers unless you're doing it before the first trimester is over.
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  • jaymo517jaymo517 member
    edited September 2014
    I'm due 2/4, and our shower is 11/22. Our moms are throwing a "Little Buck or Little Doe" themed shower to reveal the sex to everyone. We already know what we're having, we just don't want gender specific gifts either.
  • jaztasticjaztastic member
    edited September 2014
    Im not revealing the sex of the baby until my shower. Im due 2/7, and shower is 11/29. People will have to deal with waiting to find out. 

    Clarification: I am not having a reveal party, however I plan to surprise my guests with the announcement and name of LO at the shower. 
    Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
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  • I am in the same boat as @kefttsc with twins and we are going to have either a late October or early November shower

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  • We are doing a shower after the baby is born. That is what is typical for our family.
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  • I had a close friend who was due 1/31 a couple of years ago.  We did her shower before Thanksgiving so that it wouldn't interfere with holiday plans.  I see nothing wrong with a late 2nd tri/early 3rd tri shower.  Plus, then you also have the opportunity to watch holiday sales for any items you didn't get at your shower.

    I think it's a cute idea to announce the sex at the shower.  One of my friends revealed the name at her shower (well, technically, the hostess did - they put it on the cake at the MTB's request) and it was fun.
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  • We are doing a variation of this, so it makes me happy to see we aren't the only ones! We are going to find out the sex at our anatomy scan but let on to extended family and friends that we don't know. We will let our sisters know and then reveal at baby shower. Ours is December 14.
  • I'm so glad to hear that others are feeling the same thing and planning similar showers!  Thank you all for your support and for your ideas.
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