Baby Names

Help on middle name for boy!

So my boyfriend came home from work when I was only 6 weeks and said he wants to name our baby Grayson if it's a boy. We have been trying to come up with a middle name. There are so many I like, that he doesn't. Then yesterday he threw out the name Timothy, which I'm not wild about, but would be open to. Only to later learn the reason why is because his buddy had a brother who killed himself with that name and his friend would really like us to use it. I'm sorry but that really turned me off. My bf didn't even know him! I can't believe he even is considering it! Anyway, any ideas on a middle? My bf's middle is Wesley, and I would take that just to end the Timothy issue! No O names, that would give GOD as initials. (Which my bf was also all for) Sorry this was so long!

Re: Help on middle name for boy!

  • Grayson Asher
    Grayson Samuel
    Grayson Reid
    Greyson Dominic
    Grayson Cole

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  • I have a friend that has a Greyson James.  I think that sounds nice.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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  • LNic5LNic5 member
    edited September 2014
    I also like Grayson James!!

    Grayson Thomas
    Grayson John
    Grayson Cole
    Grayson Oliver
    Grayson Michael
    Grayson Cooper
    Grayson Jude
    Grayson Myles
    Grayson Tanner
    Grayson Spencer
    Grayson Dean
    Grayson Brooks

    Ps. I find the friend situation a little because he didn't know him and two because the friend asked Just my 2 cents though
  • Thank you guys for the help! I'm going to go over these names with him tonight, I really like a lot of them you posted, and several of them I suggested to him already! As with the friend situation it is really odd! They aren't even that close of friends... hopefully I can convince him that I get to choose middle name or something. Lol!
  • I guess my first instict is to ask why does he get to choose the name? I mean it is a mutual choice. He can't just come home and say he wants to name him ______. Where did he get the name Grayson from?

    Grayson is trendy but still I like it. I think Grayson Wesley is just fine. I would prefer a name with family meaning rather than just what you think sounds nice. What about a family name from your side? Any names you really love?
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  • I have a Grayson Charles. Charles is my husbands middle name. 

    But I think Grayson Wesley sounds very nice! Especially since it would have meaning. 
  • He said he just came up with it and really thought it was a great name, I liked it from the beginning so it stuck. I was excited by how excited he was by the name. I have an 11 yr old who's name is Tayven, so I really think they sound great together too. We got online the other day and did a middle name generator type thing, and really nothing was too appealing. We have looked into family names, but can't really agree on any of them working. My whole family is Czech so makes for awkward ones, and our only other choice is Jean, which neither of us really like. Sooooo... here I am. It's fun seeing what others have named their Grayson's, I can't wait to go over these suggestions with him! :) So thank you for all of your help!
  • Oh, and I really love the name Oliver or Owen for middle, but once again giving the initials GOD so we even thought about doing two middles to break it up but that would be a lot to shout when I'm angry! ;) I also love the name Reese, but that is already his nephews name, still not a deal breaker for me however!
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