February 2015 Moms

40 Years old & healthy

Hello, first off, I am the husband who, yes, downloaded this great app to use. My wife has the same one & by coincidence chose this too. There really are no good apps for dads to be, so this is the reasoning. We are not new to this, we have a son who is 11 & a daughter who is 13. Just using the new tech available which is rather exciting. So here is the question on my side: Most of our family has passed away over the past few years (We are all healthy & fit) & to double that, the majority of my wife's friends have moved out of the city. She is strong, & does not talk about it, but this matters. There really is nobody at this point for her to have important girl time for a baby shower. Any and all ideas would be very helpful.

Re: 40 Years old & healthy

  • Maybe a babymoon to an area where she might know a lot of people? Or trying to get her friends/family together for a surprise shower or just girl time in a convenient city for the majority of her friends? It may also be nice if you just send her out for a spa day if you can't set up a shower.
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  • This is probably against etiquette, but would you want to plan something with your daughter?  13 is old enough for her to get really into it. Maybe invite a few of your daughter's friends and their mom's as well if your wife gets along well with them.
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  • I think it is sweet that you have noticed she is struggling with this and that you are searching for a way to help. I agree with previous recommendations of either figuring out how to get her family and friends (even just a few) to your town for a shower of some sort, even just a brunch to celebrate her.  I think involving the 13 year old is a great idea too.  I'm sure she would think it was fun to be involved! Could you plan a "babymoon" to where most of the friends/family are and then have them all gather there as a surprise?

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  • First, Thank you for patience. I posted close to an identical question today as the initial posting was nowhere to be found & I chalked it up as a a standard glitch. The babymoon, spa & our daughter who is quite mature are fine suggestions & a great start, Thank you for all the input!
  • Wow my hormones got me teary eyed reading this. I agree it's amazing that you are thinking of her feelings. I agree with the first reply. My hubby is taking me on a babymoon and honestly I'm the most excited about that. If you are having a difficult time getting everyone together pick a weekend where you collect all the gifts friends may send by a determined deadline and open them all up at once. Then make the rest of the day about her like spa, hair, dinner etc, whatever puts her in a great mood. Then the following day be super enthusiastic and take her shopping to get some baby things she's really wants like a mini/ huge shopping spree. Basically a weekend dedicated to her getting baby stuff and some extra attention just like a baby shower. God Bless
  • How sweet! Just the effort will count! I live away from all my family and friends and my mum has mentioned doing something like sending gifts by a deadline or something like that. I think the suggestions thus far have been great, especially letting the 13 year-old get involved. Good for you for trying to do something! I hope it all works out!
  • OK, you're being very considerate towards your wife but...

    Why are all you ladies so quick to shut down a post from a MTB saying her SO wants to throw a baby shower for their 2nd+ child, but when a dad posts it, he's being sweet?

    OP, I would not try to throw a shower, or let friends know when to give gifts. PPs have great suggestions on things you can do yourself, ie babymoon, spa day, etc.

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