do people think that you are in desperate need of items?
I kept most of the big ticket items and things that I really liked from my first because I knew I wanted another child. For some reason, I'm getting a lot of family and friends insisting that I take their baby items even though I don't want them - either because we have enough or I know I won't use the item. These are not my first and I've already trialed and error-ed what I do and don't like. All I continue to hear is how I am going to NEED them because these are twins and most of them are telling me they are giving me the "boxes" anyways.
Re: Because you are having twins....
My approach has to been to accept whatever people want to give me, ask if they want any of it back if we end up not needing/using it. If they don't expect it back I pass on to other people who are pregnant or donate. Its a little more time consuming than just refusing but honestly, I find it easier on friendships that way. Because people are genuinely trying to be helpful.
I guess I have a couple of reasons for really not wanting the stuff. I don't even know where I'd put the stuff we don't need or won't use. We don't really have much room to store anything. The twins won't even have a closet because it is currently used as storage and we don't have anywhere to put that stuff so everything for them has to fit into a long dresser or Ikea storage bin system. I've also been burned a couple of times with lending items and once someone emailed to tell me that I ruined an item that they left over and wanted me to pay for it (we had no pets, before kids, and the only time the item was touched was upon return).
Sometimes I have a hard time finding new owners/getting rid of stuff that I have and I just don't want to have to be responsible for someone else's stuff.
If they absolutely insist or go out of their way to get it to you, then I'd accept and try to pass it along to someone who really needs it.
Baby Boy #1 born 1/15/2010
Babies #2 & #3 arriving Spring 2014 (EDD June 18)
My hope is that they don't actually bring anything over...the one person that is giving me a house full of toys cannot seem to get the exersaucer back to me that she borrowed almost 2 years ago. I've declined all offers (3) so far but I don't know if they think I'm kidding or what but the word no seems to go in one ear and out the other.
First pregnancy - DS 01-Apr-09;
3rd cycle Clomid/IUI after 2 years TTC
TTC #2 since ~June 2010
IUI #1 & 2 - Clomid/IUI - BFN
IUI #3 &4 - Gonal-F/Ovidrel and IUI -- BFN
IUI #5 - Gonal-F/Ovidrel and IUI -- BFP!!
EDD: March 22, 2013
It's triplets!!