June 2014 Moms

Boys vs girls

JmeJoLee83JmeJoLee83 member
edited September 2014 in June 2014 Moms
This poll may seem silly to so some but I had more than a few people tell me boys are "harder" when they are little but girls are harder later on. I'm assuming this means behavior and needs etc. I'm not convinced this is the case. Any experienced moms want to chime in? I have only one boy so not much experience. We are struggling with sleep and working through colic.
First time mommy-to-be
E.D.D. June 1, 2014

Boys vs girls 122 votes

Boys are harder when they are little
15% 19 votes
Girls are harder when they're little
5% 7 votes
Equal amongst sexes, no pattern
21% 26 votes
This is a crazy question
37% 46 votes
19% 24 votes

Re: Boys vs girls

  • My mom had 2 girls and 1 boy, and always says the girls were harder.

    Thanks, mom... lol


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  • I don't see any difference in the amount of difficulty, but rather in the type of difficulty. When C was this age, she would go happy to crying with no in between, but I knew what eachbcry meant so it was easy to fix. Charlie warns me by whining and yelling before he cries, but I can never tell what he wants, even if he does end up crying.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

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  • I don't see any difference in the amount of difficulty, but rather in the type of difficulty. When C was this age, she would go happy to crying with no in between, but I knew what eachbcry meant so it was easy to fix. Charlie warns me by whining and yelling before he cries, but I can never tell what he wants, even if he does end up crying.

    This exactly has been my experience. You described it exactly, I have had trouble explaining to people their difference when they ask.

    As far as toddlers go, my daughter is extremely high energy and into everything. Obviously I don't know yet if this is girl or just toddler, or personality

    Married to DH 10.29.11

    DD born 1.26.13
    DS born 6.12.14
    #3 due 12.6.16

  • Depends on the kid, IMO. DS is way more laid-back than DD.

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • FTM, but I don't think being an easy kid is gender related at all. My dad found me easier than my brother, but my mom thought my brother was easier than me. Obviously that's just a reflection of individual personalities, both the kids' and the parents' personalities. I also think when people say girls are more difficult teens what they really mean is that they don't approve of girls dating, etc. but are fine with boys doing it. IMO that's just biased and lazy thinking.
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  • As far as infants go, DS was wayyyyy easier than DD is.
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  • Baby-wise, all three been the same - mspi, reflux, fussy, etc. Toddler and preschool, ds has been tougher. The terrible twos were nothing compared to terrible threes. Yup. Threes tend to be worse! Dd is tough in a different way -sassy, fresh, but all she needs is a stern look. Ds will sometimes laugh at my look. It really depends on their personality.
    Anna Kate 10.17.2009 Alexander 6.10.2011 Baby Girl 6.2014
  • Well I'll say that I hve the unique experience of being able to compare a boy and a girl at the same age at the same time. I think they are equally hard in different ways.
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    The Science Babies debuted 5/6/14 @ 34 weeks
  • I really think it comes down to individual characteristics, which aren't defined by sex.  Ultimately "every baby/child is different"  Also, my male students tend to be a bigger PITA (12-14 year olds)
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I really think it comes down to individual characteristics, which aren't defined by sex.  Ultimately "every baby/child is different"  Also, my male students tend to be a bigger PITA (12-14 year olds)
    I will say the opposite. In my experience my girls have always been more difficult with the attitudes and back talking. I mostly taught 16-18 year olds. The boys just didn't care about that stuff as much. Granted, when I did have a boy issue it was more serious than the crap I dealt with from the girls on a daily basis. 
    November D16  Siggy Challenge-Thanksgiving Fails

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  • My 8 year old boy has always been a dream. I always get compliments on his behavior. My just turned 4 year old girl is a diva!! She does not act the same as he did. So in my case my boy was easier early on. But I think that has to do more with the first child vs the second child instead of boy vs girl
  • I only have experience with girls so far, but my toddler is pretty "strong willed". She's crazy, high energy, and exhausting. I don't think their personality and temperament have to do with being a boy or girl. They are who they are.
  • I have 3 boys and 1 girl.
    I'd say it depends on the kids, not their sex. Girls are definitely more trauma drama then boys. My boys are all so different and the experience with each has been different. My oldest never slept, had chronic ear infections, allergic rhinitis, and lactose intolerance. He was a difficult baby to soothe because of all that.
    My daughter was a great baby, but once she hit 2.... The drama queen and diva took over.
    DS2 was perfect baby and still has a great temperament.
    DS3...aka LO, is even better baby then DS2. Kids 1-3 are all teenagers now and they're very much the same personality they were when they were little.
    ****Siggy Warning****

    IVF Cycle #1 - 4/06/2013 -3dt of 2 embryos, nothing to freeze - BFN 
    IVF Cycle #2 - 7/18/2013- 3dt of 3 embryos.Froze one 3AA 6 Day Blast! - BFN
    IVF Cycle #3 - 9/15/2013 - 3dt of 4 embryos, nothing to freeze - BFP!!!
    10/7 - +HPT - Beta #1 10/10 - 72, Beta#2 10/14 - 518,Harmony 21 @ 12 weeks shows one very healthy little BOY!!


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  • fsumomfsumom member
    edited September 2014
    I think it's difficult to tell unless you have children that are school aged.  DD was a super easy baby. DS has been a tad more difficult.  He hates the car seat it seems and he has more fussy moments than DD did.  However, now my sweet DD will be 8 in a month and I sometimes want to pull my hair out.  She has very dramatic moments!  

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