This poll may seem silly to so some but I had more than a few people tell me boys are "harder" when they are little but girls are harder later on. I'm assuming this means behavior and needs etc. I'm not convinced this is the case. Any experienced moms want to chime in? I have only one boy so not much experience. We are struggling with sleep and working through colic.
First time mommy-to-be
E.D.D. June 1, 2014
Boys vs girls 122 votes
Boys are harder when they are little
Girls are harder when they're little
Equal amongst sexes, no pattern
Re: Boys vs girls
Thanks, mom... lol
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
As far as toddlers go, my daughter is extremely high energy and into everything. Obviously I don't know yet if this is girl or just toddler, or personality
Married to DH 10.29.11
DD born 1.26.13
DS born 6.12.14
#3 due 12.6.16
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
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I'd say it depends on the kids, not their sex. Girls are definitely more trauma drama then boys. My boys are all so different and the experience with each has been different. My oldest never slept, had chronic ear infections, allergic rhinitis, and lactose intolerance. He was a difficult baby to soothe because of all that.
My daughter was a great baby, but once she hit 2.... The drama queen and diva took over.
DS2 was perfect baby and still has a great temperament.
DS3...aka LO, is even better baby then DS2. Kids 1-3 are all teenagers now and they're very much the same personality they were when they were little.