May 2012 Moms

Cradle Cap!?!

Ugh, we kicked this like a year ago and it's back with a vengeance. I'm having a hard time getting rid of it this time because the only remedy that worked last time was slathering her head in olive oil. Only now she wants to touch her oily head and is obviously super mobile and ends up rubbing her oily head on the furniture. Gah. Other ways to get rid of this? Obviously it's just cosmetic and only bothering me, but it's quite a large patch.
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Re: Cradle Cap!?!

  • Wow, I didn't even know they could still get it at this point. We used the Little Remedies cradle cap lotion that you rub in just before washing their hair. DD has sensitive skin but didn't have any problem from the ingredients.

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  • We use Selson Blue Naturals shampoo. It takes a couple weeks to clear up but so far has done the trick. We actually use it most of the time because when we stop the cradle cap seems to come back.
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  • I had wondered if a regular dandruff shampoo would work. 
    I've never heard of Little Remedies....I'll have to browse around the pharmacy
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  • Will she keep a hat on her head with the olive oil?

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  • Or a swimming cap? I know dollarama sells them here
  • I can barely get her to keep a sun hat on outside :/
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  • We just had this with C. I put olive oil on her head while she ate dinner, so there was less playing. When she got in the tub right after eating, I brushed her scalp with a toothbrush to loosen it up. A few nights of that and it was mostly gone. Now we do at least one wash a week with head and shoulders dandruff shampoo. We will keep it up until it cools down and isn't so humid. I think all the extra sweating is what caused it.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • My middle son has super thick hair and gets it still at almost four if I don't rinse all the shampoo out all the time. His dad uses head and shoulders so I use that for awhile and away it goes, just be careful because it stings if in lo eyes.
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  • Just be aware that all Head & Shoulders products rate from a 4-7 on

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  • I tried olive oil and a toothbrush so it was just on the one spot. Still kind of messy since she HATED it and cried until I told her there was a bug in her hair and I was trying to get it out. Seems to be working though. I've done it 4 times this week
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