May 2012 Moms

last lazy weekend

So excited, school starts on Tuesday! Only two classes but three nights a week on top of working full time. Feeling the mommy guilt that I will be away from Sophia even more but I really need to move my career in a different direction that another degree will likely help. I am so excited about going back to school but I am totally going to enjoy this last lazy three day weekend.

What are you all doing this weekend?

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Re: last lazy weekend

  • That's exciting! @melissamiso what classes are you taking?

    I work weekends, so I don't get much done!
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  • I'm going back for an associates in business. This semester I'm taking algebra and accounting. I haven't taken math really since a statistics class in 1995 and before then was the late 80s. Hope I'm not totally lost. ha!

    I had to go to orientation despite having gotten my first degree from this college. I was the only one over 18. They all looked so miserable. Just wait until they get to the real world.

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  • ebl2ebl2 member
    No big plans here, cloudy/rainy weekend. We did nothing yesterday. We literally stayed in our pajamas and snuggled/watched movies. Went to the zoo this morning and while DD was napping DH stayed home with her and I got to go to the movies. No plans tomorrow either, if it's nice we may go to the park. We're pretty boring. 
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