I asked my H if he could name our hypothetical baby #2 anything, and I had to agree to it, what would it be? He gave me Kate nothing-for-a-middle-name and Lincoln Bradford. Bradford is my late father's name, so I'm all about using that as a mn, I just don't know how I feel about Lincoln.
Love it? Hate it? Thoughts?
Started adoption process in Jan. 2011.
3 failed matches in 2012.Surprise pregnancy in Aug. 2012.
Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.
Began researching EA in 2014.
No longer pursuing EA due to fibroid complications.
Officially on the adoption home study wait list.
Re: Lincoln?
Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.
I obviously don't have a problem with surnames as first names, but I will say my family connection to Harrison is through a fn--my Great Uncle Harrison.
I think people choose last names over first names though because that's how you identify the person. Not a lot of famous people are known by just their first name.
Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.