January 2014 Moms

Mom Fails...

Anyone else have any mom fails as of late??

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Re: Mom Fails...

  • ....DD fell off my bed....H will never find out!
    ..brought her into bed with me, she fell asleep as she usually does, but decided to wake before her usual 3 hour morning nap (this is what she almost always does when she wakes up at 4am)...I surrounded her with pillows bc DS woke up crying, so I snuggle with him in his bed....a while later, I hear *thump* and crying...DD was laying on her back on my carpet crying....thank God for the thick wool pile pottery barn carpeting.  Broke her fall somewhat. I sucked as a mom that day 

     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
  • @itsmeally‌ - I panicked bc it was like a 2 foot fall. I made sure her pupils dilated as soon as she stopped blatting!

     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
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  • I was getting dressed and put DD on my bed. She was pulling herself towards the edge but I thought I had more time and turned to grab a shirt before moving her back to the middle of the bed. When I turned back around she was falling, head first, off the bed. Thank God I was within reach and grabbed her JUST as her head grazed the ground. She didn't cry for long so I think she was more scared than hurt. It was scary/sickening because her head was bent back so that she was looking towards the floor. If she had landed that way I don't even want to think about what might have happened to her neck. Gives me a pit in my stomach just thinking about it. I was especially mad at myself because I SAW her getting close to the edge and if I had just moved her before grabbing the shirt it would have been avoided. 
  • edited August 2014
    DS was on his back on the carpet and grabbed on to my fingers, so I was slowly pulling him up.  Then, he let go suddenly and fell back.  I felt awful!
    AnnRenee 1/21/03
    Luke 12/30/2013
  • MiaMyPuggleMiaMyPuggle member
    edited August 2014
    danaadell said:
    I scratched my lo with my earring across the face! I felt horrible!
    I guess this is a mom fail regarding my DS: I scratched him in March with my nail while I was brushing his teeth. It was a superficial scratch that didn't bleed, but there's a noticible scar there, now. I apply vitamin E, but it's still noticible ...I feel terrible...

     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
  • DD has almost fallen off the bed so many times. So far I've managed to catch her but shes usually head first and half off already.

    I hit DD in the face trying to swat a flying bug away Wednesday evening. Definitely felt like MOTY after that.
  • Hit baby on the head trying to move through a doorway. I get vertigo and I worry about carrying him sometimes, luckily he's gaining mobility fast!
  • Mine fell of the bed...twice. No more naps on my bed ever.
  • Before he was rolling, I set ds on our ottoman to go pump and dh was supposed to give him a bottle but was on the computer. Either I left too early or he stayed too long on the computer, but a minute later, I hear a thud and dh yell "Patrick!" and crying.

    He had scooted off backwards and landed on his head! Both dh and I were freaking out. Other than a bump, he was fine though. We kept a very close eye on him that night. We didn't tell anyone about that for a while!
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    Patrick: born at home on January 14, 2014

  • DH puts DS in bed with me. DS crawls in his sleep sometimes and he crawled right out of bed. There's pillows around the bed, but of course he missed the pillow and hit his face on the shelf. I cried. He was fine.
  • DS was sitting in his PNP and he tipped over and hit his head on the heater. I didn't realize I had the PNP that close.
    image image
    Married 8/9/13
    Ashton James Rogers 10/29/13

    image  image
  • @itsmeally‌
    I know what you mean, it happens so fast! One second they're happily sitting in the middle of the bed, the next they're going head first off the edge!
  • itsmeally said:
    Guys. EG fell off the bed tonight. I out her in the middle of the king bed, turned around to grab a diaper, and PLOP, EG on the carpet, screaming her head off. She was fine but gawd. Am I the worst mother? I've let her fall TWICE. Lesson learned.
    Nope....three=shame on me  ;)
    You have one more strike left!
    If it happens again, don't ask me bc I don't know how I'll make you feel better about yourself!
    Babies are so resilient!

     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
  • I was suctioning Hudson's snotty nose tonight and he wasn't too happy about it. He was jerking around and I accidentally poked him pretty hard in the nose. It bled a little bit and of course, we both cried together. I felt terrible.

    Married July 14, 2012

    Hudson - January 7, 2014

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  • Heyy ladies! Miss you guys. We had a mom fail too a couple of weeks ago. DD and I bed share and I surroundes her with pillows so she wouldnt fall. Wrong wrong wrong. DD woke up before and kicked off every pillow and rolled off the bed. I woke up to her on her stomach crying on our floor. We don't have carpet so I have a sickening gut feeling when I think what if she fell on her back. SO and I from there decided to buy a pnp and she's been sleeping in there since then.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DS rolled off the bed while I was changing my clothes. In the time it took to pull my shirt from my forehead to my chin he managed to roll from the center of the bed to the floor. This was when he first started rolling, so his head wasn't as steady as it is now and his forehead his the floor. We have tile floors so I was so scared he has a concussion or whiplash or something I immediately took him to the doctor. He was fine and stopped crying about 10 minutes in--I cried for like an hour. 
    Tino--Already 4 months old!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • DD has about three small bruises on her head right now because she is constantly bumping it on something. I always feel bad when she doesn't but it doesn't seem to bother her.
  • I have cut DD fingers too many times to count. My DS does not like when I have clippers out now even though I have never clipped him and make him bleed.
    I also left DD on my bed while I went to the bathroom ( I can see my bed while in there). She decided to cry which made her brother come in and jump on the bed. She got her head jumped on. Two kids is tough sometimes

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  • H loves to pull things out of her diaper bag as a fun game. She was playing happily and I got to playing on my phone. I hadn't looked up for a minute or two because she was quiet (too quiet!!) but when I did she was eating tissue!! I forgot it was in there but I had to hold her down and fish pieces of tissue out of her mouth for nearly ten straight minutes while she screamed her head off. I thought I got it all out but then saw she had "packed" it all in the roof of her mouth so I had get after it again. sigh.... stupid mom fail.

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    Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
    After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
    Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
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  • I gently tossed a rubber ducky towards dd hoping she would crawl for the duck instead of what she had been heading toward. It bounced and got her in the cheek leaving a tiny mark...
    Ooohhh tthee gguuuiiiilllltttt

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    bfp#1-10/29/12,EDD: 7/3/13. nothing found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 12/10/12. "Bean"

    bfp#2-5/10/13! EDD: 1/18/14. "Peanut" Arrived 1/13/14. Diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis

    bfp#3- 9/26/14. EDD: 5/7/15. no heartbeat found @ 1st u/s, natural mc 10/23/14. "Little Bug"

    **Psalm 139:16**

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