
Is this something you would do?

edited August 2014 in Parenting
So, I have been mulling something over, and I'm not sure if I am crazy / a shitty parent / delusional, whatever. Tell me if I'm making you clutch ya pearls.

My son's DCP absolutely adores him, and he absolutely adores her. She was one of his teachers at his old center, and now watches him in her home. She has three school-age children who are home part of the time, who also love him (according to her, I believe her lol). Anyway, her family doesn't have plans for Labor Day, so she told me to go ahead and bring him so I could have a day off - plus, she said she'd miss him. If anyone else were to say that I'd be a bit creeped out because paranoid, but I really trust that she is just a sweetheart who has a close bond with my kiddo.

Anyway, I was thinking about asking her to watch him one Friday night overnight. Is that nucking futs? For those who can't see, he is almost 18 months. And for those who don't know, I do not have family and I have not had a single night away from him or "night off" since he was born. 

If somehow it's not crazy and you're not thinking I'm a horrible mother and person... How much should I expect to pay for such a thing? Should I take him to her house, or should I ask her to come to mine? He is not STTN yet, which I am aware is a huge PITA, and maybe a reason to nix the whole idea. 

Also... What hours would be within reason for such a thing? 7 PM - 10 AM? Is that too long? 

I don't know what I'm doing. If I am losing my mind, please, let me have it. 


Re: Is this something you would do?

  • Totally ask her! I bet she would love to. One sleepless night is not a big deal if she is not doing it all the time, and she would probably like the cuddles.
    As far as how to pay....not sure. I am fortunate enough to have a lot of family babysitters who won't take $. The one non-family sitter we have I give $10 an hour, but she is only 15 so it has never been overnight
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  • Yeah, I pay this lady $10 an hour when she babysits in the evening occasionally. But $10 an hour seems a little extreme when you get past a certain point. 


  • I used to work in childcare and knew quite a few people watched kids after hours for certain parents so I don't think you've lost it. As for the overnight watching I have only known like 2 who were comfortable enough with the kid to have them overnight. I would just ask her and be upfront about him not stnn and see what she says. IMO someone who is in your childs life everyday and openly says she loves them and wants to spend time with them constitutes as more of a friend/family member. I may be crazy too though :-)
    The bolded is pretty much how I feel. We haven't spent a lot of time together, but she I trust her so much more than "just" a DCP.


  • bensmommy518bensmommy518 member
    edited August 2014
    Ask her. Be upfront about not STTN. As far as pay, ask her what she thinks is fair. The only comparison I have is elder care for a familyfamilyfamilyfamilyfamil member and I charged $15 per hour for daytime and $7 per hour overnight.

    Edit: don't know why the phone wontwontwont let me edit all the these added words. SorrySorry my phone apparently has a stutter

  • Yeah, I vote do it!! I wish we had someone local that we trusted enough to take DS overnight!!! All our family lives 2 hours away, so we havent had a night away since he was born (almost 20 months ago!) Either.

    So do IT! I shall live vicariously thru you!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ok, what OTC herb can I take to decrease milk production for this hypothetical eve? lol


  • DO IT!!! You deserve a night off. Enjoy your kid free night!
  • I asked my DCP once to babysit at my home in the evening, and she was happy to do it. I'm not sure I'd ask her to keep DD overnight, but I would take her up on it if she offered.

    However, I don't think there is anything wrong with asking! I bet she'll say yes. Enjoy! :)
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • Fuck, I forgot to text her. I'll ask her tomorrow.


  • Ok, what OTC herb can I take to decrease milk production for this hypothetical eve? lol
    I don't know about an herb, but I know Benadryl and Sudafed can decrease production a little bit. Benadryl will make you drowsy though...idk about Sudafed. I'm excited for your hypothetical night alone! I'm also have a night with just me and DH next Saturday (the 6th) and I'm nervous about being away from DS. Also nervous about my boobs exploding.
    Yes, exactly! I am thinking of trying to do something with Cute Dad, but I really don't want to leak all over the place.


  • Ask her. If we didn't have family around--I would ask my DCP. She LOVES Reese--and calls about once a week when Reese wasn't going there to check up on her. 

    The worst they can say is no. 
    My daughter is my hero.
  • Super late to this BUT you better get this scheduled. Get a cheap hand pump! Have fun!!

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                                         DS is 1DAF

    "I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
  • Go for it! Enjoy your night, you deserve it!!


  • Squee! I'm so excited for you, Sleepy!

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