June 2014 Moms

Security blanket or stuff

Does your LO have one? How do you introduce it to your LO? Now that my LO is 12 weeks old and can start to grab on things, I heard it's a good idea to introduce it to them so they have something to hold on to (other than mom and dad). I have a little towel/blanket that I want E to start using but she doesnt seem to care much about it... Like she won't even look at it. Do I need to find something she likes, or does it just take time?

Re: Security blanket or stuff

  • With C she pretty much ignored everything. In a way it made life easier because we never had to worry about remembering to bring it with us. Her first Christmas, so 8 months or so, we gave her a duck puppet from the dollar bin at Target. She made that her lovey and held onto it for about a year. We kept it in her crib, though, so it was only a sleep aide. I didn't notice a huge difference between her having one and not.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • My first also never really got attached to anything until maybe 20m and then he liked a monkey and turtle stuffed animal for maybe 5 months then he didn't really care about them anymore. He also never took a pacifier or sucked his thumb, so i think he just doesn't care about external comfort items
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  • I have a paci w a puppy attached to it DS loves it!!!
  • DD has a stuffed bunny that was given to me at my baby shower.  I didn't really introduce it to her.  It was tied to her crib and then one day she and bunny were an item.  
  • My oldest has a "lovey" that my mom got him when he was born.  I didn't give it to him until probably almost a year old, for whatever reason, and they are inseparable friends now.  :)
  • C has a lovey that he's had since he was an infant.  It's a tiny blanket-like thing with a bear head.  He takes it pretty much everywhere but is not so attached to it that it would be disastrous if we lost it.  We've misplaced it a few times and have pretty easily substituted a different stuffed animal.

    When I was pregnant, we let him pick out a lovey for D.  He brought it to the hospital to give to him.  It's always in the bouncy seat and we help D hold on to it when he's in there.  He doesn't seem all that interested in it at the moment, but I don't remember C clinging to his until he was quite a bit older.

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  • DD has a Tigger that she is really attached to. I once ran 1.5 mi at 30w pregnant looking for it on our walking path to try to find it before bed (found it!). Once we introduced Tigger around 11 mo, she never cried going down for naps or bed. I will try to introduce something to DS earlier for sure.
  • nunzchucksnunzchucks member
    edited August 2014
    @skittler2 Probably 5 mo or before if he starts to be attached to something small. DD's Tigger is about 8 in long and really skinny so I never worried about that suffocation. If mine loved his Wubbanub, I'd use that now probably.
    ETA: DD didn't like to suck on a paci and DS uses his thumb. If either of them were bringing the stuffed animal to their mouths, I wouldn't use it unsupervised.
  • I've heard that you can introduce loveys right away and blankets / stuffed animals once they can completely roll over back to stomach and back again (for safety reasons). I have several loveys that I am starting to give to LO now, but I have a hunch he's gonna be a blanket boy. He loves his muslin swaddle blankets (never tolerated swaddling though!) He loves holding onto those blankets and rubbing them on his cheek!
    Married 9/17/11 BFP 10/5/13 DS Oliver Stephen born 6/11/14 via C-section 8 lbs 9 oz BFP 8/14/15
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