Does your LO have one? How do you introduce it to your LO? Now that my LO is 12 weeks old and can start to grab on things, I heard it's a good idea to introduce it to them so they have something to hold on to (other than mom and dad). I have a little towel/blanket that I want E to start using but she doesnt seem to care much about it... Like she won't even look at it. Do I need to find something she likes, or does it just take time?
Re: Security blanket or stuff
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
When I was pregnant, we let him pick out a lovey for D. He brought it to the hospital to give to him. It's always in the bouncy seat and we help D hold on to it when he's in there. He doesn't seem all that interested in it at the moment, but I don't remember C clinging to his until he was quite a bit older.
ETA: DD didn't like to suck on a paci and DS uses his thumb. If either of them were bringing the stuffed animal to their mouths, I wouldn't use it unsupervised.