I'm a Scorpio, which I suppose means I am sexy and mysterious. *snort*
Me: 38 DH: 40 TTC#1 (and likely only) since 9/13. Saw RE 5/14, SA good, AMH 2.36, FSH 7.2, estradiol 69.6 indicating good egg reserve. Using OPKs. First Letrozole cycle 6/14, a burst cyst and a BFN. Second Letrozole cycle 7/14, BFN.
Update 11/14 - had laparoscopy 10/28, good news is that my uterus and left tube look good, and they were able to drain the cyst on my left ovary. Bad news is that right tube and ovary have endo and scar tissue, so they're pretty useless.. Best news is that we finally have some answers and a path forward. Taking 7.5 mg letrozole CD 2-6 to put that good left ovary through its paces.
UPDATE 2/2015 - We switched to another fertility clinic, but fortunately we don't have to start all over. We're doing two cycles of Clomid plus IUI, if neither of those take, we'll do IVF in April, potentially with ICSI. (DH's SA has gone downhill, likely due to excessive exercise.) IUI#1 2/25/15....
I'm a Cancer. Yes I can be emotional & or crabby at times. But most of the time I'm very stubborn. I'm not sure if the stubbornness is for all Cancers, but in my family those of us who are Cancers are all stubborn
BFP after 4th IUI cycle with Gonal F + Ovidrel on March 2014 | EDD 12/7/14 | MMC on 4/14/14
IUI#5 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger on 6/6 - BFN
On to IVF #1 with a new RE. Started Gonal F and Menopur on 8/15. Added Ganirelix on 8/24. Trigger on 8/26 for ER on 8/28. 8R 7M 3F. Transferred all 3 on 8/31. BFP on 9/11 | EDD 5/20/15 - Beta #1: 56.7. Beta #2: 97. Beta #3: 1148. Beta #4: 3559. Beta #4: 7678. MMC confirmed on 10/13. D&C on 10/14 at 9w. Confirmed male with Trisomy 14.
On to IVF #2 in March. CCS Testing on 2 embies. No go. Waiting to start IVF #3 in July. Surprise BFP on 6/14! EDD - 2/20/16 - Beta #1: 121.4. Beta #2: 236.4. Beta #3: 2014.
Aquarius--Easy going and a free spirit. Definitely got the easy going part right, I don't know about the free spirit though. I'm pretty grounded and responsible, but I do have a tendency to be pretty positive/silver lining most times.
Scorpio here as well. It actually fits me very well sexual, mysterious, jealous and very loyal.
Me: +35 DH: +35
TTC: Since January 2013
DX: PCOS. Severe Endometriosis, Unicornuate Uterus w/only left tube and left ovary, Pedunculated fibroid (on the outside of uterus) and Anovulation. All conditions diagnosed 8/13
TX: Metformin
DH DX: MFI - low morphology, low motility
Ultrasound shows both kidneys in spite of UU.
HSG showed clear tube on the left side.
Lap Surgery performed 1/9/14 to remove fibroid and endo (Stage 3)
IUI# 1 June 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 13: BFN
IUI#2 July 2014 started 100 mg of Clomid - 7dpiui Progesterone: 5.75: BFN
Natural Cycle - so shocked to be in 2WW - 7dpo Progesterone: 15.5: BFN
Working with new RE starting injectables in late August.
@meredithcarole- I TOTALLY pegged you as a Taurus even before you told me! My mother is a Taurus and so is my son, and you act a lot like them. I love having a Taurus for a parent and for a child, though. Even though the stubbornness and materialistic sides can drive me batty, they are super kind and thoughtful.
Re: What's your sign?
My BFP Chart
"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt
TTC#1 since June 2012
Dx: Unexplained Infertility / AMA
BFP after 4th IUI cycle with Gonal F + Ovidrel on March 2014 | EDD 12/7/14 | MMC on 4/14/14
IUI#5 with Gonal F and Ovidrel trigger on 6/6 - BFN
On to IVF #1 with a new RE. Started Gonal F and Menopur on 8/15. Added Ganirelix on 8/24. Trigger on 8/26 for ER on 8/28. 8R 7M 3F. Transferred all 3 on 8/31. BFP on 9/11 | EDD 5/20/15 - Beta #1: 56.7. Beta #2: 97. Beta #3: 1148. Beta #4: 3559. Beta #4: 7678. MMC confirmed on 10/13. D&C on 10/14 at 9w. Confirmed male with Trisomy 14.
On to IVF #2 in March. CCS Testing on 2 embies. No go. Waiting to start IVF #3 in July. Surprise BFP on 6/14! EDD - 2/20/16 - Beta #1: 121.4. Beta #2: 236.4. Beta #3: 2014.
My Ovulation Chart
Me 36 DH 39
BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC 12/29/14
TTCAL Siggy Challenge
My BFP Chart