May 2014 Moms

Not sure what to do!

So last week I posted about our nice transition to the crib. Everything had been going fine and DD was sleeping in her crib with only one motn feeding. Well yesterday little miss mastered rolling from her back to her tummy. I was worried about her doing it in her sleep but figured it was taking her some effort so if she's sleepy, she wouldn't put effort into it. Put her down at her normal bedtime (8:30) and she was good! THEN her motn feeding came by (2:30 am), fed her and when to put her back in crib. She immediately rolled onto her tummy. Flipped her back and waited a few minutes, she fell asleep and I went back to bed...or at least tried. Within ten minutes she was rolling over again. We repeated this process for 20 min until I have up and broke out the RnP :-/

How can I prevent this from happening??? I don't want to go backwards and put her in the RnP but she can't roll from tummy to back yet either.

Re: Not sure what to do!

  • Junebug060609Junebug060609 member
    edited August 2014
    You can't prevent it. Once they can roll back to front it sometimes happens. Can she lift her head up (like to 45-90*) when on her tummy. That's the key thing, being able to move their head should they get into an iffy situation on their belly.

    ETA: looked up the specs on the rnp and it is sitting and not rolling that is the milestone to ditch it on. I removed my comment indicating otherwise

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  • She can lift her head up really well, but after about five minutes or so she gets tired and starts to let her head drop. I'm just glad I didn't give our RnP away like my hubby wanted me too, there would have been no sleep for this momma. Guess we will just have to take it night by night and see what she does.
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  • My problem is that once she lets her head down, she doesn't move it a certain side. She just lets it go straight down the she will start to fuss cause she's face down :-/
  • @kendy20 - my DD did the same thing two nights ago except I woke up at 5am and found her face down in the crib. She was sleeping, but it scared the shit out of me. Last night, I kept the room a little warmer and the ceiling fan on a lower speed and put her in the crib wearing only footed PJs so she would have an easier time flipping back over (to her back) if she did decide to roll over. She was in a sleep sack two nights ago. I checked on her multiple times via monitor and she was on her side, back, and stomach at multiple points during the night. 

    I really don't have any advice, but you're not alone. 

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  • @Jcrewgirl85‌ - I haven't seen her move back to her tummy for her back, seems like I just gotta let her do her thing. We only have an audio monitor so no video. Always something new to worry about lol, I was so excited yesterday when she kept rolling over and getting the hang of it, didn't think about this part of it though. At least all the babes are growing and learning :-)
  • It's a long process but she will get used to sleeping on her belly.

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  • Well I laid her down and she right away rolled over. This time though she did go from tummy to her side after she got too tired I guess. So guess I'll just let her sleep in her crib tonight like pp suggested.
  • We had a fine transition to the crib about a month ago. Well, now DD is rolling back to tummy, so we ditched the swaddle. Every time we put her to sleep, she rolls to her side no matter what. DH tried like all night once to keep her on her back but it didn't work. I called the pediatrician and the nurse just kept saying it is best for them to sleep on their backs. I know but I can't strap her down.

    We've now given up and she's sleeping on her side and waking up quite a bit during the night. Before video monitors, we wouldn't even have know she kept rolling her to her side. GL!
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  • DD was also sleeping a lot on her side until last night when the whole rolling over thing happened. DH doesn't feel comfortable with her sleeping in the crib until she can either roll back over or at least lay with her head to the side while on her tummy. We don't have a video monitor. So back to the RnP for now. I'll just have to put her in her crib for naps.
  • Once they roll there's nothing you can do. Rolling over =\= suffocation. The baby will be fine.
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  • I know you can get this anti roll pillow I've seen ppl use. Personally we use a woombie with rolls sewn into the sides so he can't roll over....bought it even though he doesn't roll over yet (is this ok? He's 15 w) but the size goes up quiet a bit so he should be rolling over when he can still use it

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  • I took ds sleep sack away a few weeks ago as I know there will be the night I go in to get him and he will be on his belly. I didn't want it to be in the way. I know they are tested for it but the arm and neck holes were big and if he tried he could get inside. I found it an odd sizing for a halo that is supposed to be good for this.

    I put him in a footed pj and layer with a sweater or leg warmers if needed.
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