So last week I posted about our nice transition to the crib. Everything had been going fine and DD was sleeping in her crib with only one motn feeding. Well yesterday little miss mastered rolling from her back to her tummy. I was worried about her doing it in her sleep but figured it was taking her some effort so if she's sleepy, she wouldn't put effort into it. Put her down at her normal bedtime (8:30) and she was good! THEN her motn feeding came by (2:30 am), fed her and when to put her back in crib. She immediately rolled onto her tummy. Flipped her back and waited a few minutes, she fell asleep and I went back to bed...or at least tried. Within ten minutes she was rolling over again. We repeated this process for 20 min until I have up and broke out the RnP :-/
How can I prevent this from happening??? I don't want to go backwards and put her in the RnP but she can't roll from tummy to back yet either.
Re: Not sure what to do!
ETA: looked up the specs on the rnp and it is sitting and not rolling that is the milestone to ditch it on. I removed my comment indicating otherwise
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
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~All AL'ers welcome~
I put him in a footed pj and layer with a sweater or leg warmers if needed.