Is anyone else dealing with severe baby acne? I'm thinking DD may even have eczema. She has all these large, rough, red blotches all over her face and upper back. I think it's really bothering her. I can see some flaky skin on her face too. When I burp her over my shoulder, she rubs her face back and forth on the burp cloth like she's itching it. My mom suggested putting nipple cream on her face since lanolin is supposed to help. I'm going to call the pedi tomorrow. I think all this is contributing to her crankiness lately. Here is a pic of it and I think it even looks mild here.
Re: Severe baby acne?
For those of you mentioning cradle cap, my pedi said to wash her head with a little Selsun Blue! It worked great and hasn't come back! Just make sure to only use a tiny bit- I was scared it wouldn't come off easily and rinsed her head for a crazy long time!