June 2013 Moms

Would you job search?

momofcatanmomofcatan member
edited August 2014 in June 2013 Moms
I can't decide if I should be job hunting right now, so I thought I would get some opinions from the J13 girls.

Pros of current job:
  • short commute, 20 mins each way - which is the best I could hope for (downtown would be an hour each way)
  • I really like 90% of the people I work with
  • I enjoy most of the clients I work with
  • Good job security
  • I'm happy

Cons of current job:

  • Pay - the main reason I would look for a different job. Our budget is extremely tight after cutting down as much as we can. Most months nothing goes into savings, but we have a decent chunk of savings from pre-baby, so its not an immediate concern.
  • Almost zero chance to grow into a higher paid role
  • Very little flexibility. I have 2 sick days a year and jerk manager makes sure to dock pay if you are sick for a 3rd day.
  • Jerk manager, but I have a good system where I rarely deal with him. It still sucks working for someone who has zero appreciation for you.
  • I'm in a dying industry. I have good job security for now, but in 5 years that might not be the case.

So, would you look for a new job in this scenario? I get a handful job posts in my inbox each month where I think "I could do that", but I'm not sure if its worth giving up a job where I am mostly happy.

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Re: Would you job search?

  • WasNotWas said:
    Would there be any repercussions to looking or applying? You can be really picky and only go for an opportunity that fits perfectly. I feel like you should always be job searching
    The only repercussion would be my effort and time ;) This is all inspired by the fact that I applied for a job last week and afterwards thought "crap, I'm actually really happy where I am, what would I do if I actually got offered this job". (Probably won't be a problem since so far I have not even gotten an interview).

    My main criteria if I found a different job would be the pay and commute. My dilemma is I would hate to give up a job where I'm happy for something that ends up not being a good fit, and I feel like I won't really know "fit" until I've worked with the people, kwim?

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  • As I have been looking for a new job, I understand where you are coming from.  Currently, I'm at the point where I would probably take anything with benefits and PTO.  I love where I am at and my scheduling, but we can't afford it anymore.  I think you have to go with your gut on this and look if you feel it is something that will help you grow.  Growth, personally and professionally, is really important.
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  • Little late but I would say yes job search. It can't hurt. Especially if the pay isnt what you need it to be. And you never know what's available if you don't look. And regarding the "fitting in", you can always ask when you interview to speak to other people that are in the same dept or that you would work to get additional perspective on the company and they can interview you as well.

    When I hire my product managers and sales reps, I meet with them first and I like them I bring them back for round robin with other people in the company so they can get better understanding of company, culture etc and I get other people's input on the candidate and if they would be good fit.
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