I can't decide if I should be job hunting right now, so I thought I would get some opinions from the J13 girls.
Pros of current job:
- short commute, 20 mins each way - which is the best I could hope for (downtown would be an hour each way)
- I really like 90% of the people I work with
- I enjoy most of the clients I work with
- Good job security
- I'm happy
Cons of current job:
- Pay - the main reason I would look for a different job. Our budget is extremely tight after cutting down as much as we can. Most months nothing goes into savings, but we have a decent chunk of savings from pre-baby, so its not an immediate concern.
- Almost zero chance to grow into a higher paid role
- Very little flexibility. I have 2 sick days a year and jerk manager makes sure to dock pay if you are sick for a 3rd day.
- Jerk manager, but I have a good system where I rarely deal with him. It still sucks working for someone who has zero appreciation for you.
- I'm in a dying industry. I have good job security for now, but in 5 years that might not be the case.
So, would you look for a new job in this scenario? I get a handful job posts in my inbox each month where I think "I could do that", but I'm not sure if its worth giving up a job where I am mostly happy.
Re: Would you job search?
#Bodymber14 #Bodygate #itsMillerTime
Bradley 05-04-11 & Tyler 06-18-13
My main criteria if I found a different job would be the pay and commute. My dilemma is I would hate to give up a job where I'm happy for something that ends up not being a good fit, and I feel like I won't really know "fit" until I've worked with the people, kwim?
When I hire my product managers and sales reps, I meet with them first and I like them I bring them back for round robin with other people in the company so they can get better understanding of company, culture etc and I get other people's input on the candidate and if they would be good fit.