Was afraid of nipple confusion. Pacifiers are awesome.
Didn't have a snap and go for the car seat. I looooove it so much compared to the big travel system stroller and totally wish I had one when DS was little.
Didn't buy inchbug bottle labels earlier. With DS I used to write on the bottle with marker but it always washed off, so I used to hand write out five lables for daycare bottles every day.
BFP#1 10 wk missed mc
BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12 BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14
thought I would have time to cook dinner every night, keep up all the cleaning chores, and do tons of projects around the house on maternity leave. L. O. L.
@Ladiebug710 I'm immediately googling inchbug bottle labels. I was just wondering how I was going to label DD's day care bottles. Thanks for the tip!!!
thought I would have time to cook dinner every night, keep up all the cleaning chores, and do tons of projects around the house on maternity leave. L. O. L.
@Ladiebug710 I'm immediately googling inchbug bottle labels. I was just wondering how I was going to label DD's day care bottles. Thanks for the tip!!!
And last but not least I still can't believe I have a baby! I'm still shocked everyday. You would think after 9 months of pregnancy and over 4 months of caring for her, I'd have accepted it by now.. NOPE.
thought I would take newborn twins camping this summer.
would have the energy to start running at this point after having the girls.
am a mom!!! (ditto @Nikkidoll15) ...an undone hair, formula and spit up wearing, sleep deprived, joyful, little feet kissing, exploding with love mama!
still want to cry with joy every morning that I see their little faces.
thought they would sleep better together...not the case...AT ALL.
Re: I can't believe I...
Never invested in a pumping bra with DD.
Used bottles with FIVE parts each.
Thought my cat actually cared enough to smother the baby while she slept and took crazy measures to prevent this.
Didn't own a microwave (hello sanatizing microwave bags!).
Was afraid of nipple confusion. Pacifiers are awesome.
Didn't have a snap and go for the car seat. I looooove it so much compared to the big travel system stroller and totally wish I had one when DS was little.
Didn't buy inchbug bottle labels earlier. With DS I used to write on the bottle with marker but it always washed off, so I used to hand write out five lables for daycare bottles every day.
BFP#1 10 wk missed mc
BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12 BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14
That I thought it would be easier.
That I bought so many different kinds of bottles!
And last but not least I still can't believe I have a baby! I'm still shocked everyday. You would think after 9 months of pregnancy and over 4 months of caring for her, I'd have accepted it by now.. NOPE.
I can't believe I spent about 300 bucks on different kinds of bottles..
Thought I'd be able to tend my garden.
Finished Game of Thrones, House of Cards and the second season of the Killing while on mat leave.
I can't believe I...
thought I would take newborn twins camping this summer.
would have the energy to start running at this point after having the girls.
am a mom!!! (ditto @Nikkidoll15) ...an undone hair, formula and spit up wearing, sleep deprived, joyful, little feet kissing, exploding with love mama!
still want to cry with joy every morning that I see their little faces.
thought they would sleep better together...not the case...AT ALL.
I can't believe that I thought since baby STTN that I would too. I wake up like 3+ times a night just to check on her! Oh the anxiety.
have a baby of my own! Crazy! And totally awesome.
Thought managing a newborn and the dog all day would be easy. Sometimes the dog is more demanding than the baby!
Thought it would be easy to build up a breast milk stash.
Thought i would have an elaborate dinner ready every day now that I'm a SAHM
Thought i wouldn't miss work. But I'm not ready to go back yet anyway.