Formula Feeding

More energy after quitting BF?

Any moms find that after switching to Formula that they have more energy? My LO has now been only formula during the day for about a week. (He is 8 months old) and I feel like a different person!

Re: More energy after quitting BF?

  • For me, it wasn't so much that I had more energy as that I had more time and less stress. I had VERY low supply and was battling PPD so after I finally gave up on pumping (we also had latch issues) it freed up SO much time and really lowered my stress levels. My PPD started to get better and I had time to get to some of those tasks that seemed to never get done. But, yes, I can see how it would feel like the world had suddenly opened up to a much better place :) Glad to hear the switch has been a positive experience for you!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I felt so much better overall once I quit EPing. Both mentally and energy wise, less stressed and sleeping better because I wasn't up half the night pumping. Glad its been positive for you!
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  • I don't know that I actually had more energy, but once I stopped beating myself up over the BF issues & giving it up, getting rid of the stress & pain I was in from pumping made me a completely different person, and everyone around me noticed. Glad you're feeling good too!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
  • Ya by the end I was finding it stressful because if it wasn't fast enough he would bite me! So I think I was always nervous about that. There was a couple weeks there that I seriously was going to be talking to my doc about PPD because I was so anxious and hating to even play with my LO. So it's just so nice to not feel stressed out! I enjoy the MOTN feed because it's calm and comforting. so I'm glad that one goes well. But that's the only one!
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