I have been on the Getting Pregnant board for a while, but was wondering if I could join you?
A little background:
My husband and I have been married for 7 1/2 years. We tried for 5 years to get pregnant and decided that it was time to move another option to grow our family. We became licensed foster parents in February of 2013. We were placed with a 3 year old girl in May 2013, and we just finalized our adoption of her in August 2014. We are over the moon in love with her and she has fit into our family and extended family so well!! We are dealing with some birth family issues now after the adoption and we are stuck on what to do about it. We are hoping that we make the right decision for the sake of our daughter.
Thanks you for letting me join you!!!
Re: Can I join you?
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
"Even miracles take a little time"