November 2014 Moms

I just want to breathe...

...through my nose!  Is that too much to ask? It's not even allergy related...all hormones.  I know that I shouldn't complain and I KNOW it will be worth it in the end, just a strange symptom I didn't plan on ever dealing with during pregnancy.  Since April I have sounded like I have a cold.  In fact, a lot of customers I talk to on the phone comment on my "cold." 

Has anyone else experienced any weird pregnancy symptoms?? 

Re: I just want to breathe...

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    I'm with you on the congestion. Never even knew that was a pregnancy symptom. I've never really had season allergies, but it certainly feels like I have since early on. I'm constantly sniffling and sneezing.

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

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    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
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    I am there with you.........but mine is allergies.   I have had sinus polyps removed twice in my lifetime,  and I get allergy shots.   My allergy doc took me off Allegra and switched me to Zyrtec.  Zyrtec is not helping me, and I am tired of being stuffy and runny.     Can't wait to take my allegra again.


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    Me 32-DH 38

    Married July 14, 2007  ----- TTC # 1 October 1, 2013
    BFP   March 7, 2014  -----  EDD November 17, 2014 ---- Baby boy born November 16, 2014

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    My ear keeps feeling like it has water in it when I don't. I had it with dd as well. It drives me crazy.
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    Right there with you. Some days are worse than others and today I am laying in bed with a pack of tissues while DH handles the kids' homework. And that's with Claritin already in my system.
    Married 6/16/01
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    Mothers get 1 day off

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    I'm not congested but somewhat related...I have a big booger problem. Boogers for days. It's so annoying.
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    Yup, allergies and colds, and general sinus congestion galore.  I've been living off of claritin, vicks, and ice masks over my sinuses whenever possible.  Also drinking more water to thin out the mucus.  Wow, my poor husband, I just realized how incredibly unattractive that all sounds.  


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    It's been awful. Cannot sleep without a breathe right. And I forgot to buy Kleenex today, so basically, I'm devastated.
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    aa98aa98 member
    Same here.  It's not allergies, just the feeling of my nose being blocked.  Add to that the frequent blocked ears, and you get a loud nasal pregnant woman.  I have gotten used to the nasal congestion, the ear blockage on the other hand is really disturbing as it always seems to occur during get togethers and work functions.
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    Yes! It's horrible! Some days are worse than others. I had it with my daughter too and gave birth with a massive sinus infection...good times! Lol
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    No nose issues, but food/drinks alway leaves a weird taste in my mouth - I'm excited for that to pass!
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    I have been congested nearly the whole pregnancy but I am really allergic to fall ragweed. Unfortunately it is already starting to pop up here so it has been so much worse. I hate taking meds when pregnant but I had to finally break out the zyrtec last week. Still have lots of post nasal drip (sorry if that's tmi) but it is blessedly wonderful to be able to breath through my nose again.
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    I just want to breathe from anywhere...period.

    I take two steps and I'm huffing and puffing!


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    mander82 said:

    I am there with you.........but mine is allergies.   I have had sinus polyps removed twice in my lifetime,  and I get allergy shots.   My allergy doc took me off Allegra and switched me to Zyrtec.  Zyrtec is not helping me, and I am tired of being stuffy and runny.     Can't wait to take my allegra again.


    Yes! I never did shots, but I was on Singulair, Xyzal and Nasonex daily. I suffer from horrible sinus infections, and those are the only ones that keep them at bay.  My doctor took me off all of that, and it's Zyrtec when needed.  I'm pretty sure Zyrtec doesn't work for everyone.  It does help on days when my nose is really runny, but the congestion is always there!
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