November 2014 Moms

Hey Twin Mommas! clicky poll!

runningmama14runningmama14 member
edited August 2014 in November 2014 Moms
This is just for fun. I met a woman this weekend who is 20 weeks along and had just found out the day prior that she was having twins. It just got me thinking about how much that would have rocked my world that far along, then I felt silly because I can't even imagine before ultrasounds were standard practice.

So when do you find out you were having twins? Feel free to share how you think it would have changed your reaction to find out at a different point.

And answer even if your twins aren't this pregnancy!

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Hey Twin Mommas! clicky poll! 98 votes

Dating ultrasound (~10 weeks or prior)
18% 18 votes
NT scan (~12-14 weeks)
0% 0 votes
Anatomy Scan (~20 weeks)
0% 0 votes
3% 3 votes
I'm not having twins, I just wanna see the results.
78% 77 votes

Re: Hey Twin Mommas! clicky poll!

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    Lol! There aren't that many. We'll just have to be patient!

    But seriously, my brain still can't comprehend finding out about twins at 20 weeks. The lady had a Doppler she was using and said she had repeatedly picked up two heart beats. When she asked her doc, she just said that sometimes they echo. So she was kind of suspicious of twins going in.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I can't wait to see the results.  Stuff like this intrigues me!!


     Married:  08.17.2013
    Sweet Angel Baby: 02.01.2014
    Emerson Shay:  10:28:2014
    Two Fur Babies:  Talli Mae and Lexi

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    I voted SS... I know this kind of sounds like BS, but I somehow knew before the first ultrasound. I'm an identical twin and I've been joking with my sister for a good 2 years that I would be the one to have twins (the idea of having kids scared me for a long time). When I got pregnant I just had it in my head that it was twins- enough so that I was silently coaching myself not to be disappointed if that wasn't the case at my first ultrasound. And sure enough the tech showed us 2 little gummy bears at 8 weeks :D My mom didn't find out with me and my sister until she was 7 months- that was her first ultrasound. But she knew something was up because she felt so much bigger than she did with my older sister :)
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    @runningmama14 - I know it is next-to-impossible with all the monitoring I've had and don't really think it would happen, but stories like that make me worry I'm having triplets and they just can't see one. I have no freaking clue what I would do with triplets. They'd outnumber us. Not cool!

    On one of the early ultrasounds, we were talking to the tech about whether they shared the same sac or not (they don't). So we said, in all likelihood, both of our embryos took and neither split, making them more than likely fraternal and not identical twins. She said something like, "Oh, well one still could have split..." and I started to panic. I told her "Oh my god! Please tell me there aren't three in there!" She laughed and said, "No, only two."
    This has secretly been one of my fears this pregnancy. And same thing -- I have no clue what I would do with triplets (plus DS!). I know with all the monitoring they would have caught something by now (I hope!). Just the thought gives me heart palpitations.  :-SS
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    Oh you would know if it was triplets :-) some good friends of ours have triplets-2 boys and a girl- all fraternal. There was no mistaking on her u/s! Then again, if there were IDs in there I could see how that would be easier to miss....

    @KatieOz920‌ --are your twins ID or frat? That would be pretty cool if they were ID since getting spontaneous IDs is kind of like the lottery!
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    Looks my first poll option should have been named "confirmatory/dating"! That's where it's at for most of you! Maybe the fact that all the mommas on here found out so early is why the 20 weeker story surprised me so much!

    Love seeing the answers and replies!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We found out early -- between 5 and 6 weeks -- because I was being monitored due to the hyperemesis.  Twins run in my family and no one in my generation had had them (and my family is one of prolific breeders!) so I fully expected to get them.  We are the last ones to have kids and I kept telling my husband to expect them.  I felt so vindicated when we saw the two babies on the ultrasound!  Ha.  

    I have had several minor freak outs since finding out about having twins mostly because it sounds to daunting to take care of them along with a three year old, but I am mostly excited.  I cannot imagine finding out at 20 weeks.  That would have totally thrown my Type A personality for a loop!
    DS born August 2011
    TWINS are on the way!
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    I found out at 6 weeks 3 days. I had gone in at 4 weeks 3 days knowing nothing except I got a positive pregnancy test but I had Mirena so I needed to get checked out. Doctors office pregnancy test confirmed I was pregnant and HCG blood draw confirmed I had high levels. Ultrasound that day did not show anything yet so they said I must be too early and rescheduled an ultrasound for 2 weeks later. Went in to the next ultrasound to check and make sure everything was ok and viable and 2 babies popped up on the screen instead of 1. I said a few things outloud that I don't think the techs ever expected a pastors wife to say. :)

    Holy cow! Twins on mirena!  I would have made up new cuss words.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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