May 2014 Moms

Rent a Tula?

Has anyone done this?

I am desperate to wear DD. Now that the weather will be getting cooler, I'd love to be able to throw her in a carrier and take walks with the dogs. The stroller just isn't an option where I live, and I need 2 hands for the leashes anyway. I have a Maya wrap. She will tolerate it occasionally, but not reliably enough to brave going out. It's a shame because it's so pretty and I paid good money for it. I don't want to keep wasting money on carriers if she's just going to be that baby who can't be worn. So I was looking into renting a Tula. It's $30 for a 2 week trial +$50 security deposit that will be refunded upon return. Do you think it's worth it? My other option would be to purchase a used Ergo (looking online there are a ton of them for sale in my area between $60-$80) and just re-sell it if she doesn't like that either. I'm so torn! WWYD?
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Re: Rent a Tula?

  • I'd go ergo personally. I'm looking into getting one also as B hates my Sakura Bloom and I'm getting worried about his hips in the bjorn.

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  • Where do you live? I just became a member of my local BWI (babywearing international) chapter. I paid $30 for the year and they have a lending library of all sorts of carriers. I can check out one per month for free (since I'm a member). The volunteers are very educated and super helpful. I would definitely recommend seeing if there is a nearby chapter so you can try before you buy! I haven't tried the Ergo or Tula yet. I'm borrowing a ring sling this month.
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  • Tulas have amazing resale value. I'm eyeing one myself. Get the tula!
  • Or preference in panties @Mapleme ;)
  • I was really eyeing the Tula for DD1 but after doing more research I ended up with an action baby carrier. Seemed like the best option for us. I'd try a local babywearing international lending library or look for boutique baby stores that will let you try on the carriers in the store to at least get an idea of what might work for you before spending money on renting.
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  • Mapleme said:

    Or preference in panties @Mapleme ;)

    Or diapers?

    How could I forget the diapers!?
  • I'd just buy a Tula.  You'll probably be able to resell it for within $30 of full retail anyway if you don't like it, so the trial doesn't seem worth it to me. I've used a Tula and an Ergo.  For a younger baby (less than a year?) I'd say the Tula isn't THAT much better (though it's better).  For an older baby/toddler the Tula is vastly superior. 

    ETA: My perspective is that of someone who has a non-walking two year old, so babywearing a toddler is a reality and probably will be a reality for quite a while yet. If you end up with a 15 month old who is walking well and refuses to be worn I imagine the cost/benefit analysis changes a little bit. No way to know though.
    FWIW my 20 month old (what?!?!) walks great but still loves to be worn in our boba. I have been eying a Tula because I have heard that they make it easier to carry the bigger kids.

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  • Thanks for the responses, ladies. After posting I actually found a seller of a brand new Ergo original for $50. I just met her today and have it now. Haven't tried it yet because we had a pretty traumatic wrap incident this morning (MAJOR meltdown after about 15 minutes). 

    I figure even if she hates the Ergo too, I can still re-sell it myself and get what I paid for it. After this, if we are unsuccessful, I think I'm done with trying to force baby-wearing to happen. Wish me luck!

    @babygiraffe13 that was a great suggestion, but unfortunately there's no chapter in North Jersey, only south. And that chapter doesn't seem very active anyway. 

    @Mapleme I LOL'd at your comment. It's so true, it really is like finding the right pair of jeans (or panties, or diapers!) ;)
    BFP#1 8/3/12~EDD 4/1/13~Natural M/C 9/1/12-9w6d 
    BFP#2 5/30/13~EDD 2/3/14~Confirmed CP 5/31/13
    7/12/13 Hysteroscopy & Lap Lysis of Adhesions
    1st Cycle on Clomid Aug '13: BFP#3 8/24/13~EDD 5/3/14
    Hoping Third Time's a Charm!!- IT'S A GIRL!!!! 

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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    Lilypie - (nUwf)

    All AL-ers welcome in my posts! <3
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