November 2014 Moms

AW: my nerdy maternity tees and costume for Dragon*Con!

mamaluzimamaluzi member
edited August 2014 in November 2014 Moms
Hello ladies! As some of you may remember, I attend a super nerdy convention every year called Dragon*Con ( I'm leaving day after tomorrow for this year's festivities - so excited!!!!
I go with my dad, brother, and hubby dearest. Sometimes we dress was our costume from 2 years ago...yip yip martians from Sesame St, anyone?:


This year we're toning it down...just going as some Sims from the Sims 3 game (to people who aren't familiar, when you're playing the Sims computer game, if you click on a Sim it has a little green diamond this above it to show that you're controlling that Sim character, so I made some headbands for me and DH that have the green diamond attached to'll see it in the below photos). However, I did make some funny maternity tees so I could get into the spirit, and I wanted to share! Enjoy! :)

#1: a reference to the Vanilla Ice song (you know..."ice, ice, do do duhduhduh dum" ;-P)

#2: an HTML code reference...any web developers out there?

#3: self explanatory!

#4: Star Wars fans, unite!

...I think I've covered pretty much every aspect of my geek-dom, don'tchathink? :) Maybe a Dr. Who shirt next time...
October Challenge: How I feel about the 3rd trimester:

Throwback: Hubby and I on our first date (Nov 2007), and then again on our wedding day (Nov 2012)



Re: AW: my nerdy maternity tees and costume for Dragon*Con!

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    I love the Ice Ice shirt!  I looked at it before I read your answer and totally got the reference.  You'll be a walking rebus puzzle!
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    So awesome! I wish I could go to DragonCon!
    Married 6/16/01
    Eeney 7/24/05
    Meeney 3/23/07
    Miney 9/15/10
    Mo 11/4/14 
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    Love! The Yip Yip costumes are awesome! And you are adorable!
    I loved how they came out....only $20 to make both!! They were really hot to wear around Atlanta, though lol :-P And aw! Thanks!!! :\">

    I want shirts #3 and #4!!! Great taste in costumes mama!
    Thanks!!! I stole those ideas from can get them on Amazon if you're interested, which it what I was going to do but they wouldn't ship in time so I made them instead :)
    October Challenge: How I feel about the 3rd trimester:

    Throwback: Hubby and I on our first date (Nov 2007), and then again on our wedding day (Nov 2012)


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    DragonCon!!!! I LOVE it! I used to live in Atlanta, so attending definitely made it easy. Last I went was in '12, and I had a blast. Love the costumes! I'm totally jealous!
    G 12.04 | E 11.06 | D 11.08  | H 12.09 | R 11.14 | Expecting #6 2.16.18.

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    So cute!! Love the tees :)
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    Love the Star Wars shirt!!!!


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