Im 33 weeks and we have no idea what to name our baby girl. Nothing stands out and i am not in love with anything. Did you just LOVE your baby name or did you just like it? I feel like im going to have to settle which i really dont want to do. I read lists of names and DH and i just think "thats nice" or "thats cute" but i have never actually said "Oh i love that one" I am fine with waiting until we meet her and pick a name then but i at least want to go in with a list of 3 or 4 names we really really like. Im afraid that even when i see her ill be stumped as to what to name her.
Our top name is Andie but im just not in LOVE with it yet (I think i can be though). Grace, Olivia and Annie are also ones we like. I also like Lydia, Bailey, Jane and a few others like that.
Also our dog was nameless for over a week. ha! and i think his name fits him perfectly now.
How did you pick?
Re: How do you pick? seriously, I have no idea.
Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.
Picking can be very difficult.
Before we conceived, it was decided between us that the first girl's middle name would be my mom's first name and the first boy's middle name would be FIL's first name. DH got the final say on DD's first name since I picked her middle name. If this baby is a boy, I get final say on his first name.
We had a list of five girl names up until a week before my due date and DH just finally said he loved Olivia more than all of the others. It wasn't my top choice but I love it for her now.
What about Andie do you like? Do you like Andrea (Anne-dree-uh or on-DRAY-uh)? My best friend growing up was Andreana (Anne-dree-Onna).
You might just see your baby and know her name, or you might need more time. Ask the nurses for help, they named my friend's son when she was completely clueless lol
My husband is a red head and im a brunette so i think that is holding me back a little too. Its hard to picture a little girl with red hair or brown.
My mom had a name set for 2 of her 3 kids. My brother, on the other hand, was named after a week. She defaulted to the name of a neighbor for a FN and a shared MN for all the men in our family.
We picked a name about a month before DD was born, and the MN just came to me on a car ride a week or so later.
I didn't find it that hard, and kind of enjoyed the process. I'm also not someone who can look at a wrinkled nb and say a name does or doesn't fit them. Maybe I'm weird *shrug*
I always really liked the name we chose, but it wasn't my absolute favorite of our top three until I saw her and thought it was perfect.
Think of potential nicknames, what it will look like on a resume, all that type of stuff and see if that helps anything stand out. Don't stress, you have time, you don't have to choose before you have your baby.
With our son, we went into it with a list of names we loved. Two years later, we were having our daughter, and I didn't love any names. I went through the whole pregnancy thinking I was going to have to settle. But as soon as she was born, I knew she was Tessa.
Now when we get around to #2 I told DH it was important to me that he picks out a name he really loves if it's a boy. He has a name picked out and it wasn't my top choice but when we talk about future baby I use the name and now it feels right. So basically try out a few names and you'll see what fits, you may be surprised what feels the best.
Curious if you ended up naming her Andie or not?
I like bailey & Jane too.
Others: indie, rue, Alessandra, Juliana, Eliana, Carlene, Theresa, Beatrix, June, Juno, Jayme, Jolene, Johanna, Riley, Mia, Myla, Nicole and Juliet.
I guess it's kind of like wedding dress responses. I didn't have that OMG I LOVE IT moment for either my dress or my baby's name. I had a couple of names I really liked, but nothing definite for sure. When he was born, it took a day of trying out different names and one just kinda sounded better than the others after awhile.