Food Allergy

Introducing milk to your MSPI baby

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Re: Introducing milk to your MSPI baby

  • Sometimes the blood is so small you can't see it. If his stools still look green and mucousy I wouldn't push the introduction. My daughter is 18 months and STILL can not have dairy or soy.
  • Also if my daughter had dairy, even if I had a small amount of creamer in my coffee, she would not sleep well. You will know if your baby isn't acting his normal self
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  • My daughter had allergy testing for a bunch of stuff as she was having many food issues. Her test came back negative for being allergic to milk...but she is intolerant of it. So the allergy testing isn't accurate for intolerances. You should talk to your doc about the wcm and th stools and see if he thinks it is worth introducing... If not maybe rice milk, almond milk or coconut milk would make good supplement! They are different from cows milk and the protein so your little one should be able to have.
  • funchickenfunchicken member
    edited August 2014
    DD2 didn't outgrow her dairy intolerance until she was around two. I think I would hold off if I were you.
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