I was pleased with it! I liked seeing it end with everyone like that, happy and with families and stuff. I don't know, I think it ended better than I expected it would.
I'll be alone in those feelings though if I have to be. it wasn't the worst.
I gave up too @elsa1688. This season was Blargh and that final scene was cheesy. Sookie ends up with a random? Letsbeserious. The best part was Eric in the car. I need that gif in my life. Anyone else think bill was going to become human somehow when Sookie could hear his thoughts? They talked about how he said he was becoming more human and at one point her light looked like a heartbeat. Idk. I am a super over-analyzer.
@stephross88 - I think you're right. I'd rather see that then it end with unhappiness. I was still disappointed with Bill. I didn't actually think he'd die.
I thought it was all lame. I've been a fan since day one, and it got wierd for a couple of seasons, then great again last season, and this season felt like a bust. I felt Iike it climaxed the season that that wierd lady that was actually a horned beast took Tara in and there was a massive orgy. LOL. IMO It's been downhill since then!
@lest12 I was at first until the end when Sookie was pregnant and happy. I knew he had to die and she had to kill him for that to have happened. she needed the closure and to be able to have that whole final moment with him and if he had just let the hep v kill him then they wouldn't have gotten that. I thought the whole time he was going to die during Hoyt and Jessica's wedding (which took up too much of the episode) but I'm glad he got to give her away and do all the stuff he didn't get to do before he was turned with his daughter. more closure and it was sweet.
there were a few things I was annoyed with though. if that final scene was about 5 years later and Jason had three kids with Bridget then they must have started right away which bothers me because I don't see her just all of a sudden tying him down like that and immediately making babies.
and yeah Sookie ended up with a random and that's kind of lame but at the same time the whole series she was with supes so who would she have ended up with that we knew ya know. I just wanted to at least see his face.
but I love that Pam and Eric survived and went on their merry ways being awesome. I was glad they finally came around and acted like themselves and killed the yakuza. they should have done that two episodes ago. and that Pam kept her promise and made Sarah a whore. she deserves that shit.
but yeah. happy endings and rainbows and unicorns. I liked it.
@marcip83 YES! The Maenad season was the last decent season; coincidentally it was also the last season that really followed the books. Though, in the books the maenad was in there for maybe 5 pages?
Again with the who read the books thing? She ends up with a supe in those.
I still have to read the last book, so please don't give anything away. The kid thing irked me. Those kids were too old for a four, even five years later.
Did anyone else notice that Sookie was wearing the Kate Middleton dress? She got pregnant and became fashionable. The dress isn't expensive (I have it in pink), but I'm sure it's nicer than things she usually wears.
I was reading an interview somewhere about the finale and someone mentioned Jason's oldest may have been fae and that how she was so big so quickly. Idk if they thought that much into it b I did not notice she was wearing that dress. I normally pay attention to things like that. In the books Sookie tends to wear clothes from Walmart. And is a size 10.
Re: True blood finale.
Glad that shit is done.
I'll be alone in those feelings though if I have to be. it wasn't the worst.
Anyone else think bill was going to become human somehow when Sookie could hear his thoughts? They talked about how he said he was becoming more human and at one point her light looked like a heartbeat. Idk. I am a super over-analyzer.
@stephross88 - I think you're right. I'd rather see that then it end with unhappiness. I was still disappointed with Bill. I didn't actually think he'd die.
Also, I like happy endings. Sookie had to have a random man for the story to end. It was all wrapped up in a nice little bow.
there were a few things I was annoyed with though. if that final scene was about 5 years later and Jason had three kids with Bridget then they must have started right away which bothers me because I don't see her just all of a sudden tying him down like that and immediately making babies.
and yeah Sookie ended up with a random and that's kind of lame but at the same time the whole series she was with supes so who would she have ended up with that we knew ya know. I just wanted to at least see his face.
but I love that Pam and Eric survived and went on their merry ways being awesome. I was glad they finally came around and acted like themselves and killed the yakuza. they should have done that two episodes ago. and that Pam kept her promise and made Sarah a whore. she deserves that shit.
but yeah. happy endings and rainbows and unicorns. I liked it.
Did anyone else notice that Sookie was wearing the Kate Middleton dress? She got pregnant and became fashionable. The dress isn't expensive (I have it in pink), but I'm sure it's nicer than things she usually wears.
I did not notice she was wearing that dress. I normally pay attention to things like that. In the books Sookie tends to wear clothes from Walmart. And is a size 10.