Single Parents

All the happies...

eg214eg214 member
edited August 2014 in Single Parents
Let's share some good news.

My mom comes on Thursday.

My last day with the bratty kids I nanny for is Thursday. Forever.

Once my student loans come in at the end of next month, I should have enough money to live off of the rest of the case I don't get a job...but I want to...badly. Live tight, but live none the less.

I bought a jogging stroller off one of our local yard sale sites for $40. It looks pretty close to brand new, though it's a few years old. This one retails right now for between $150-$250. All I've wanted to do for MONTHS is run...and I can't because it's hard as hell to run with a regular stroller, can't baby wear and run, and would have to hire a sitter to run. So now, I can start maybe feeling better about myself, get some fresh air, and reclaim my old self. I have absolutely nowhere to store this thing, but I had to get it. 

Emmalynn LOVES the little girl I nanny for's baby dolls. So, I had to get her one today. Like a real, big girl doll. Hair, eyes the whole thing. She loves to touch and feel it. It made me insanely happy to watch her light up and be SO HAPPY playing with that doll.

I'm selling a ton of E's things next week at a consignment sale and I'm done tagging them all. Just need to hang them all. I'll be lucky if I make $50 but whatever. Any little bit counts. Donating is a requirement so if nothing else, all the leftovers will go to other moms in need.

What about y'all?

PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014

Re: All the happies...

  • Im a little over a month away grom graduating! While ds is exhausting lately hes getting cooler and cooler every day.

    Today he clapped for the first time and did this

    Also i get to see bd over the long weekend and i miss him and i am going to rip his clothes off of him.


  • Had a great day at my cousins 4th birthday party with the frozen princesses. Seeing those little girls singing and just staring at them in awe was beautiful. So much hope in their hearts. I can't wait for my little lady to be here.
    A couple items have been purchased from my registry.
    I have the day off from work tomorrow. Oh day!!!
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  • Had a great dinner with my mom and stepdad last night.
    Plan to get a massage, mani and pedi today.
    Hope to send out a slew of resumes and job applications so I can make the life my kids deserve without counting on their dad. Independence here I come (again)!!
  • Bentley and Harley have the EXACT same giraffe thing! I wish I had a picture of her on it on this computer so I could show you!

    We had a long, exhausting weeked! DD, BF and I went to the zoo with my mom and her husband on Saturday, the first hour or two was just like hanging out in a sauna.  Then there was a thunderstorm, and as soon as the lightning stopped, we did the rest of the zoo in the rain.  It was GLORIOUS!  It cooled down so much and DD was having so much fun! And she passed out right before the dolphin show, we were able to keep her asleep until it started.  At first the dolphins scared her, but she warmed up to them pretty quickly.  OMG, I want to go back there soon!

    And then on Sunday, my dad dragged me to his Aunt's 90th birthday party.  I've only met her once before when I was 13 or 14.  Or maybe when I was 17.  But it was 1.5-2hrs away (depending on who is telling the story of the drive...).  It was hotter yesterday than it was at the zoo.  We sat outside and I immediately starting raining sweat.  It was awful.  But, overall, we had a good time. BF passed out in the backseat with his head resting on DD's carseat (I've got a cute pic of that).  I kind of wish we could rewind back to Saturday...
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • DD and I had a great weekend :) Friday she got a haircut and we had Chilis, Saturday we went to an indoor playground and then to grandma and grandpa's house for my mom's birthday, and Sunday we did chores, hung out, then went out and got stuff to make s'mores. She was super well behaved all weekend, I was really proud of her :D

    we also had the house all to ourselves all weekend which was great :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Throwing leaves <3
  • becwheat said:
    Had family/engagement pictures taken yesterday. I think they will be good!

    Everything is pretty much set for the wedding. I am ready to get it done!

    So excited for you! You give me hope :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Throwing leaves <3
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