Ours is coming up in Oct. What should I expect? Is it like the initial where they evaluate in all areas of concern? Are there any evals I should request?
For reference his Dx is PDD-NOS. He's currently in general ed with some accommodations and about 3 hours of pull outs (OT, ST, SpEd/Early Literacy, and Psych/Social Skills). He's repeating Kindergarten because he's a Sept b-day, we lost about 4-6 weeks to a rough transition last year that left him behind, and he's not quite where he needs to be for first in the early literacy skills department.
He's still classified as a preschooler with a disability so I know the classification will change. Is there any reason/benefit to pushing for the ASD category? I'm not sure the point person on the IEP really understands more subtle presentations of ASD (she's asked if he has the autistic component of PDD-NOS) so I don't know if she'll be looking at other categories. There's also two new team members who don't really know my DS and the one member who I felt really got him left at the end of the year. I'm a little nervous.
ET fix title mistake that was bugging me. :-)
Re: Triennial Review
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
DS 09/2008
DS 09/2008