
Hair falling out on IVF break??

So I am definitely prone to stress-related hair fall out, but this is insane. 

My hair is falling out like crazy! Has this happened to anyone after stopping all the hormones? I did 2 fresh cycles and then 2 FET with no breaks in between so I am hoping it's from all the hormones I was taking and then all of the sudden stopping them.

How come the side effects aren't good things? Don't we deserve that? Maybe thicker fuller hair, good moods, increased sex drive, clear skin, and lots of energy. It's the least the universe could do for us!

Re: Hair falling out on IVF break??

  • ky29ky29 member
    Better side effects to all this would be nice!

    I've noticed my hair falling out a lot more lately.  But I haven't done much more than a few low doses of Follistim.  Maybe mine is stress related?  I'm afraid it's going to stop growing back and I'm not going to have any hair left. 

    TTC since March 2012
    DX: MFI (4% motility)

    Cycle 13: Natural cycle w/ HSG test = BFP
    Identical twins! 
    Lost my angel boys at 10.5 weeks

    Cycle 14-16: Natural Cycles = BFN
    Cycle 17: Follistim + Trigger + IUI = BFN
    Cycle 18: Natural Cycle = BFN
    Cycle 19: Follistim + Trigger +IUI#2
    Polyp found: SIS 11/11 - hysteroscopy 11/14
    Cycle 20: Follistim + IUI#2 = BFFN
    Cycle 21: Follistim (adj. dosage) + IUI#3 TI  = BFN
    IUI cancelled due to weather
    Cycle 22: Follistim + IUI#3.1 = BFN

    Cycle 23: treatment break, IVF consult
    Cycle 24 - 26: natural cycle w/ acupuncture + Chinese herbs = BFN
    Cycle 27: Follistim + IUI#4 = BFFN
    Natural Cycles until IVF
    Cycle 30: IVF#1 - Starting with Menopur + Follistim + Ganirelix
    17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 5dt w/ 2 blasts, 5 frosties

    Betas:  #1-156(9dp5dt), #2-1200(13dp5) #3-6112(17dp5)
    Ultrasound #1 10/6: 1 bean!

    My Chart

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I was just freaking out at the amount of hair I found around my shower drain! You're not alone.
    TTC #1 since 2011 · Me (35, PCOS, AMA, abnormal eggs) and DH (47, MFI)
    2012-2013: 3 Clomid cycles, 3 IUIs, all BFNs
    IVF #1 January 2014: 14R/12M/9F 1 transferred, 3 frozen = BFN
    FET #1 March 2014: 1 transferred = BFFN · FET #2 May 2014: 2 transferred = BFFN
    IVF #2 June 2014: 24R/11M/10F 6 PGS tested: 1 normal embryo, 1 with no result
    FET #3 in March 2015: 2 transferred = BFFN
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
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  • tumbleweed123tumbleweed123 member
    edited August 2014
    My doctor says totally normal and that hormone shifts cause temporary hair loss.  It should grow back and loss should slow in three weeks he said.  You're not alone!  

    eta: I'm sure you've had your thyroid checked -- but if not, that would be something to check on with hair loss as well. 
  • LO95LO95 member
    Out of curiosity, did you have anesthesia for egg retrieval? I did not, but a friend who did swears it messed up her hair.

    Me: 27 DH: 27

    October 2013: Endo erosion/ Clear HSG

    March 2014: SA #1/  2%morph, borderline sperm count, decent motility

    June 2014: SA#2/  2% morph, low sperm count, worse motility

    Plan: "Quick Start IVF"/antagonist protocol with Follistim, Ganirelix, Ovidrel and progesterone suppositories (yay)

    High AMH (11) and Low BMI= low doses of everything to prevent OHSS

    July 27, 2014: Started Follistim injections for ten days

    July 31, 2014: U/S= 20 follicles, 8.5 lining, E2 is good, Ganirelix for 4 days starting 8/2

    August 4, 2014: 14 follicles on-track, good lining, Trigger 8/6

    August 9, 2014: 9 ICSIed/ 5 embryos; aiming for a 5dt on 8/13

    August 13, 2014: 5DT of 1 4BA almost-hatching blastocyst (Please hang in, Little Bug!)

    August 14, 2014: We have 3 frosties! Hope they're having fun hanging out together. :)

    August 23, 2014: Beta #1: 144 8/23/14: Beta #2: 374 Beta 8/25/14  Beta #3: 6,600 9/3/14

    September 9, 2014: Ultrasound #1 115 heartbeats per minute

    September 23, 2014: Ultrasound #2 182 heartbeats per minute 

    September 26, 2014: Love my OB's office

    October 10, 2014: Our baby looks like a baby and is moving all over!  

    December 8, 2014: Anatomy scan- It's a girl! 

    "Hope strengthens.  Fear kills."- Karen Marie Moning

    "Heaviness is only temporary; the daylight will soon break in."- needtobreathe

  • @LO95‌ yes for both of my retrievals I was under anesthesia.
  • Ditto to everyone. Hair loss and thinning has gotten so much worse since stinking in first IVF. Plus having Hashimotos. It's a miracle I have any left. Super depressing.


    Pregnancy Ticker

    Me: 40, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, low ovarian reserve

    DH: 42, bi-lateral varicocele (corrected in Dec 2013)

    2008 Married

    2009 Started TTC #1

    2012 Hormone studies/ultrasound, HSG, Clomid

    BFP ended in MC 

    2013 3 rounds of Clomid

    Hormone studies/ultrasound, SIS, polyp and bicornuate uterus removed

    DH varicocelectomy

    2014 Hormone studies/ultrasound, HSG, SIS, removed 2nd polyp

    IVF #1- retrieved 17, 3 mature for 2 day transfer, BFN

    IVF #2- September…our last chance….. retrieved 22, 6 mature blasts, 2 embies transferred, BFP (300 beta) on Oct 1st, Beta #2 675 Oct 3rd, Beta #3 2,484

    EDD Twins 06/09/2015

    1/30/2015 PPROM at 21 weeks, 3 days. Hospital bed rest to let these sweet peas cook. Holding on for 34 weeks!

  • Oh yes, I lost hair in clumps after stopping IVF. Thankfully it slowed down after my hormones leveled out a few weeks later. It was freaky!!

    Me: 32 DH: 35  TTC#1 since March 2012
    Dx: Poor Embryo Quality, Arcuate Uterus, Poor Uterine Blood Flow, Mild Endo, 
           Protein S Deficiency, Sjorgen's Syndrome 

    IUI #1-5: BFN
    Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy: minimal endo, partial septoplasty
    IVF #1: 10R/6M/6F ~ Day 3 ET = BFN
    IVF #2: 14R/9M/5F ~ transfer canceled ~ all embryos arrested at 1-2 cell stage
    IVF #3: 9R/5M/5F ~ 1 frosty!
    IVF #4 (FET #1): BFN

    IVF #5 (DE IVF #1 with Dr. KK protocol): Currently PREGNANT!!!!!!
    Synthroid + Prednisone + Metformin + Baby Aspirin + Supplements Galore = 15+ pills a day
    Lupron + Lovenox + Delestrogen + IVIG + B/W = 2-5 pokes a day
    19R, 17M, 17F - transferred two Grade A blasts 11/16, four frosties!!!
    Beta #1 11/24 (13dpo/8dp5dt) = 367 ~ Beta #2 11/26 (15dpo/10dp5dt) = 709
    Beta #3 11/29 (18dpo/13dp5dt) = 1,997 ~ Beta #4 12/1 (20dpo/15dp5dt) = 3,403


    My Blog: Running and Dreaming for Two ~ All are Welcome!
  • I'm not doing IVF, just have one IUI under my belt so far. But I did notice about 2 months after I started my fertility treatments my hair was shedding BAD! I went to my dermatologist and he said it's most likely from all the fertility treatments and stress. It's gotten so bad that I'm wearing extensions in my hair to make my hair look fuller, and I originally had very thick hair. So sad, but on the upside, I've noticed a lot of little hairs growing back, and less hair is falling out. 
    Me: 37 DH: 37, married since Sept. 2013. "actively" TTC for a total of 13 months (after 7 months of TTC, took a 1 1/2 year hiatus due to work scheduling and wedding planning. Started up again after our wedding in Sept.) First evaluation by an RE November 2013

    OH-tiny polyp found, but RE assured me she doesn't think it's contributing to infertility and doesn't recommend me to remove it because it's so small.
    DH's SA-normal
    Hormones all within normal levels
    Ovarian Reserve-RE says "is great" she's not concerned about my egg quantity (which I was until I saw her and results came back good!) 

    04/2012 50mg Clomid=BFN (prescribed by OBGYN, not monitored)
    06/2012 50mg Clomid=BFN (prescribed by OBGYN, not monitored)
    11/2013 100mg Clomid, with HCG trigger=BFN (prescribed by RE, monitored with US (2 dominant follicles) and baseline bloodwork done)
    01/2014 100mg Clomid, with HCG trigger-(prescribed by RE, monitored with US-1 dominant follicle)=BFN
    06/2014 7.5mg Letrozole, HCG trigger (prescribed by RE, monitored with US-2 dominant follicles), IUI #1 on 7/3/14=BFN
    07/2014 7.5mg Letrozole, benched for IUI#2 this cycle, because I ovulated on my own before my follicular US. Progesterone suppositories=BFN Diagnosed with PCOS this month too. Testosterone levels high at 76. =( 
    08/2014 7.5mg Letrozole, HCG trigger with 19mm follicle. IUI#2 on 8/31 cancelled last minute due to family emergency. 
    09/2014 Taking a 3 month break starting this month. If not pregnant in 3 months, will start up again with medicated cycles and IUIs. Had all my labs and AFC re-evaluated this month also. RE says nothing much has changed since my eval last November, okay for me to take a little break. =) 

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