Good Morning ladies and happy Friday!
How far along are you?
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions?
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything?
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
**I will be out of town until Monday, so it might take me awhile to respond to everyone. I promise I will check in as soon as I can!**
Re: PgAL check in 8/22
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? NT scan next week. We opted out of all testing with the boys except the NT scan since it was non-invasive. We'll be doing the same with this little nugget, but I'm *this* close to canceling it because I really don't know if I can handle more bad news (if it IS bad news).
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? I'm nauseous again, so right now I have no cravings. I've even lost the weight that I originally put on for this pregnancy.
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? I saw the baby in an ultrasound yesterday. One of the few upsides of being high-risk is that I get to see the baby every Thursday from now on. Little baby has arms and was flailing around everywhere and rolling like it was its job. I was in awe that s/he looked like a baby and even though I miss the boys so much, I am so in love with this little one.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Pregnancy acne - anyone have any suggestions?!
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? Monday early ultrasound at 1045
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? sore boobs on and off, nausea on and off, increased appetite and gag reflex. Think symptoms are starting to kick in for real
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? How blessed we are to actually have gotten pregnant;.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? this is going so slowlyyyyy lol
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? I have had betas drawn, which is a first for me, and our first appointment isn't until Sept 15th. The day before my birthday.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? Sore boobs on and off, some nausea and some cramping. I don't like the cramping. I had cramping with Brooke at 6 weeks but this time its earlier and causing me to worry.
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? Just being pregnant and getting a possible second chance to have a living child.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I just want to have my first appointment already and make sure this pregnancy isn't ectopic. I have no reason to think it is but I always worry about everything. I keep telling myself, one day at a time.
Brooke Elizabeth born Feb 17, 2013 grew wings May 9, 2013 @ 11 weeks & 4 days old from SIDS
Any upcoming appointments or milestones? We have an ultrasound next week to check on his growth and make sure that everything is still progressing as they should. Ultrasounds make me so nervous but so grateful at the chance to see our little man again.
Symptoms/cravings: Still lots of sciatic pain and some Braxton Hicks but no particular cravings or aversions. I'll take any symptom or pain.
QOTW: I feel like a broken record when I say this every week but this has been such a miracle pregnancy. After five pregnancy losses I was starting to lose hope that we would ever have our rainbow and now I'm starting to believe that maybe this little guy is our rainbow.
Open Topic: We still have weeks to go and of course with those weeks comes additional fears that it could all be taken away but feeling so grateful that things have been going well so far this pregnancy and so grateful that we never fully gave up hope of trying for our rainbow baby. Miracles can absolutely happen and I believe that now.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? I have my first appointment on Wednesday and have an ultrasound first.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? So tired all the time. I need a nap by about 2 every day, but I don't always get one. I'm not terribly hungry lately. I'm never actually sick, but food is not appealing. Last night I had some terrible round ligament pain. It actually woke me up in he middle of the night. I had that badly with Nathaniel's pregnancy. I hope it's not so bad this time.
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? I'm excited to be pregnant, but it doesn't seem real right now. Hopefully it feels more real after the ultrasound on Wednesday.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? We are planning on telling family tomorrow at DH's birthday dinner. I'm done with it being a secret and we've only known for sure for 2 weeks.
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? My first OB appt. is in 11 days, today I was released from my RE's office!
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? Yes aversion to most food (and most drinks too except water....which is weird for me). My face is breaking out a little bit, that's new! Also sooooo tired, much earlier and moreso than I was with Jack.
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? Actually having morning sickness.... maybe Jack was just an easy going baby or maybe I didn't get sick because he was sick. Regardless I like that this pregnancy is so different than that with Jack it gives me hope for a positive outcome with a healthy baby to take home.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? Tomorrow (8/23) is not only 8 months since Jack's birth but also the day of our FET that gave me him. Ironic that his transfer and birthday were both the 23rd of months. Its bittersweet to think of that and its also a reminder that there are only 4 more months until his 1st birthday. It also makes me think I only have 3 more months with this baby.... I know its silly but cant help where the PGAL mind goes.
NTNP 2009-2012 TTC since 2012:
Jack has handpicked his sibling up there
My blog about IF and loss ... Kate's IF Blog
@ikrystal I think its so cool that you get to see baby every week!
@chickinNH It will get better. You're just shielding your heart from any heartache and that's normal and it's ok. BIG ((HUGS))
How far along are you? 35 weeks 3 days....omg
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? Just the usual - Mon nst , Tues ob
Thurs Nst. At my next appointment I will be scheduling my C-section.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? where should I start? My buttocks, Inner thighs and my girl bits are very achy. I still think I will go into labor before the scheduled c section.
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? The best thing for me is feeling Mia move and getting to know her personality. She's already a little diva.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
I still have so much to do before Mia gets here. I haven't even packed my bag! I haven't washed her clothes. I need to get it together ......
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones?
1st ultrasound on 9/8, 1st OB appointment on 9/24. Also, Wesley's 8 month birthday is on Monday. Our next infant loss support group meeting is on Monday so I'm planning in going to that and I hope it helps me feel okay on that day.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? Extremely tired. Some queasiness but haven't thrown up yet. I feel like I'm just waiting for the other show to drop and the hyperemesis to come back! So far, it hasn't hit.
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything?
It's still so new but the excitement from my husband makes me so happy. He's cautious of course but the way he talks about Wesley and this pregnancy with so much love is amazing.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week?
Agree with @shandorfml2, it feels like time is moving so slowly!
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? Tomorrow morning I have my first pre-natal visit and ultrasound. Excited and nervous all at the same time.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? Sore boobs and intermittent fatigue... but that is about it
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? Just being pregnant, not bleeding and feeling OK.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? I am really happy to see many of us ladies have our rainbows due around the same time so we can all support each other through the process!
@kflynn81 - ((Hugs)) to you!
Do you have any upcoming appointments or milestones? OB apptointment and ultrasound tomorrow afternoon, I can't wait! I'm excited and nervous and am just ready to feel some sort of progress or reassurance.
Any pregnancy symptoms or pregnancy cravings or aversions? The nausea is really starting to get going. And the aversion to any sort of lunch meat or chicken. I just want sweets, which makes meal planning interesting
QOTW: I know PgAL has been rough, especially emotionally, on everyone. But what do you think is the best thing about this pregnancy so far, if there is anything? The excitement of our friends and family, the few we've told at least. We haven't had anyone be anything but happy for us.
Open Topic. What is on your mind this week? time is dragging!
@shandorfml12 and @luckyclover0922 Good luck with your appointments today!
@ikrystal I'm so sorry you're so nervous about the NT scan. Good luck!! That is a nice bonus at least to get to see the little nugget every week.
@chickinNH, my appointment is Tuesday, too. I agree, time has been moving soooo sloooowly!
@luckyclover0922 - so glad your appointment went well! Great news!
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**
The doctor was so nice and understood my nerves, even though technically Lincoln was a "normal" pregnancy. He has me scheduled to come in again in 2 weeks and told me to stop in for an ultrasound any time I need reassurance. Feeling a little bit happier about things
My Blog
BFP# 1 7/7/12 Beautiful DD born still at 36 weeks 5 days on 3/2/13
Diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. Started Metformin July 2013
Please be our rainbow!!
**All AL Welcome**