So, I've got baby #3 on the way. We'll find out in a couple weeks if it's a little girl or a little boy. I've got two boys - Micah and Elijah. Last name is 1 syllable and rhymes with Hall
For a boy:
Judah Carter
Judah Liam
Other MN suggestions welcome.
For a girl:
Talia/Talya Charlize
Talia/Talya Jewel (my paternal grandfather's MN)
I'm torn between the spelling of Talia. I think it looks prettier and will be pronounced properly more often with the "i" rather than the "y" after the L, but I'm not sure. I also think the "y" makes the name bulkier and looks awkward, but that could just be me. The original Hebrew spelling is Talya, and when I look up Talia, I get differing information on origin and meaning. In the long run, does this make a difference?
Thanks for your help ladies!
DS #1 born 8/3/06, DS #2 born 10/2/08
TTC since 8/13 BFP 11/27/13, EDD: 8/3/14
US 12/9 found 2 Gestational Sacs, MC 12/10/13 6w3d
BFP #4 5/15/14, EDD: 1/25/14, HB 6/4/14 Movement 8/13/14
All Welcome
Re: Baby #3 Name Debate
mm 2/17/11 * dd born 4/20/12 * bo 1/3/14 * edd 1/21/ 1/15
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15
Definitely Talia. I like the family connection to Jewel.
I like Judah, and I'm ambivalent about both MNs.
So I'd just go with Talia.