Baby Names

Baby #3 Name Debate

So, I've got baby #3 on the way.  We'll find out in a couple weeks if it's a little girl or a little boy.  I've got two boys - Micah and Elijah.  Last name is 1 syllable and rhymes with Hall

For a boy:

Judah Carter
Judah Liam

Other MN suggestions welcome.

For a girl:

Talia/Talya Charlize
Talia/Talya Jewel (my paternal grandfather's MN)

I'm torn between the spelling of Talia.  I think it looks prettier and will be pronounced properly more often with the "i" rather than the "y" after the L, but I'm not sure.  I also think the "y" makes the name bulkier and looks awkward, but that could just be me.  The original Hebrew spelling is Talya, and when I look up Talia, I get differing information on origin and meaning.  In the long run, does this make a difference?

Thanks for your help ladies!
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Re: Baby #3 Name Debate

  • Talia.

    mm 2/17/11 * dd born 4/20/12 * bo 1/3/14 * edd 1/211/15 


  • Talia Jewel


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


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  • If it's a boy that's a lot of "---ah". Not sure I'm a fan of Judah with your son's names, but I'd say Judah Michael. Talia for a girl.
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    BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15 
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  • Definitely Talia. I like the family connection to Jewel.

    I like Judah, and I'm ambivalent about both MNs.

  •   The original Hebrew spelling is Talya, and when I look up Talia, I get differing information on origin and meaning.  In the long run, does this make a difference?
    To be fair, the original hebrew spelling is טַלְיָה.  The last two letters making the "yah" sound, but that can be tranliterated in any number of ways, as long as the sound is correct.  If you look at the name Dahlia, דּ‏ַ‏לְיָ‏ה,you'll see that in Hebrew the last two letters are the same as in Talia, and that spelling is more accepted than Dahlya.

    So I'd just go with Talia.
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  • On BTN, Talia comes up as a variant of Talya, which is the only spelling that brings up the Hebrew meaning.  I suppose I worded that wrong - my apologies.  I should have said it's the original transcribed Hebrew, whereas Talia is just a variant.
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    BabyFruit Ticker
      DS #1 born 8/3/06, DS #2 born 10/2/08
    TTC since 8/13 BFP 11/27/13, EDD: 8/3/14
    US 12/9 found 2 Gestational Sacs, MC 12/10/13 6w3d
    BFP #4 5/15/14, EDD: 1/25/14, HB 6/4/14 Movement 8/13/14
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  • I like Talia Jewel and Judah Carter.
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