May 2014 Moms

Mama's it going?

alexserica84alexserica84 member
edited August 2014 in May 2014 Moms
Holy cow.  I'm a FTM and this "going back to work" anxiety is no joke.   Today was the third day of school and although I have a great class, I feel absolutely overwhelmed... to say the least.     I'm trying to pump 3 times during the day, but its very difficult due to meetings, short break times, etc...  Our school day runs from 7:10-3:00, so DD is with the nanny for 9 hours by the time I pick her up (I'm leaving as soon as the contract day is up).  I've gone from staring at her all summer, to barely seeing her during the day and I'm so exhausted from the school day I feel like I'm barely "present" for her at night.  I know everyone goes through this, but's much more intense than I imagined.

How are you doing this far with your LO & teaching?  Any words of wisdom on how to pump during the school day?

Re: Mama's it going?

  • I start back with meetings next week and the first day the Tuesday after Labor Day, so no advice here, but I totally feel where you're at. I already had to start emailing my boss to point out that I will not be attending the overnight trip my grade level takes because I won't be able to pump/bf and it seemed to surprise her. Colleagues have pumped at work, but my schedule stacks my planning with lunch, so it's looking like I might really have a tough time spacing things out... Maybe right before the day starts, midday and after school? I guess we will wait and see. And, of course, starting with two days full of meetings definitely presents an interesting pumping challenge. I guess I'll just excuse myself at will? Not really sure how to navigate this. To help us all transition, we are trial running our morning schedule beginning today. Pretty sure I'll be hitting new levels of exhaustion. This working mommy business is no joke!
  • Overwhelmed is right! Trying to get my classroom ready - meetings Monday and Tuesday next week and kiddos start Wednesday. But open house is Monday evening. Yesterday A was in daycare 10-4:30 and the dsy just disappeared between pumping and meeting with principal to figure out pumping schedule and then meeting (principal said to) with the colleague who pumped last year (which actually confirmed that I probably need 30 minutes out of the classroom to pump, though the principal had thought the other teacher's breaks were shorter - its really just that her grade level's schedule fits breaks in easier than mine does) - I will basically have no planning/prep time ad have to pump during specials. And lunch of course. And while the kids have snack and someone else will have to cover the room then. District policy is to be "lactation friendly " but there isn't enough staff to make that real.

    after all that I barely got anything done same as earlier days when A had been there with me. Meeting half day today in another building (presenting a pumping problem) so only a day and a half to finish fixing wreck left from long term sub last may/June and from floor waxing. (Crummy classroom with no closet or built in storage so everything gets moved out and then back in and a bit jumbled in process).

    And A. is refusing bottles at day care though she took them at home the few times we tried. Only drank 3 oz. yesterday. But at least she naps at daycare - there's a better swing than the one I have.

    I'm also terrified I won't be able to pump enough for her - only got 8 ounces yesterday in almost 10 hours between times of nursing her. And so many people have said their supply went down when going back to school/other work.

    So yes - overwhelmed is a good word for it! And the kids haven't even started yet. Though in some ways it will be better when they do since the kids are the good part of teaching. It is going to be tough though! And A finished eating so time to go now!
    Me: 39  DH: 44  together since 2000 married 9/2004 TTC #1 since 2/2012
    BFP #1 6/5/2012  m/c 6/15/2012 about 5w3d   BFP #2 6/?/2013 m/c 7/1/2013 5w 3d
    BFP #3 8/25/2013  EDD 5/7/2014    DD A. born 5/8/2014!!  Love!!!!
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  • Not a teacher, but I'm in court most days so I just can't pump at will either. This will be my fourth day back. I highly recommend a hands free bra. I check emails and type up case notes while pumping so at least I'm still working. Is there something similar you can do so you have more time with LO at home?

    Good luck!

     M14 January Siggy Challenge: Resolution I have no intention of keeping...SHOPPING LESS!

    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
    DD Born @ 40+4

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  • I go back tomorrow, kids next Thursday. I have been pretty anxious about how to make this work. I know previous years I am lucky to have time to go to the bathroom! But luckily I work with a great team and administration so everyone is really understanding that I need to disappear at times to pump. Hoping my supply stays the same. At this point, I am looking forward to getting back into the swing of things so I can stop being anxious!
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  • Yesterday will have been 2 full weeks that I've been back at work, and I guess it's going as well as it can? LO is doing well, no problems with her. I guess I'm handling it okay? I mean, I have random bursts of crying but I'm functioning pretty well while working. I think it helps that I teach high school, so former and current students are constantly coming by and wanting to talk about her and see pictures. It seems to make things a little easier when they care so much. I think it would be a lot harder if I worked somewhere in which the people I'm around were indifferent.

    @jcf2133 I have the same issue as you - prep is 4th hour right before my lunch. I pump during my prep and then immediately after school right before I leave. It actually works out really well for me, especially the pumping right before I pick her up from the babysitter - I can focus completely on her for the rest of they day and not have to worry about pumping again until she's asleep.
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  • I go back September 2nd and not sure how I'm going to pump. I'm very apprehensive about pumping at work. Not too sure how my principal is going to take to me not being where I'm suppose to be for 20-30 min. Luckily I co teach so my other half can cover me. I can def pump on lunch but I don't know my prep schedule. I can't really go more than 4 hours without pumping. I'm scared it's going to screw up my supply. I hate working and having a harder time going back. Plus our test scores went down this year and I know she's going to have everyone's head K-5. It's going to be a stressful one and I teacher kindergarten. Wtf?
  • @caballo718 legally, they have to allow you the time and provide a place to pump. Would you be able to request a certain prep time to make it a bit easier on you?
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  • alexserica84alexserica84 member
    edited August 2014
    @cook251 I hear you about the parts and bottle prep!  It's getting crazy...I was handwashing everything, but I decided to screw it and and do a "top rack" wash cycle in the dishwasher every night. 
  • I took a leave until mid-Oct but am already dreading going back!  Thank goodness I haven't yet because my 15 week old is going through a really rough patch with sleeping!  Also on top of just being sad to leave the little one, I'm going back to chaos! My school was combined with 2 others over the summer.  Sounds like the other 2 counselors from the other schools have chosen what assignments they wanted so i will be left with the crap work since I'm not there to object.  Great!!
  • I go back Sept 2, but only part time in the mornings. I'm actually starting to wean and transition to formula. I will have prep in the mornings before class or after (whichever I choose) but I will have no access to a pumping room, nor does time really allow. To make my life easier and day care's life easy I chose to do formula. Right now I'm only nursing at night and honestly, it's great.
    Teaching and pumping/bfing don't mix well and are not the most accommodating.
  • We are still doing meetings. I'm going to be part-time and it is a new job, so I had to inform everyone I'm pumping! Pumping sucks! I'm hoping to get away with during my travel time between buildings and lunch. I'm a specialist, so I'd miss my entire Spanish class if I have to pump during my teaching time. At least DD is taking bottles now.
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