Holy cow. I'm a FTM and this "going back to work" anxiety is no joke. Today was the third day of school and although I have a great class, I feel absolutely overwhelmed... to say the least. I'm trying to pump 3 times during the day, but its very difficult due to meetings, short break times, etc... Our school day runs from 7:10-3:00, so DD is with the nanny for 9 hours by the time I pick her up (I'm leaving as soon as the contract day is up). I've gone from staring at her all summer, to barely seeing her during the day and I'm so exhausted from the school day I feel like I'm barely "present" for her at night. I know everyone goes through this, but yeah...it's much more intense than I imagined.
How are you doing this far with your LO & teaching? Any words of wisdom on how to pump during the school day?
Re: Mama Teachers...how's it going?
after all that I barely got anything done same as earlier days when A had been there with me. Meeting half day today in another building (presenting a pumping problem) so only a day and a half to finish fixing wreck left from long term sub last may/June and from floor waxing. (Crummy classroom with no closet or built in storage so everything gets moved out and then back in and a bit jumbled in process).
And A. is refusing bottles at day care though she took them at home the few times we tried. Only drank 3 oz. yesterday. But at least she naps at daycare - there's a better swing than the one I have.
I'm also terrified I won't be able to pump enough for her - only got 8 ounces yesterday in almost 10 hours between times of nursing her. And so many people have said their supply went down when going back to school/other work.
So yes - overwhelmed is a good word for it! And the kids haven't even started yet. Though in some ways it will be better when they do since the kids are the good part of teaching. It is going to be tough though! And A finished eating so time to go now!
Good luck!
@jcf2133 I have the same issue as you - prep is 4th hour right before my lunch. I pump during my prep and then immediately after school right before I leave. It actually works out really well for me, especially the pumping right before I pick her up from the babysitter - I can focus completely on her for the rest of they day and not have to worry about pumping again until she's asleep.
Happy Endings
Happy Endings
Teaching and pumping/bfing don't mix well and are not the most accommodating.