Hi, I'm looking for some input or suggestions from other single parents here.
My DD's dad and I have not been together since I was pregnant and after some initial conflicts between us, we have been getting along well. He takes her for a few hours a few days a week and comes to her doctor check ups etc so he is a regular part of her life.
Her first birthday will be coming up in October and her dad approached me recently with the idea of having two completely separate parties for her. One with me and my family/friends, one with him and his family/friends. He doesn't come to my party, I don't come to his.
My fear is that if this becomes the norm it will affect my DD negatively as she gets older, like she'll think we don't love her enough to set aside our differences for a couple of hours to celebrate her or something. Personally, I think we should have one big birthday party, awkward or not.
So to any of the single parents that have the other parent in your child's life, how do you handle birthday parties with the other parent, separate or together?
Re: Separate birthday parties?
What kid wouldn't want 2 bashes?!? Just sayin'