Special Needs


The bus has been worked out with pick up and drop off.

Yesterday, DS was excited and jumping up and down as he saw the bus pull up. He loves the bus. The bus showed at 6:45 am. at our apartment because they were looking for our home and I did not have time to get DS to brush his teeth.

Today, a bit of a struggle to get DS to brush. He wanted to wear a shirt that is a bit small that says "I love turtles." It is the favorite shirt after all. He didn't want to take turtle but wanted to take his blanket bear. I let him for the sake of getting him out of the apartment. I was irritable because I did not sleep good. Bus came at 6:40 am.

I had to cut tv time and pop tarts in the morning to make the busing possible.

I told DH if they want to pick him up at that time the bus driver and bus aide would have to deal with him for a route of more than an hour. He loves the bus so I hope he can withstand all of the driving. I do like the door to door busing.

I am just having a hard time my only baby is in kindergarten and he is growing way too fast for me.

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Re: Brag/Vent

  • Princess_LilyPrincess_Lily member
    edited August 2014
    Aw, love this! He sounds adorable with his love for turtles. You should get him one as a pet!

    Can you get up earlier, to have some personal/me time before the morning rush starts, this way you're not so frazzled?
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  • Aw, love this! He sounds adorable with his love for turtles. You should get him one as a pet! Can you get up earlier, to have some personal/me time before the morning rush starts, this way you're not so frazzled?
    It has crossed my mind. The old daycare we use to go to had turtles in a tank and our current one had a desert turtle that stayed for a couple of days. I think DS has influenced me to love turtles, too. I have to care for his stuffed turtles.

    I could get up at 5:30 am. It does pain me at the sight of 5:30. 6:00 am is okay. I am going to have to change routine efficiently somehow.
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  • Holy crap, that's early for the bus to come!

    DD1 takes the bus, and we have to be out the door by 7:15. She gets up at 6:30. The thing that seems to help the most is to have her get dressed as soon as she gets up. Then she comes downstairs, has breakfast and we pack her backpack and brush hair. If she's doing well on time we read a couple of books, and then I have a alarm set on my phone that goes off 10 minutes before she has to leave. That gives her time for a bathroom trip, teeth brushing, and putting on jacket/shoes.  DD doesn't like to feel rushed, so finding ways to keep her on task really helped because then she had a little downtime.

    One of my friends puts 5 outfits for each kid in 5 big ziplock bags on Sunday, so they're ready for the week.  The kids can pick any bag they want, but they're not allowed to mix and match the bags.

    You'll figure out a system--it'll get easier :)
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