{Me:27, Dx:PCOS, LPD, & rob(14;15)}
{DH:31 all clear, "super sperm"}
Ecstatically married July 30, 2011--TTC since Jan 2013:::Baby #1 due 9/11, Conceived on cycle #5 of Femara + Hcg + IUI
~Love and Light to everyone~
My furbabies--Mr. Bubbles and Miss Kitty 
Re: ~*Plus Size Check-In*~
So how are you all feeling? I know many of us are down to the last 2-3 weeks...any new pregnancy symptoms? What are you doing to get through these last weeks without losing your minds?
How I feel has been running day to day. Some days I feel like total crap - others I feel fine, almost like I did in 2nd tri. I have a lot more hip pressure and cervical pressure/pain than before, and I definitely have to waddle when I walk, almost to the point of straddling. I feel like John Wayne.
DH and I still have some cleaning to do this weekend, but we've finally realized that this weekend is it, because he's "pretty much due" next weekend. Yikes! :-S Can't wait to meet him though!
Hi ladies!
How are you feeling? My vagina feels like it is ripping in half. And I am So. Tired. But other than that pretty good.
New Symptoms? I have had some weird things going on with my eyes. I get these random spots, almost like when you stare into the sun too long. They last for a few hours and are sometimes accompanied with headache but then they go away. I also have been noticing that my feet and toes have been going numb at random times. Other than that no new symptoms.
What are you doing to get through the last few weeks? Trying NOT to obsessively check the calendar, I want to meet my baby but I want him to cook as long as possible. Also DH and I still don't have a name for him so we have been trying to find one.
HEY There mamas!
So how are you all feeling? Feeling meh today. Some days I'm good, others I just want to be done. I want her to cook as long as she needs, but mama's back/hips/pelvic hurts. I want to sleep without having to pee 9387452034 times, and roll over without doing a 7 point turning exercise... wow sorry, didn't mean to get whiney.
I know many of us are down to the last 2-3 weeks...any new pregnancy symptoms? I got the cankles and swollen feet. She dropped last week, so the pelvic pressure, waddle and lightning crotch.
What are you doing to get through these last weeks without losing your minds? My to do list. We don't have much, just a lot of little things. I was freaking out because I had a bunch of BIG stuff to do this summer and those are all done (we got my step kids for 2 weeks, baby shower, etc). Now it's like friend's pool party, last day at the river (labor day), finishing up our registries... WHERE did the time go! But as long as I have things to do, I think I'll be ok. I'm sure at the end I'll be adding the most ridiculous things to keep myself occupied... I guess that's what they call nesting.
FWIW I get these too and have noticed that they come when I'm tired. Monday night, it was so bad that I couldn't see the the TV. I closed my eyes to see if it would help and I fell asleep...at 8pm.
Im jealous that some of you guys are counting down the days and only have a week or 2 left. I have 5 weeks left not due till the end of Sept. Im super excited to meet this little guy and have my first look at him.
Over all Im feeling good. Hes still pretty high up so the acid refulx/regurtiation at night is super bad some nights and over all my upper belly is sore. I think hes dropped abit because I have a lot more hip and pelvis pain the last week or so.
Whats going to get us through the next few weeks? I feel like there is still a lot to do. Our nursery furniture is being delivered today so once thats in we can finish up in there. Ill feel much more settled when that happens.
We have our baby shower on Sunday.
After that Im going to just try and enjoy the last of the time with my husband just the 2 of us before things really change around when our son is born.
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz
Been feeling pretty good until Monday night / Tuesday morning which landed me in L&D I tell ya I wouldn't wish gallstones on my worst enemy. Baby boy is doing great kicking and rolling like a champ and he is a rock star on the monitors so that helps...
Getting through the end of this pregnancy will consist of keeping the gallstones in check and getting the little things done for when LO comes.
How you are all having a great week!
I still have almost four weeks. Almost everything is checked off the list of things to do. This weekend is super busy between SIL's wedding and my birthday, but after that... pretty much nothing going on. I'm hoping to do yard work to pass the time. Hopefully, we get another cool front because right now it's too miserable to go out.
First BPP 1.24.14
EDD 9.26.14
Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz