October 2014 Moms

Travel after LO is born


Re: Travel after LO is born

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    We will likely travel 3 hours home to my in-laws for Thanksgiving, 3 hours home to my parents for Christmas, 8 hours to NC to go house hunting in December, and then traveling to St. Lucia in January for my brothers wedding.  

    Hopefully in there will be time to breathe! But, I am sure if things get too tough, we can just cancel of the stuff.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Family is coming to us this year for the holidays, since we are in Alaska my sisters are using the baby as an excuse to come and visit. DH's parents live close and I have no idea when my parents will get a chance to meet the baby.
    We have to be careful in Dec. with him in the car that's usually when we get some gnarly cold snaps I don't want a frozen baby!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    Me: 26 DH: 29 Married 8/4/2012
    BFP #1 8/20/2013 | EDD 5/4/2014 | MMC 10/2/2013 9w3d | D&C 10/8/2013
    BFP #2 2/8/2014 (kinda) EDD 10/29/2014
     | DS Born 10/8/2014 
    TTCAL 11/2015 BFP #3 5/12/16 | EDD Jan 2017
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    Thanksgiving and Christmas will be at our house (in NYC) for the first time ever because baby#2 will be too small for the plane ride to SF. But once LO is 2 months (mid Jan) we will be going out to SF for 1 month to visit family during my maternity leave!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers image     Lilypie Second Birthday tickers  imageDaisypath Anniversary tickers  image

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    We just decided that we are flying home for Christmas. Home is in Maryland/ Virginia. We live in hawaii. A big trip- one that we were not planning on doing with a newborn and a 21 month old. My brother in law wants us home for his sons baptism- so here we are planning and packing for a trip we were not prepared to take.
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    My parents are 3 hours away do both thanksgiving and Christmas we will be there. We have other contributing factors as to why we are traveling there this year. Plus I don't want to do plane travel so soon after birth to see my husbands family and it's too hectic when we go at the holidays so they will get a seperate trip in the spring.
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    We had planned to stay here through the holidays (DH's mom and sister and her family are here) and his Brother and Dad would visit. My folks were planning to come up when the baby was born and then once again in November and my sister's family were going to plan a trip up in late October or during their holiday break in December - and then I was going to figure a trip in Spring once the worst of the winter weather passed (my family is in the NY City area and I'm in western NY - so about 6 hours away).....BUT, my mom's cancer kind of threw everything out of wack, as now she can't come up when baby is born as she has a chemo treatment the week I'm due. My Dad said he was going to try to see if he can get them both up in-between treatments in late October -but a lot will depend on how my mom is feeling as she shouldn't fly (chemo compromises your immunity and leaves you very susceptibe to the slightest germ) and so they'd have to drive.

    I'm thinking it is unlikely they make it up here and so I'll instead be going down in early to mid- November to spend a week and let my mom and dad and my sister's family all see Lo. I don't love traveling with Lo before 2 months, but I would prefer to drive versus fly and so need to pick a time when the bad snows aren't happening. I'd wait till Thanksgiving but driving around the holidays in the tri-state area is a recipe for turning a 6 hour drive into a 10 hour one - traffic is that bad.

    Lilypie - (urRB)

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    We just bought our first house back in June and DH parents and sisters live in TN now and some of my family lives in FL and we as VA, so we're kinda all over the place. We had planned last year for our wedding to be Nov 7th but with the house and LO on the way we
    decided to still get married but not do a ceremony until next year but most of our families have already taking the time off work to come and since LO is due late Oct we will do an early thanksgiving and no plans for Christmas yet but I don't think we will be traveling, but we will be Skyping family that we won't see for Christmas sometimes that's better than sending them a thank you card with pictures and if anyone is sick and the cold weather!

    Although traveling babies seem to sleep longer than usually so stop frequently to feed and change diapers because the last thing you want to deal with is a cranky baby with diaper rash while on vacation!!
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