Baby Names

In-laws mispronounce her name.......

It's not a surprise to me that they aren't the biggest fans of her unique name. Marigold is not common, I get it.

However, every single time they say her name it's Mary-gold. His mom will even say "it's like MARY'S GOLD!" (she's a bit off her rocker, and she says strange things regularly) I'm absolutely NOT going to correct them, since it's not the biggest deal. The baby is due in less than 2 weeks, so hopefully they'll get it once she arrives. I brought this up to my husband, and he just brushed it off. His parents mispronounce a lot of things, so it doesn't bother him a bit, especially when his mom says it because he knows she's crazy.

I'm irritated by it, so I'm just putting it out there. Maybe they'll just call her by a nickname, and I'll never have to worry about it? OR maybe they'll never figure it out, and she'll correct them when she's older.

Re: In-laws mispronounce her name.......

  • Are they doing it to be rude, or do they really not understand how to say it?

    If it's the latter then, simply keep correcting.  If it's the former, then that's crappy and I would ask your hubs to deal with it.

    BTW-- Marigold is gorgeous!


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  • I feel really petty correcting them, so I don't. Plus, his dad is especially sensitive about us correct him for mispronouncing things. We both have college degrees, and he doesn't, so he feels like we come across as "better than" when we correct him on anything. He historically mispronounces names, like every top baseball player on our MLB team.

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they aren't saying Marigold correctly, but it's getting under my skin these days. I just need to let it go. At least my husband pronounces it properly, right?
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  • maybe just make it a point to say her name at any chance or opportunity and they'll eventually catch on... at some point this may become an issue though and if that happens, it's a conversation that your husband is going to have to bring up. OR is there another relative that you can enlist to help out?
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  • kdr1710 said:

    OR is there another relative that you can enlist to help out?
    This is actually a great suggestion. If this continues after she's born, I will enlist some of the family to help with explaining the pronunciation. It's just ONE little vowel. Shouldn't be that hard. ha.
  • Just wanted to say that I love the name Marigold. I'm so happy that you are using it!


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  • I love the name!  If it bothers you, you should politely correct them.  Also, it might not be a big deal to you, but it might be a big deal to Mary-Gold when she gets older.  My name is Susanne and I HATE when people mispronounce my name.  
  • This wouldn't even bother me. They'll figure it out eventually.

    Dh's grandma won't even say DD's name. I think she's worried we'll be upset if she butchers it

  • Do they have an accent? My IL's have a Midwest country accent going on so instead of pronouncing DS name Everett, they always say Evert. At first they didn't even realize they were doing it until he was around 6 months. And even though they know it's Everett, their accent keeps making it sound like Evert.

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  • I have nothing to add but I adore Marigold.


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  • Let it go.

    My FIL keeps calling me Liz, even though everyone in the family has told him that not only is it not my name, but I really hate being called Liz.  He still calls me Liz.

    Maybe it'll turn into some kind of cute nickname that the grannies call her.  

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  • That's annoying.  How to handle that depends on your relationship with your ILs and how much it bothers you.  I probably wouldn't say anything and hope that as they hear me pronounce my child's name they catch on to the correct pronunciation.  Marigold is a great name!
  • Start calling them by the wrong name...i bet they catch on fast!
  • My DD is Evangeline and my husband's family cannot say it. It is pronounced Ee-van-juh-leen. We get Ee-van-guh-line, Angelica, Angelina, Evelyn. Granted, his family is from Turkey, but they have had three years of practice.

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  • Apparently I'm in the minority because I have never heard it pronounced anything other than Merry-gold. How should it be pronounced?

    Perhaps it's a regional/accent thing?
    Born and raised in NY.  I pronounce it Mah-rah-gold.
    Interesting!  I have never, ever heard it pronounced that way. Born in the Southwest, lived West, Midwest, and Texas. I guess it might be a regional thing. You learn something new every day.
  • I agree with the regional thing.  I would also pronounce it Mah-ruh-gold, but I'm from the East Coast.  I could easily see people here in CA saying Mair-ree-gold, given that they pronounce Mary and Harry as if they were Mair-ee and Hairy.

    We had to throw out Harrison from our name list because DH and I don't pronounce it the same way.
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  • We are all from the same state, but they are from northern CA and I'm from southern. I have never heard it pronounced Mary-gold in either part of the state. It's always been mare-ah-gold. I truly don't believe that they are doing it intentionally.

    Oh well, I'm just going to let it ride. I don't feel that it's being butchered to the point that they need correction, especially if regionally (and internationally) people will be pronouncing it as Mary-gold. I'll just have to get over it, because I love her name and the image it gives me.

    Thanks for all your advice!

  • So pretty!
    They probably won't be the only ones who ever mispronounce it.

    I have this problem. DD is Madelyn (I know there are some who hate this spelling but OH WELL.) When I named her Madelyn (Mada-lynn) I knew there was a chance someone would still mispronounce it but I really thought it would be my country folk family but really there is only ONE person (so far) who says it wrong. DH's aunt calls her Mada-line and I cringe every time. Sometimes I sneakily correct her by saying her name like I'm trying to get her attention. I'm hoping eventually she will get the hint. Lol.
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  • My mother always says "Gillian" instead of Gideon for DS. Recently she has started just calling him "the baby." I'm pretty sure it's just because she hates the name. Eh, her problem.
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  • That sucks, but I am glad you can deal with it. It's a beautiful name. I'm also from Southern California and have never heard anyone say Mary-gold.

    Of course, I also think Erin and Aaron are pronounced the same, so YMMV.

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  • Mare-ih-gold is the only way I've ever heard it. My husband is a NYer and he's never heard of the "mah-ruh-gold" pronunciation. Tomato-tomahto!
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