I am taking 13 weeks total and LO was born on the 11th so I go back mid September (but always work from home Mondays and Fridays.) The daycare we got into is $290 a week for 3 full days from 8am to 6pm.
How about you?
How are your days going at home?
How many are left?
What do you do all day?
Re: Who is still on leave?
For this and the next 14 weeks, I am working part-time from home (15-20 hours, flexible schedule).
That gets me to Thanksgiving. Then I am back in the office full-time.
DH works nights and so we have family time during the day. We usually run errands, exercise together, lounge around. At night, I either relax with LO or we see my family. It has been really nice.
My sister is getting married in September and we just had LO's Christening this weekend, so these things have helped keep us busy.
I have been staying home mostly. Just going to the grocery store or target if i want to get out for a bit. It has been too hot to do walks.
Library story time (0-2 years, when charlie is awake I make him do the hand motions for the songs they sing)
Stores like Target, the mall, etc. Bookstores are great, especially the ones with built in cafes.
Playgrounds. You can sit on a swing with LO on your lap or in a carrier, chat about you see, etc.
Crafts and painting. You would be amazed the stuff C used to come home with in her infant room. You can make lots of cute things with hand and foot prints for each season, Google it.
The requisite tummy time, play mat, bouncy chair.
Dance around the living room to music.
He lies on the bed while we discuss my outfit for the day.
If we had money I'd find an infant Musikgarten class, swimming class, and maybe mommy and me yoga.
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
I have been busy helping my sis with her wedding. Now that it's over (thank you Jesus!) I'm being very selfish with my girls and we're hanging out at home a lot and snuggling. Mostly trying not to think about having to go back haha.
My hubby works PT right now so him and my mom are watching the girls when I work. I am making them send me a crapload of pics and might have them bring them to me during lunch so I can nurse them. Overkill? Maybe!
My job is not flexible but it's and great job and the pay and benefits are great.
We spend a lot of time at Target or at our mall, which has a pretty sweet play place. We also used to spend a lot of time in our backyard but DS1 got stung 6 times like two weeks ago, so he refuses to go out there now.
BFP 10/8/2013
Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019
As for what we do now: I watch a lot of Netflix, putter around the house, go for walks after dinner - nothing too exciting for now.
My older DD starts a MDO in 2 weeks and I am looking forward to getting some one on one time with out new LO
Married to DH 10.29.11
DD born 1.26.13
DS born 6.12.14
#3 due 12.6.16