June 2014 Moms

Who is still on leave?

I am taking 13 weeks total and LO was born on the 11th so I go back mid September (but always work from home Mondays and Fridays.) The daycare we got into is $290 a week for 3 full days from 8am to 6pm.

How about you?
How are your days going at home?
How many are left?
What do you do all day?
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Re: Who is still on leave?

  • I was just on full leave for 9 weeks.

    For this and the next 14 weeks, I am working part-time from home (15-20 hours, flexible schedule).

    That gets me to Thanksgiving. Then I am back in the office full-time.

    DH works nights and so we have family time during the day. We usually run errands, exercise together, lounge around. At night, I either relax with LO or we see my family. It has been really nice.

    My sister is getting married in September and we just had LO's Christening this weekend, so these things have helped keep us busy.


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  • I am taking total of 16 weeks and will return to work on sept 15. LO will go to daycare 5 days a week and she will actually start a week before so she can slowly ease into it (and mommy gets a break). I am going to speak to my boss to see if i can take one day off every week during the first month.

    I have been staying home mostly. Just going to the grocery store or target if i want to get out for a bit. It has been too hot to do walks.
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  • I go back mid Sept as well. I'll return when they're 16 weeks so I have 4 wk 1 day left.

    I have been busy helping my sis with her wedding. Now that it's over (thank you Jesus!) I'm being very selfish with my girls and we're hanging out at home a lot and snuggling. Mostly trying not to think about having to go back haha.

    My hubby works PT right now so him and my mom are watching the girls when I work. I am making them send me a crapload of pics and might have them bring them to me during lunch so I can nurse them. Overkill? Maybe!

    My job is not flexible but it's and great job and the pay and benefits are great.

  • Canadians @BrightEyes112‌ @snuff9861‌ I know I can Google this but I'm lazy... do you get full pay for the year or is some full/partial/job protected leave mix? Is it per birth you get the year off? What happens if you're cray cray and get pregnant again right away?

  • @katekat8721 - DH offered to take the baby to see me on my lunch breaks so I could nurse slash hang out with him. Not crazy!


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  • I'm supposed to go back next week (teacher) but just decided to extend my leave through October 1st.  I've been off since May 16th.  So it'll be about 18 weeks total.   

    We spend a lot of time at Target or at our mall, which has a pretty sweet play place.  We also used to spend a lot of time in our backyard but DS1 got stung 6 times like two weeks ago, so he refuses to go out there now.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

  • I took 12 weeks, which means I go back on Monday ;( I love what I do, but don't miss my supervisors or any of the work drama.  I'm starting to freak out about daycare too, wondering if she'll pay enough attention to him, if he'll forget me, missing milestones, etc.  I wish I could just go back part time, but that's financially stupid for us.  To answer your question, we "talk" to each other while he's in his bouncy seat, he plays on the activity mat, he swings, we go for walks, we go to Target.  I'm going to miss it so much!




  • I go back sept 15..... I miss working but I would love to be a SAHM.
  • On leave until 9/10, until then I've got 2 weekend trips planned and a lot of bumming around town wandering aimlessly/unnecessary shopping
    Married my Sweetie 8/21/04
    BFP 10/8/2013
    Miss Camryn Marie arrived 6/20/2014


  • I go back right after Labor Day (teacher) my husband is also starting a new medical training program and LO starts 5 day a week day care all on the same day! It's going to be insane and sad and stressful. Thankfully my sister-in-law is going to stay with us for a couple of days until we get a routine down.
  • babygabe614babygabe614 member
    edited August 2014
    I go back on Sept 15. I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm so grateful my mom will be watching LO do I don't have that additional worry. I'm gonna miss the hell out of that little munchkin, though. :(

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I go back a week from today. LO will be with my mom and mil for 4 days a week and DH for 1 day a week. My mom will bring LO to see me at work two days a week so I can nurse her instead of 1 pump session. I am also hoping to get setup to work from home one day a week or one day every other week... It's a new position so I'm not wanting to ask for too much too son. I took a total of 9 weeks off.
    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl280\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs22 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 [url=http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=UBB&utm_campaign=tickers][img]http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1991b9.aspx[/img][/url]}
  • I'm the exact same as @snuff9861‌. On leave for a year, but taking advantage of Canada's generous mat leave and going back to school at the start of September. One day a week, plus a couple nights.

    DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
    DD2: October 2016
    DC3: coming May 2019

  • I return to work in 2 weeks. Can't believe how quickly 3 and 1/2 months went by! Thankfully my employer is cool with me working 4-day weeks so my MIL will watch LO for 2 days and he will attend daycare for 2 days. We run errands, do chores and cuddle most days. When the weather is nice we also go for long, lazy walks. As many others have said, I've LOVED this time and am feeling anxious/mommy guilt about returning to work.
  • Going back September 8th. LO is going to daycare full time. Glad to see others doing this as I am so completely nervous about it. I took 12 weeks
  • I'm taking a one-year leave. I plan to return to work in September 2015. Daycare is difficult to find in my area, so I will probably hire a nanny. Both options make me nervous. Hopefully I will be more comfortable with the idea of leaving her with someone when the time comes!
  • Will be going back end of May 2015 (Canadian). However, depending on cash flow and DH's work situation, I may go back 8-12 weeks early and DH would take the remaining weeks available to us as paternity leave.

    As for what we do now: I watch a lot of Netflix, putter around the house, go for walks after dinner - nothing too exciting for now.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
      Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I'll be substitute teaching so I'll start taking jobs at the end of September. DH is still on paternity leave until mid-September. I'm really not looking forward to returning to work...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm also Canadian and have maternity leave until next June. Since we live in a city, we have been on 4 waiting lists for daycare since I was 5 months pregnant! Hoping one of them pans out. Since I'm off for the year I've been trying to get into a routine so I don't get bored or stuck in the house come winter. We go to mommy and me yoga, walks, play dates with friends, visit DH at work, errands, and then the requisite mat time, tummy time, naps and feeding!
  • I'll probably take 16-18 weeks. That puts me back at work in October. Right now, LO and I run errands, nap, talk, and play. We should walk more, but I've been lazy and it's hot. I will miss all this time together.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Special prayers for angels that we never met!
  • I'm on leave until September 15 but I'm talking to my job this week about possibly not coming back until after Thanksgiving. We stay home most of the day, I dance with her, she does mat and tummy time, we cuddle a lot and now that the weather cooled off a little we started taking walks in the park. When we go out is just the usual, Target, TJ Maxx. I also have a cousin who had a baby on May so they come over once a week and we take the babies for walks or go to BRU.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Married 05/15/13 FTM with EDD 06/24/14
  • I am on leave for a total of 22 weeks. Ava was born June 5th, so I will be bath to work the beginning of November.
  • Going back around Sept 2. I will go 2 days per week for 2 weeks, then 3 days for 2 weeks then back ft. My mom and aunt will be splitting days they have her. So far I haven't been away more than 2 hrs (EBFing) so I'm pretty sad/freaked out.
  • I'm going back Sept 25. I was originally scheduled for Sept 2 but my boss graciously offered me more time. This is my second maternity leave with the same company, so that helps! And I really need the extra time become DS is not on a schedule nor is he weaned yet. 4 weeks sounds like a long time (16 weeks total), but I know it will go quick!


  • I'm reluctantly going back on Sep 2nd. I've exhausted all of my paid leave as of yesterday (August 22). I'm probably lucky her daycare center will take her not being discharged from pulmonology yet. I don't want to go back but I can't afford not to financially. :(
    image  image
    Baby GIRL born June 12
  • I don't go back until the beginning of November. I am a school nurse and maternity leave didn't start until the first day of school, all of the summer I got for free. I am glad to get to be home for longer.

    My older DD starts a MDO in 2 weeks and I am looking forward to getting some one on one time with out new LO

    Married to DH 10.29.11

    DD born 1.26.13
    DS born 6.12.14
    #3 due 12.6.16

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