Any suggestions on child care centers for infants in the $1200 per month range?
We are expecting our first child at the end of January and looking for care around May 2015. We are already starting the process but most of the centers we are looking into are super expensive $1400-$1600 per month.
We live in the Peachtree Hills area - so looking around there (Buckhead/Midtown/VaHi)
Any suggestions would be very help and appreciated.
Thanks again,
Re: In-town Atlanta Infant Child Care
(Copy and paste part for the other poster)
Two other good options, both in Va-Hi are Kids Kondo (small, family-run DC) and the YWCA which runs totally under most people's radar I guess b/c they don't advertise. We know a few families that use it and one at the Kids Kondo. Both are several hundred less a month at least I believe. Also, you might check availability at Atlanta First (UMC) which is almost in Downtown on Peachtree. The far pricier options are all of the Bright Horizons (All Saints, GT/Homepark, and Atlantic Station), Primrose at Colony Sq, Goddard, and Peachtree Childtown. All have good curricula but you definitely pay for it. If your LO is only 14 mo old, you probably have a bit more time to think about that and I imagine are mostly focused on safety and fun.