Welcome to the September Sweet Peas Check-In!!! Check-ins will be every Tuesday & Friday. Your check-in leaders are @Justone13 (Tuesday) and @ChristieH917 (Friday).
This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF/IVM or FET with an ER/ET scheduled for September. If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your cycle below. Please include what cycle number this is for you, where you are in the process, when you expect to start stims, and when you're planning on retrieval and transfer. (Also, please update us along the way!)
For those that don't have it yet, here is the link to our new badge...
Large Badge https://oi58.tinypic.com/amb2vl.jpg
Small Badge https://oi62.tinypic.com/2w73hq9.jpg
Okay now that we have all met each other ***WAVING HELLO AGAIN*** Lets get this
party started!! Holy cow we have a ton of ladies in here it really is a
party!! Let me know if we missed anyone or anything needs to be changed.
airidh80 FET #1
HollowBerry FET #1
jwoods2011 IVF #4
meld42 IVF #1
Andy99 IVF #2
BlueJoan IVF #1
Bandy514 IVF #1
ChristieH917 IVF #2
CMH25 IVF #4
CML11 IVF #2
crazygirl7882 IVF #1
CRMhoney FET #3
cwoodward777 FET #1
daydreamer34254 IVF #4
Desertrose27 FET #2
emilee871 IVF #1
emmuffy IVF #1
erbear84 IVF #1
Giants721 IVF #1
gnl42 FET #2
Jeezidunno IVF #1
Justone13 IVF #4 ER Only
Jzyla IVF #2
kittenmittens9 FET #1
kaly75 IVF #2
Kam10 IVF #1
ky29 IVF #1
Lacyj67 FET #3
MSU_Girl1202 FET #1
PurpleDaisy923 IVF #1
Rcvb22 IVF #1
scooteriste IVF #4
siempre595 IVF #1
Sigh202 IVF #4
StacyLH24 FET #1
sweetpotato123 FET #1
Tiffany0614 IVF #2
Turquoisequeen IVF #1
daydreamernyc IVF #1
missmarypoppins IVF #3
Sunny B FET #1
westiemom22 IVF #1
Giants721 erbear84 @Lacy67 @Andy99 @Turquoisequeen @CML11 @CRMhoney
Re: ****September Sweet Peas Check In 8-19-14****
Hello Sweet Peas!
I started Lupron yesterday! I end BC this Thursday! Hopefully AF comes quickly! I am also doing acupuncture this FET! Hopefully this will get my lining nice and thick, as well as sticky! Next week I start more meds, but I have to have a visit from AF!
My TTC Story:
Me: 40,DH: 48, Married 10/07/2011, TTC since 09/2011, 03/2012 Started Clomid, 04/2012 Clomid, 05/2012 Clomid, 06/2012 Went to RE, he found a plum size fibroid in uterus, husband has low sperm count, 06/06/2012 Removed fibroid, 08/2012 Hysteroscopy
IVF #1 October 2012 - Retrieved 8 eggs, 5 fertilized, 10/13/2012 Transferred 3 embryos - 8, 5, and 4 cells, the other 2 eggs did not survive freezing, 10/26/2012 BFP!! Beta: 11, 10/26/12 Beta: 2 = Chemical Pregnancy
IVF #2 - March 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 5 eggs, 4 fertilized, 4 Frosties - 8, 9, 7, and 7 cells all in good condition.
IVF #3 - May 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 2 eggs, 2 fertilized, 2 Frosties - 6 and 8 in good condition.
FET #1 - September 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - both 8 cells - BFN
FET#2 - November 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - BFN
FET#3 - February 2014
*PAIF/SAIF Welcome*
Good luck to everyone, hoping we all have successful cycles.
I am seeing the RE on Thursday to get my meds and really get this show on the road. Not 100% sure of what to expect, but all these threads have somewhat prepared me so thank you very much.
Want to share a quote I read recently:
"Was it you or I who stumbled first? It does not matter. The one of us who finds the strength to get up first, must help the other."
I trust we will be this for each other.
QOTD: Lots of catching up over a couple of drinks!
I started Lupron on Saturday, take my last BCP tomorrow, b/w and u/s Thursday and start minivelle patches Sunday. I am so excited I feel like I'm counting down the days until Christmas!
QOTD- brunch with lots of mimosas.
Hi everyone!
I'm just trucking along on bcp. I've got my salinesonogram schedule next Tuesday and our nurse consult/test for DH on Thursday.
QOTW: Wine.....anything that involves drinking wine
*****Siggy Warning*****
I'm nervous and excited to being this process. I intro'd on the board last night.
QOTW- Wine and hanging out with my girls.
**Signature Warning**
I'm on my 2nd week of BCPs...so estimated to start estrogen on Sept 6th if I get AF on time.
Otherwise, just hanging out!
QOTW: Favorite thing to do with gfs is just go out for a drink and catch up!!
08/2011: Clomid 50mg, IUI --> BFN ,
10/2011: Clomid 100mg, IUI --> BFN
04/13: Clomid, IUI BFP --> MC at 6w1d
05/13: Femara 2.5mg, IUI --> BFN , 08/13: Femara 2.5mg --> BFN
03/14: Femara 5mg, IUI --> 1 follicle @ 27d --> BFP! EDD 12/02/14--> blighted ovum, missed MC 6w6d --> D&C
4/23: D&C...starting over again, with a little part of my heart broken off
7/14: Femara 5mg + brevelle + menopur + IUI --> converted to IVF, ER 7/28 --> ET cancelled due to severe OHSS.
9/20/14: Frozen Embryo Transfer --> BFP--> EDD 6/6/15 --> MC at 5w3d
10/16/14: Frozen Embryo Transfer --> BFN
2/6/15: Frozen Embryo Transfer --> BFP --> MC at 5w4d
3/20/16: PGS-tested Frozen Embryo Transfer --> BFP, Living Child born 12/1/15
6/6/17: Fresh IVF Cycle --> Severe OHSS, 5 PGS-tested embryos frozen
2/23/18: PGS-tested FET --> BFN
3/30/18: Cancelled cycle due to lining 4.2mm
---- Siggy warning ------
Me 34 y/o DH 35 y/o
IVF#1 (ICSI)-- April 2014-- MDL with BCP, 5R, 4 ICSID, 3dt with three embryos, 1 six-day freeze (2BA grade)-- BFN
IVF#2.1 (ICSI)-- August 2014: MDL without BCP-- cancelled
Natural IUI on 11/8 -- BFN
IVF#2.2 (ICSI)--Nov/Dec 2014: MDL without BCP, 5R, 1 ICSID, frozen on day 6 (grade 2BB)
FET #1: transferred two 5 (or 6?)day embryos on January 27. Beta #1 (2/4): 158, Beta #2 (2/6): 391 Beta #3(2/9): 1187 BFP!
First u/s at 5w1d showed one gestational sac and yolk sac. Second u/s at 6w showed heartbeat at 102. Third u/s at 7w heart rate 145. EDD 10/15/2015
Hello Sweet Peas!
Me: 40, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s, low ovarian reserve
DH: 42, bi-lateral varicocele (corrected in Dec 2013)
2008 Married
2009 Started TTC #1
2012 Hormone studies/ultrasound, HSG, Clomid
BFP ended in MC
2013 3 rounds of Clomid
Hormone studies/ultrasound, SIS, polyp and bicornuate uterus removed
DH varicocelectomy
2014 Hormone studies/ultrasound, HSG, SIS, removed 2nd polyp
IVF #1- retrieved 17, 3 mature for 2 day transfer, BFN
IVF #2- September…our last chance….. retrieved 22, 6 mature blasts, 2 embies transferred, BFP (300 beta) on Oct 1st, Beta #2 675 Oct 3rd, Beta #3 2,484
EDD Twins 06/09/2015
1/30/2015 PPROM at 21 weeks, 3 days. Hospital bed rest to let these sweet peas cook. Holding on for 34 weeks!
QOTD. Hm, go out for coffee. Or work on Pinterest projects.
TTC since March 2012
DX: MFI (4% motility)
Cycle 13: Natural cycle w/ HSG test = BFP
Identical twins!
Lost my angel boys at 10.5 weeks
Cycle 14-16: Natural Cycles = BFN
Cycle 17: Follistim + Trigger + IUI = BFN
Cycle 18: Natural Cycle = BFN
Cycle 19: Follistim + Trigger +IUI#2
Polyp found: SIS 11/11 - hysteroscopy 11/14
Cycle 20: Follistim + IUI#2 = BFFN
Cycle 21: Follistim (adj. dosage) + IUI#3 TI = BFN
IUI cancelled due to weather
Cycle 22: Follistim + IUI#3.1 = BFN
Cycle 23: treatment break, IVF consult
Cycle 24 - 26: natural cycle w/ acupuncture + Chinese herbs = BFN
Cycle 27: Follistim + IUI#4 = BFFN
Natural Cycles until IVF
Cycle 30: IVF#1 - Starting with Menopur + Follistim + Ganirelix
17 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 5dt w/ 2 blasts, 5 frosties
Betas: #1-156(9dp5dt), #2-1200(13dp5) #3-6112(17dp5)
Ultrasound #1 10/6: 1 bean!
My Chart
I see many of you get estimated dates. Lucky! I get a vague calendar with ranges and a "we'll see".
I'm happy to see you are my kind of people. I love wine!
Last BCP tomorrow, then waiting for AF to start stims.
Good luck to all!
QOTW: I'm lucky to have some girlfriends who prioritize getting away from family commitments for a weekend or so a year and we just do extreme sports. Whitewater rafting, ziplining, mountain climbing, waterfall rappelling. We don't mess around. Then the rest of the year we lament why we aren't better at Pinterest projects while having dinner and wine.
2013: BFP #1 - M/C 3/13
2015: Dance break = got healthy
7/2016: IVF #5 = BFP!!!
I started Lupron yesterday! I take my last bcp tomorrow, so excited! Ugh, tonight I dropped my 10 iu syringe of Lupron on my floor... I have the 14 day kit, so I'm hoping I don't need to refill an entire kit to make up for the dose I dropped.. I'm such an idiot sometimes.. I wasn't even surprised it happened.
Thinking positive for everyone of the September ladies, there's so many of us!!
Qotw: I love multiple bottles of wine and snacks at someone's house with a few of my friends! Nothing beats the laughter that happens!
I start week 2 of BCP tomorrow. Lupron is scheduled for 8/31.
QOTW: love to just have dinner and catch up!
Me 30/DH 31 Married in June 2003. TTC since 2008. M/c in Nov. 2008. D/x: DOR and MFI 5 cycles of IUI in 2010. IVF #1 in Nov. 2011. ER 11/22. ET 11/25. BFN.
Anyway, I will take my last BCP on Monday. So glad. I hate BCP, they make me very congested for some reason, and that's about the last thing I need.
Is anyone else on estrogen shots? I mentioned to my RE after my last FET that it seemed like everyone else is on patches, but they prescribed IM shots every 3 days for me. She said they found it worked best, but it still seems weird to me.
QOTD: Love wine too! Mostly love hanging out drinking and watching movies.
Me: 34, PCD (defective cilia in fallopian tubes), borderline thyroid
DH: 35, borderline morphology otherwise healthy
Married 7 yrs, TTC 3.5 yrs
7 IUIs in 2013: All BFN
IVF #1 w/ ICSI: 11/07/13 * 14 5 day embryos; 2 transferred * BFN
FET #1: 2/27/14 * 2 transferred * BFP! * U/S #2: No HB * D&E on 4/18/14
FET #2: 9/18/14 * 2 transferred * BFP!
1st beta (11dp5dt): 919 * 2nd beta (13dp5dt): 2097 * 3rd beta (19dt5dt): 13,689
1st U/S: Twins!
Intralipid infusion was done last week and baseline check is tue 26th. Transfer set for sept 11th of two embryos.
Ahhh! Thank you for saying that! Hopefully I can compose myself from here on out:)
**Signature Warning**
QOTD: I this group of girlfriends, they are a lot of fun. They are always coordinating fun get togethers like Canvas and Cocktails ( you drink while the instructed gives you step by step instructions on how to make the painted picture of that day, super fun even for the artistically challenged). Sometimes we go to a jewelry making boutique and make jewelry. Other times it's a bar or wine tasting (if no one is pregnant lol). I love my girls nights!
Me: 34, PCD (defective cilia in fallopian tubes), borderline thyroid
DH: 35, borderline morphology otherwise healthy
Married 7 yrs, TTC 3.5 yrs
7 IUIs in 2013: All BFN
IVF #1 w/ ICSI: 11/07/13 * 14 5 day embryos; 2 transferred * BFN
FET #1: 2/27/14 * 2 transferred * BFP! * U/S #2: No HB * D&E on 4/18/14
FET #2: 9/18/14 * 2 transferred * BFP!
1st beta (11dp5dt): 919 * 2nd beta (13dp5dt): 2097 * 3rd beta (19dt5dt): 13,689
1st U/S: Twins!
I love how big this group is!
Good luck, everyone!