October 2012 Moms

Tuesday Randoms

Re: Tuesday Randoms

  • I am at training again today. The instructor told us this morning we are ending early so she can get to the airport.

    I'm trying to decide if I should pick up E early or have a little me time.
  • I have been waiting for Tuesday random but too lazy to start one.
    @sillygirl85 - take time for yourself - it will feel so nice

    Called Early Steps to start the process of getting DS2 evaluated for services.  I have been trying to pretend he is not speech delayed but I finally found an online screening I liked and it said get him assessed like 100 times so I finally got motivated to do that.  I was debating waiting to his 2 year check up but it takes awhile to go through the process so I thought I might as well get started.

    That is about it - lazy day at work just mopping up odds and ends.  I go on vacation on Thursday and can hardly wait. 


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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  • @wally3 what was the online assessment? I am worried about C's language.

    Me too with E... I was just going to wait until his 2 year check up.
    Logan Jack- 6.1.10 and Emmett Weston- 9.29.12 



  • @wally3 what was the online assessment? I am worried about C's language.
    Me too with E... I was just going to wait until his 2 year check up.
    This is the site I used: https://www.home-speech-home.com/speech-language-screening.html I had to give my email but I was having trouble finding something I thought was a good accurate screening.  The results are a little tricky to read you need to make sure you look at the column for the age and take those suggestions.  My DS had about 8 things for 24 months that said get further evaluation. 

    At this point I'm mostly concerned with his speech - he seems to be doing well in other areas.  He is not really speaking any words yet (he says ba - for bottle(drink), ball, bear, book and da -for duck, dog and ma - for mama or mine).  He signs grunts and points to get his point across.

    I did wait with DS1 til his 2 year check up and it took 3 - 4 months (it was Christmas break as well)  to complete everything and start therapy.  I like going through the free early steps program that is offered here in FL.  I could probably just go through my insurance (with a co-pay) and take him to a speech pathologist but I like the thoroughness and support of early steps and the follow through to continue services if need when 3 and they come through the school system. 


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I also found this site https://www.easterseals.com/mtffc/asq/  - it is for the ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire).  You fill it out then they evaluate it and email you the results.  They ask for a lot of information it is a program run by Easter Seals.  I'm going to give it a try.  The ASQ is the standard in the industry for screening 0-5 year olds and referring them for further evaluation. 


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • I'm attempting to stay awake at work today, but I may be leaving early so I can sleep.  Wesley was up for the day at 2 am today.  I could not get him to go back to sleep so finally at 5 am I gave up and we all got ready for the day.  I told daycare at drop off that he woke up at 2 am and they said they will watch and give him an extra nap if he needs it.  I'm not sure if it is teeth to blame or not this time. I just need my kid to sleep!!!!


  • Also I booked Wesley's 2 year old photo shoot today.  Excited to get that booked so I don't have to worry about it.  I still am in shock that my baby will be two this year. Where have the last two years gone. :)


  • @StefanieM522 I'm jealous of your photo shoot.  I want to get family pictures done for over a year.  My DH said that would be my present for my birthday last year.  Still not done.  I may give up on him and book it and set it up myself.


    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • @Wally3 you should do it! Set up an appointment and then tell your H when it is. I always just make the appointment and then tell my husband when it is and if he wants to be in the picture he can or else it will just be me and Wesley, I do make an effort to schedule the photo shoots on my H's day off, so he can't use work as an excuse. My H has never missed a photo session yet.  I did newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, 12 month, 18 month and soon 2 year sessions, but we only did updated family photos every 6 months. I have them in a collage in my kitchen and it is so incredible to see the changes that he has made. 


  • This baby will not nap. Ever. I don't get it. She sleeps at night like a boss, but will not nap. How does a 5 month old stay awake all day???

    I booked family photos for next month. We'll do some individual pics of the girls for 6 mo/ 2 year, too. I'm stressing because I have no idea what to wear. I'd like these to look ok- our last family pics were, uh, never- but outside of work I have a hard time dressing my post partum belly.
  • I have a stupid busy day today. Took Girl to ILs 20 min away, voted, now chilling at my niece's appointment. Then I take her home, hit a drive thru, meet with a florist for my sister's wedding. Go home and clean like my life depends on it for an hour then go to my tattoo consult. Go back home for another hour of mad cleaning, then go back and get my kid from ILs. Im tired. LOL


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
  • @piffley I have days were I feel like I am failing as an adult! Hugs!

    @scrumpfy I am the same way with pictures, Wesley always looks good and my H looks decent and then I think I look ok until we get the pictures back and I am thinking what the hell am I wearing, and why did I think it looked ok!


  • I'm so mad about the stuff going on in ferguson right now. Why are people destroying that town. How is that honoring mike brown. It's so scary and so close to me. It makes me sick.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Yes Ferguson is not a situation where one fights fire with fire. The people are allowed to be angry. And demonstrate that anger peacefully. The press, both formal and informal is allowed to record this. The violence is occurring with a few individuals. And should be handled by a few policemen. Not an army or a police force on steroids.
    Hey I just met you, and you're my baby. This is your family, we're kind of crazy...Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie - (tl9S)Lilypie - (zrx8)imageimageimage
  • I'm not touching the Ferguson subject.  I have many feels.  I haven't sorted them out yet, so I'm going to keep my mouth firmly shut so as not to stick my foot in it. :(  I think it's safe to say this:  The whole situation freaking sucks.  It's sad that it's gotten to this point - and not just from the "why is the community destroying the town" aspect.  Apparently it's been an ongoing town vs cops scenario for a while now.  Either way, no matter which "side" you're on, it sucks.

    In other news, I have my tattoo consultation in an hour and I'm super excited!!  Not that it's going to do me any good since I don't have $500 to drop on it right now, but still.  At least once I DO have the $500, she'll have my art all ready to go. :D


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
  • Ok, here's my feels.  Cop shouldn't have shot him.  Period.  He was shot in the back, so obviously he was running away.  There was NO reason that cop felt his life was in imminent danger.  No even way he could have thought that.  Cop should be fired and quite frankly, charged with murder. He took a kid's life, and he should have to pay for it, badge or not.  

     Should people be destroying the town?  No.  But peaceful protest isn't gonna cut it here.  The cop went too far, and they are sick of it.  Like I said, apparently this town vs cops feel has been going on there for a while. Cops are NOT responding appropriately.  I have seen quotes from people in the town.  The cops are literally threatening to shoot people in the head for doing perfectly legal things.  That is NOT ok, and needs to be dealt with.  I just don't know what the right answer is.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
  • Oh fvck. I just did something stupid that will haunt me for the rest of the school year. I signed up for room parent for dd's first grade class. What was I thinking? I wasn't able to do anything in her class last year due to a husband that travels and no help to watch the boys. But this year my mom retired so I will have her help... some. But i have no idea how these things work. I wasn't n around to witness it last year. I am terrible with names afraid of computers so getting in touch with people scheduling things will be rough. And I have general anxiety surrounding cold.calling new people. Now I have a classroom of them to get a hold of. I quite honestly feel sick and faint right now.
    Hey I just met you, and you're my baby. This is your family, we're kind of crazy...Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie - (tl9S)Lilypie - (zrx8)imageimageimage
  • I agree that what the police in Ferguson have done is fucked up. And I agree that the people have a right to protest and should until the police are dealt with fairly. But a peaceful protest. Looting and rioting just pisses me off. It just damages the community, not the the police, and accomplishes nothing. It's stupid, and I hate that people hurt their own community.
  • My kid ate a pint of raspberries for supper. I expect a long night in the bathroom.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
  • Um. Ok so she had a pint of raspberries at 5:30, and then 6 turkey meatballs an hour later. Dude.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
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