July 2014 Moms

Fenugreek dosage based on weight?

So this should be a question but I'm already typing so whatev...

All the web searches I've done indicate that taking fenugreek (610mg) 3 pills/3xday (which is more than the label says to take) has been effective almost immediately at increasing milk supply. Well my question, I've been taking anywhere from 12-16 pills per day through the course of the day and I have yet to see a marked increase in my supply. I'm plus size and I'm wondering if that might be the difference. Does anyone out there have better google (or bump) search skills who might be able to find some info regarding fenugreek dosage recommendations varied by moms weight? I'm getting so frustrated! I need to have at least SOMETHING in the freezer by now!

Re: Fenugreek dosage based on weight?

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    The recommendation by one of the leading IBCLC's who wrote the book Making More Milk is starting at 3 pills 3x's per day then increasing to 4 pills 4x's per day until you literally smell like maple syrup.  When you stink like an IHop you have reached max effective dose.  How long have you been taking it?  When are you pumping?  Are you EBF and trying to pump on top to get a stash going?  I know it can seem scary but most IBCLC's you talk to will tell you your freezer stash is for emergencies (spilled a bottle, left your cooler out over night) and not to pull from regularly.  You should feed what you pump the day before.  I had terrible supply issues with my first so I know it's frightening to have nothing in the freezer but if you're feeding and pumping a ton to store then if you think about it you really have over supply which can lead to other issues.
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