How many weeks along are you/ when are you due? 31 weeks, due Oct 18 How are you feeling? pretty good, mostly just tired. The expected aches and pains, but noting too bad. Dealing with the "sort of" GD is the worst part right now. Team blue/green/pink/unknown?
blue And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking?
pretty sure we have settled on Tobias, but not sure about the mn yet. Probably Gabriel.
I feel extremely tired and pretty nauseous now for about 2-3 weeks. I finally puked today so I feel less nauseous but still really tired.
We will be finding out the gender, I'm not patient enough for team green.
No names picked out yet but will most likely start with a J or a K.
DS says if it's a boy he wants to name him Ethan. If it's a girl, he said he has no clue ha!
He also said he hopes it's a girl because there are too many boys in this house, then he proceeds to tell me, "I dunno mom, you might just be a boy maker..." Kids say the funniest things
Due March 2nd, so 12 weeks today I think. Feeling like crap, although it's been better the last few days. Really my only icky symptom is nausea like nonstop all day. That and being way tired. I'm hoping those go away here as I get out of 1st tri, but with Keenan my morning sickness never went away so I'm prepared either way.
We will find out the sex, but it's too early yet. I have an ultrasound on 9/17 (right around 16 weeks, early due to high blood pressure) so we might find out then if we're lucky. We did at that point with Keenan.
We are clueless on boy names. A girl will likely by Sydnee Lynn, although Callie Lynn has an outside shot as well. DH and I decided we aren't even going to worry about boy names until we know what it is, we have that hard a time with boy names.
How many weeks along are you/ when are you due? 13 weeks, due date still has not been entirely set because my stupid ultrasound tech didnt send the dating scan results to the birth center, but EDD is 2/20. How are you feeling? Better, finally! I just got over the 1st tri sickness and tiredness and finally have the energy to keep up with Adeline. My belly also finally popped so I feel better that I look pregnant and not just fat. Team blue/green/pink/unknown? Unknown still, but a friend of mine is an U/S tech and offered for me to come in next Monday so she could tell us the sex and give us a glimpse of the bub. 14 weeks still seems really early to me but she said she has done it many times before and never been wrong!I REALLYfeel like this one is a boy...we'll see. And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking? DH claims that he gets to name this one since I named Adeline. For a boy, he wants Milo (middle name Timothy) but we don't really have any idea for a girl. Last night he threw Cecilia out there which I like!
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
My due date was March 5, but I had an ultrasound yesterday and they said I was 12 weeks, putting me around March 1. My doctor said he will keep March 5 though.
I feel like crap. MS is bad this time, diclectin just takes the edge off. It lasted 14 weeks with Cruz so I'm hoping I only have 2 weeks left.
Trying to be team green. My gut says boy though. I will be totally shocked if it turns out being a girl.
DH wants Marco for a boy, but it's too similar to Matteo. That's as far as we have gotten with boy names. Boy names are hard. For girls I like Cara, he likes Elena (Ellie for short), and we both like Milena (And call her Mila). So many nice girl names.
13w5d - due February 19th. Chinese New Year! I'm hoping that since it's a new moon, baby might come on time.
How are you feeling?
Pretty much like normal. I tell people I'm having an 'I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant' pregnancy. I ride the emotional roller coaster sometimes, but otherwise, nada.
Team blue/green/pink/unknown?
Green for now; we'll find out at the A/S. I convinced DH we NEEDED to know.
And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking?
For a boy - Geoffrey Randle Potato or Robert John Potato. Or maybe something completely different? Nothing is set in stone yet.
For a girl - no idea. We are stumped for girls names. We keep coming back to M names, and I just don't want another M in the family (we call Amanda 'Manda' 90% of the time, and DH's name starts with M).
@WanderingA I love the name Cecelia! Cece for a nickname. It was a name I was considering if Haddy had been a girl
I love the name too. My cousin just had a baby and named her little girl it. My boy name was Carson. We actually hadn't decided between Tyler and Carson till he was born so I figured if we have another boy, our name is already picked. But another of my cousins is pregnant and I just found out they are using that name. Hmmm back to the drawing board. Good thing I'm not pregnant yet. We have lots of time to think about names!
Re: Calling All Pregnants
Baby boy 7.10.13
31 weeks, due Oct 18
How are you feeling?
pretty good, mostly just tired. The expected aches and pains, but noting too bad. Dealing with the "sort of" GD is the worst part right now.
Team blue/green/pink/unknown?
And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking?
Due April 7th
I feel extremely tired and pretty nauseous now for about 2-3 weeks.
I finally puked today so I feel less nauseous but still really tired.
We will be finding out the gender, I'm not patient enough for team green.
No names picked out yet but will most likely start with a J or a K.
DS says if it's a boy he wants to name him Ethan. If it's a girl, he said he has no clue ha!
He also said he hopes it's a girl because there are too many boys in this house, then he proceeds to tell me, "I dunno mom, you might just be a boy maker..."
Kids say the funniest things
We will find out the sex, but it's too early yet. I have an ultrasound on 9/17 (right around 16 weeks, early due to high blood pressure) so we might find out then if we're lucky. We did at that point with Keenan.
We are clueless on boy names. A girl will likely by Sydnee Lynn, although Callie Lynn has an outside shot as well. DH and I decided we aren't even going to worry about boy names until we know what it is, we have that hard a time with boy names.
13 weeks, due date still has not been entirely set because my stupid ultrasound tech didnt send the dating scan results to the birth center, but EDD is 2/20.
How are you feeling?
Better, finally! I just got over the 1st tri sickness and tiredness and finally have the energy to keep up with Adeline. My belly also finally popped so I feel better that I look pregnant and not just fat.
Team blue/green/pink/unknown?
Unknown still, but a friend of mine is an U/S tech and offered for me to come in next Monday so she could tell us the sex and give us a glimpse of the bub. 14 weeks still seems really early to me but she said she has done it many times before and never been wrong! I REALLY feel like this one is a boy...we'll see.
And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking?
DH claims that he gets to name this one since I named Adeline. For a boy, he wants Milo (middle name Timothy) but we don't really have any idea for a girl. Last night he threw Cecilia out there which I like!
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
Monster Truck (It's a GIRL!) is due 19/02/2015!
My boy name was Carson. We actually hadn't decided between Tyler and Carson till he was born so I figured if we have another boy, our name is already picked. But another of my cousins is pregnant and I just found out they are using that name.
Hmmm back to the drawing board. Good thing I'm not pregnant yet. We have lots of time to think about names!
Baby boy 7.10.13
I like both of those, but I like Celine. It's my sisters mn, after my moms hs French teacher
And I bought him this today.
How many weeks along are you/ when are you due? 4 weeks EDD 4-29-15
How are you feeling? Other than fat...which I was before since I never lost the baby weight...I feel great.
Team blue/green/pink/unknown? Totally finding out.
Names are you thinking? If it is a girl...Abigail something. If it is a boy...Gabriel Augustus. DH and I have had names picked out for 10 years now.
How are you feeling?
Team blue/green/pink/unknown?
And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking?