July 2013 Moms

Calling All Pregnants

Can we do a pregnant check in?

How many weeks along are you/ when are you due?

How are you feeling?

Team blue/green/pink/unknown?

And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking?

Baby boy 7.10.13

Re: Calling All Pregnants

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  • haddocky said:
    @dragonmom35 didn't you have MS the other day when you puked so hard it made your eyes black? 

    For all the people who do have MS, I'm so sorry >:D< that stuff sucks! 
    Nope, that was from sausage that had apparently gone bad. No MS here.
  • edited August 2014
    @WanderingA‌ I love the name Cecelia! Cece for a nickname. It was a name I was considering if Haddy had been a girl :)
  • haddocky said:

    @WanderingA‌ I love the name Cecelia! Cece for a nickname. It was a name I was considering if Haddy had been a girl :)

    I love the name too. My cousin just had a baby and named her little girl it.
    My boy name was Carson. We actually hadn't decided between Tyler and Carson till he was born so I figured if we have another boy, our name is already picked. But another of my cousins is pregnant and I just found out they are using that name.
    Hmmm back to the drawing board. Good thing I'm not pregnant yet. We have lots of time to think about names!
  • haddocky said:

    @WanderingA‌ I love the name Cecelia! Cece for a nickname. It was a name I was considering if Haddy had been a girl :)

    I love that name, too! And Cecily.

    Baby boy 7.10.13
  • MRads said:

    haddocky said:

    @WanderingA‌ I love the name Cecelia! Cece for a nickname. It was a name I was considering if Haddy had been a girl :)

    I love that name, too! And Cecily.

    I like both of those, but I like Celine. It's my sisters mn, after my moms hs French teacher
    Married 6/18/11
    BFP #1 10/26/12 DS born 6/30/13
    BFP #2 10/30/13 MC 11/25/13
    BFP #3 1/18/14 DS #2 born 10/7/14
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  • Yay @squirmworms‌ <:-P
    H born 07/02/2013
  • How many weeks along are you/ when are you due?
    I'm 12 weeks, 4 days...due February 28th!

    How are you feeling?
    Like crap today. I have the worst headache and everything except sugary things is making me nauseous.

    Team blue/green/pink/unknown?

    And most importantly, to name obsessed me, what names are you thinking?
    Arrrgggghhhh. I can't say yet :) we are waiting until we know what the sex is!

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