July 2014 Moms

Can we do a 'Bad Mom Monday' ?

edited August 2014 in July 2014 Moms
What rules are you breaking


I love blankets, baby powder, 15 second in the microwave to knock the chill off breastmilk from the fridge, and I shake the fat to mix it in. 

Oh and my 3 year old eats dinner maybe twice a week. I just don't care enough to force it. 

Anyone else?

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Re: Can we do a 'Bad Mom Monday' ?

  • My almost three year old still uses a paci for sleeping and probably will continue for the foreseeable future since he's such a crappy sleeper.

    I haven't pumped or tried offering DD a bottle yet and she's almost 7 weeks old. I'm so unmotivated to pump since I don't *have* to this time. But I do hope to be able to leave her with a sitter at some point so there's really no excuse except for sheer laziness.
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  • I do the microwave thing too (how else do you get the delicious fat mixed in!?)

    I picked at the little white head things on DD's nose. It says you shouldn't, but they went away after I did!

    I always hold her for a solid 15min after she falls asleep (my grandmother tells me this is bad)

    Last night she was awake from 5:30-11:30. Five minutes after I FINALLY got her down, she sharted SO HARD. I assumed she'd start crying once she was done. She never did and I passed out. She was PISSED when she woke up at 2am.
  • What's wrong with baby powder now?

    I let mine have her blanket, she sleeps where she lands (as in, where she falls asleep, I don't throw her or anything), had a pacifier from the beginning, had bottles and BF from a few days old...

    The big one is allowed cereal for dinner sometimes, has dressed herself since she learned how to put clothes on and probably other stuff - she's always had a lot of freedom.

  • What's wrong with baby powder now?

    Your babies can inhale it and it can settle into their lungs. 



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  • Our tv is always on. My 3 year old is generally glued to it. I'm usually too tired to care. She also gets to eat pretty much whatever she'll put in her face. She's been SUPER picky lately, and I'm just so over fighting her. (FWIW, I always try to offer a healthier option first. But I get sick of the whining and give in. Mother of the year, right here).
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  • I'm guilty of the tv always on and leaving a wet diaper on longer then I should. I also sometimes pick my 19month old up by one of her arms because I'm trying to balance a 3 week old in my arms at the same time.
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  • I just dropped macaroni and cheese on DD and I have no problem eating it off of her. And also... Yup, Mac n cheese for breakfast.
  • DS has pop tarts for dinner at least one night a week. This last week he went without dinner twice because he fell asleep around 5pm and I decided to let him sleep.

    I forgot to buckle DS's car seat the other day when leaving the store; it started sprinkling as we walked out the store so I put him I his seat closed the door to out DD in and the groceries before it started pouring then forgot to fasten him. I remembered when he stood up and yanked my seat belt right by the courthouse of course. I stopped and buckled him up while getting pounded by rain and bawling because I forgot to buckle him.

    DS may have eaten food off the floor at a restaurant because he got it in his mouth before I could get it.

    I let a stranger working at a church thrift store watch DD while I finished shopping; she is SMIL's cousin and SMIL was there and the building is as big as my living room.

    I let DS who isn't even 2 yet hold DD so I could eat. DD kept screaming when DH held her, but she likes DS and he managed to get her to sleep within 2 minutes. I was sitting next to them, but wasn't helping like I normally do.
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  • Soon2BMrsNSoon2BMrsN member
    edited August 2014
    I let the five second rule apply when my toddler drops his graham crackers on the driveway. (Just happened!)
  • So this just happened. I was putting up the recliner legs and they got stuck. So leaned back hard to unstick it. My 19month old daughter walked in front of it right when I leaned back and the legs popped up and knocked her over. She laid on then floor stunned for a few seconds before I scooped her up. I feel Awful. So not a newborn bad mommy moment but I think it still counts
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  • I too bumped my baby boys head. It was on the strait railing. He was fine. I on the other hand had a nervous breakdown. I kick my husband out of the bed so lo can sleep in the bed with me on nights where he Is ultra fussy. I sometimes push it in how long pumped milk is out. Oh and most of the time when we're at home he's in his diaper and I'm in my robe. And most of the time the robe isn't closed.
  • My baby is constantly covered in dog hair. I may or may not wipe it off.

    When DH gets up at 4:30, 2 of the dogs always get in bed with me. We've added the baby to that mix, as she fusses about 5 am. She's probably hungry, but cuddling gets her back to sleep.

    This morning, I had to pee really bad, so I left her on our bed (with the 2 dogs and a cat), rather than putting her in her cradle. Luckily both dogs missed her when they followed me out of bed.

  • Sometimes after nursing and DD is still fussy, I shove a paci in her mouth because my nips can't take any more and I need a break.

    I let DD sleep in a wet diaper longer than I should during the night.

    Usually after her second nursing session during the night, I just hold and cuddle her until we wake up in the morning. We both sleep great that way.

    This is a bad mommy moment that happened yesterday and I feel awful.  We went to a picnic yesterday with some friends and I had DD in the Moby wrap.  It was a little cloudy and breezy but sometimes the sun would poke out and just beat down on us.  I was really careful about making sure DD was covered but when we got home, I noticed she had a triangular patch of sunburn on her cheek and nose.  Awesome sauce right here.  I feel so bad.
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  • I pump in the morning so that DH can give LO a big (4-5 oz) bottle before bed so she sleeps longer.

    I have slept through LO crying because I incorporate her screaming into my dreams.



  • I am currently sitting in our back room feeding the baby while my 2 1/2 year old plays in the fenced in back yard. Alone. I can see him, does that make it any better?
  • I am currently sitting in our back room feeding the baby while my 2 1/2 year old plays in the fenced in back yard. Alone. I can see him, does that make it any better?

    I did this with my 2yr old even before the baby was here :) we're teaching them to play independently (is what I tell myself)
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  • cko521 said:

    I have a glass of beer or wine while nursing.

    When LO was tired and refused to close her eyes, I put her in her sling, held her tight, and spun in circles until she couldn't keep her eyes open.

    Last night, we were at a friends BBQ and LO wouldn't nurse, because she was too hot under the cover. I was too nervous to nurse without the cover in front of people, so we drove home, but by the time we got home, she was so overtired/over hungry/ over stimulated, she wouldn't nurse and I couldn't calm her for 2 hours. She cried so much she threw up a bit. I sobbed and told her I was sorry for not nursing her without the cover over and over. Still feeling really guilty about this one.

    Aw, I did this at church. I felt so bad. I vowed to single handedly bring breastfeeding awareness to church next time - screw the blanket.
  • Oh! and I gave up trying to keep the cat out of the PnP. She does what she wants. She can also manoeuvre round/under/through a pet net so there's not a lot I can do about it apart from get it with the handheld vacuum before putting baby in.  
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  • LO has started spitting up after a BM bottle. Instead of changing him and his swaddle I just pat him off with a Burp cloth until his next change.

    If baby sharts right after I change him, typically while he's eat I just leave it until the next change, especially if he falls asleep eating.

    I will hold baby while he sleeps after rocking him in the recliner so that he won't wake and I'll get some sleep too.
  • Kbelle24 said:

    when we got home, I noticed she had a triangular patch of sunburn on her cheek and nose.  Awesome sauce right here.  I feel so bad.


    DD turned 6months in July, Midwest summers are stinking hot. Our car had no ac but was a convertible, so we would drive with the top down. After a couple weeks of doing this I noticed DD's legs were tan but only the front. The back of her legs were still pale
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  • LO sleeps with us. On her side or stomach. She hates all other sleeping options. All I can say is we actually get sleep every night and nursing is so easy.

    Only two diaper changes at night when she wakes up hungry (I'm not waking that baby up for just a diaper change!)

    The baby is always held or worn. She is my first and only, my husbands last and the only grandchild on my side and she's just that stinking cute :) yes, she is and will be so spoiled.

    LO hates having her mouth/face cleaned up after nursing. If she falls asleep I leave her be, crusty milk face and all until she wakes up.

    She has worn the same out fit two days in a row... At least 3 times.

    I'm sure there are more, but I'm more focused on loving this girl to death. Love reading everyone's posts!
  • @kbelle24 - I know exactly how you are feeling!!  We took LO to my nephew's little league game on an overcast day.  We kept him mostly covered with a muslin blanket draped, but when breeze was blowing, we'd uncover him so he could feel it.

    An hour after we got home, he was bright red.  I was horrified.  I called the dr. and the nurse actually said to me - You took your 6 week old out in the sun?!  Yeah, I felt like complete shit.

    Word to the wise - DO NOT put aquaphor on sunburn.  The oily lotion traps the heat against the skin and it actually makes it worse.  :(  Pretty much worst parents ever.

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