Mine sleeps so well in the PNP that I'm still afraid to mess with a sure thing. She's 6 weeks old and our last baby so I'm not in a huge rush. Maybe this month? Maybe later?
She's currently in a PNP in our room and is doing well. I can't even think about moving her yet. I an planning on waiting until she's 6 months, but we will see how things go when I'm back at work when she's 3 months.
Juniper is 3 weeks old and in a PNP next to my side of the bed. I'll probably start transitioning her once she's not taking a feeding in the middle of the night. (She goes from about 10:30 pm to 4 am now, so it won't be long!)
I think I started trying around 6 weeks, but she'd last an hour or so, and I'd take her in the RNP in my room. At 9 weeks, I started her in the crib full nights. She's spent one or two nights in the room with me since. She turned 10 weeks on Friday. I haven't even moved the RNP from the living room to the bedroom in 4-5 nights. :-)
*SIGGY* Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia. 5lb12oz 19" #2 due Christmas 2016.
I started at 1 month. LO hasn't done a full night in the crib but I moved the RNP into the nursery and will put him done in there if he's fussing too much. He was quite noisy and keeping me up at night which was part of the reason for moving him when I did.
The crib is in our room so she's been in there from day 1. It's 2 steps from the bed so night feeds are not an issue. She's also slept in the PnP through the day from day 1 downstairs because it's easier than walking upstairs.
I tried to get her into a groove of knowing it was sleep time rather than sleep place so she has her blanket, pacifier and a cuddle then gets put down when she's almost out. She'll sleep in anything now because she knows that those things mean sleep.
We moved her at 4w. She was so loud in her sleep it was keeping me up at night. We talked it over with the pediatrician at her 1mo appt and he agreed it was fine.
However she was a great sleeper in the RnP, usually 9 or 10pm to 4am. In the crib we're up every 2-3 hours. It's only been a few nights so I'm hoping it gets better. I miss my good sleeper. It's so tempting to let her sleep in the RnP but I'm trying to stick it out.
I'm waiting till 6 months. DH works nights and I have this huge fear that she'll be kidnapped, or someone will break in (her room is first in the hallway). Plus since I'm on my own at night its easier if she's in our room and I dont have to move from my bed.
We are ready to move DD but her crib is upstairs. We are having family come visit in 3 weeks so we will keep her downstairs with us until they go home. I don't want her crying MOTN and have her disturbing them. I am going to try naps up there soon so she will be used to it.
She moved at 2 weeks. She was in a cradle next to our bed and I would have done longer, but she is a noisy baby and I couldn't even sleep when she was sleeping. She doesn't nap as well in the crib for some reason. I'm lucky for 1 nap in the day in the crib, but she's in it all night at least.
We moved him at about 1 month. Our house is smaller and his room is right next to ours. I have to get up and make him a bottle in the MOTN anyway, so i have to get up no matter where he sleeps. We felt he wasn't sleeping well in the bassinet next to our bed. He seems to like his crib.
He's been in his crib since about 5-6 days old. We have a motion sensing pad and audio monitor for the crib(Angelcare), so it makes me feel much better about having him a few rooms away. If we didn't have that, he'd be in the bassinet in our room.
DS crib is in my room, hes been in it since he was about a week (i couldnt do it the first few nights home) but he loves it and sleeps a lot better when hes in there
I'm not planning on moving her until she STTN. I don't want to walk across the house to feed her in the middle of the night. We have her in a PNP in our bedroom right by my side of the bed.
We r probably transitioning in the next couple of weeks. She doesn't sleep all that we'll in the Co-sleeper, and i nurse her in her room at night anyway...she's 4 weeks now, so probably by 6 weeks...
Since we came home from the hospital, he has been in his crib at night. It is in our bedroom. I expected to bed share again like I did with DS1, but dS2 hasn't gotten the hang of side-lying nursing yet, so it is easier for me to put him down in his crib after feedings. During the day he sleeps in a bouncy chair.
She's in the RNP in our room still. I think we will bring her crib in our room next and possibly sidecar it. She's not a clingy baby at all until night time, I usually have to touch her in the RnP right next to me and we fall asleep with my hand on her chest. We were trying the bassinet at first but she hated it. We get much better sleep now
We moved last week from a RnP to the crib for overnights. We have the PnP downstairs and when he started doing a decent nap in the PnP (ie didn't need to be sleeping on a slant or in a swing) we decided it was time.
Eta for mobile users who can't see my siggy - LO was 2.5mo-ish when we moved.
DD already starts the night in her crib. She goes 3-5 hours (usually about 4.5) and then another 2 before I bring her to bed with me. She gets pretty gassy and frustrated around 4am and the best way to deal with it is if she's right next to me.
Re: Crib?
Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia. 5lb12oz 19"
#2 due Christmas 2016.
However she was a great sleeper in the RnP, usually 9 or 10pm to 4am. In the crib we're up every 2-3 hours. It's only been a few nights so I'm hoping it gets better. I miss my good sleeper. It's so tempting to let her sleep in the RnP but I'm trying to stick it out.
Eta for mobile users who can't see my siggy - LO was 2.5mo-ish when we moved.