June 2014 Moms

Best and worst

I'm bored. LO is sleeping on me and DH is snoring on the couch so... What's the best thing your DH or SO does for/ with your baby? What's something that you just cannot stand or gets you riled that he does? Bonus for pics!

Best: when DH changes baby during the MOTN without being asked or makes him smile and play "super baby".

Worst: when he takes naps at random times when I'm the one who is sleep deprived. When he snores and wakes up the whole family. When he reads or listens to podcasts in bed when we get only a few hours to ourselves to cuddle!
First time mommy-to-be
E.D.D. June 1, 2014

Re: Best and worst

  • Best: almost everything, DH is an amazing dad and LO has made us closer to each other. We do more together now that we have him and I love that.

    Worst: the man can't measure the bottles correctly, don't tell me it has 100ml in it when it really has 140ml. I am an EPer so the numbers matter to me dammit! Maybe I shouldn't be so neurotic about it though.
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  • Best: It's so sweet when he bathes LO and sings to her. I let that be their alone time so it's their special moment.

    Worst: When he tells me he is exhausted when I was the one who fed, changed and put her back in bed in the middle of the night. Oh and like a lot of people said before... His "pooping schedule"
  • Best: the way he takes care of everything to keep our household functioning so I can focus 100% on our LO without feeling guilty about the dishes piling up.

    Worst: if she falls asleep in his arms, he'll very often move her to the swing, saying he doesn't need her sleeping on him. And, of course, half the time it was his body heat that put her to sleep, so she wakes up as soon as it's gone.

    DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
    DD2: October 2016
    DC3: coming May 2019

  • @CAMag‌ - hahaha good idea! The image in my head though, so funny.
  • Best - DH is an awesome father! He changes diapers, plays with her a ton and it is so sweet to watch him show her the world. Yesterday evening while I was doing dishes she was fussy so he slow danced with her in the kitchen while singing to her, it melted my heart and she calmed right down! 

    Worst - Nothing really. I know there are things he does that frustrate me occasionally, but nothing is coming to mind. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Best: He takes LO so I can get some me time and offers to bring me drinks and snacks when I'm feeding. He does try to get LO to bed. He offers to do feedings.

    Worst: He can't do anything while holding LO. His idea of watching the baby is laying him across his lap pushing the paci in his mouth while he plays games. He won't learn to use swaddles so he just won't do it. He doesn't get why we change LO in and out of pajamas (He tried to take him to church yesterday in a sleeper gown because "Why does it matter") and routines are still out of his grasp.
    BFP: July 2013 M/C August 5, 2013
    BFP: October 22, 2013 EDD: June 21, 2014
    Baby boy arrived June 23, 2014

    BFP: February 2016 EDD: October 17, 2016
  • Best: so much. We really have this whole thing down when we're together and when people ask "can we help" we usually say no since we have it. Except for BFing/pumping/cutting nails lol, he does just as much for the girls as I do. He does all the cute little new daddy things that makes my heart melt. He's just awesome.

    Worst: eh not much. If I had to look for something it's that he doesn't get why babies can't just be rocking a diaper alone all the time. He hates putting outfits on the girls because it stresses him out that he's hurting them.

  • Best: he's taking on being the "breadwinner" for the family for the next couple months and it's not an easy task considering we have 2 mortgages and student loans out the ass. He is absolutely adorable with LO and is ready to help with whatever task (bathing, diaper changes, laundry). Im super thankful for this bc both of our fathers were not as "hands-on". Not sure if it's the generation to blame but I'm thankful that didn't get passed down!

    Worst: he has yet to bathe him alone. He takes care of the dog instead lol.
  • Best: He will do anything I ask, help-wise. Typically without much complaint.

    Worst: I have o ask him to do most everything. He does offer to hold her so I can eat first without prompting, though.
  • Best: He is so supportive. Before and after work he is totally hands on and he doesn't judge me for my OCD tendencies (probably derived from being a FTM). I LOVE that he takes on the bed time routine complete with a bath +/- singing, prayers and story time. He's also a master swaddler and sometimes he hears the baby before me during the MOTN (wink, wink).

    Worst: I still mostly track number of diaper changes, hours of sleep and quantity of BM given daily. DH will take the baby from 5am - 9am but will not record or remember what time he last changed or fed LO. C'mon dude, this info lets me know if I have time for coffee or breakfast and if I should pump or will LO be awake soon to nurse, etc.
  • Rei2metse said:

    Best: He is so supportive. Before and after work he is totally hands on and he doesn't judge me for my OCD tendencies (probably derived from being a FTM). I LOVE that he takes on the bed time routine complete with a bath +/- singing, prayers and story time. He's also a master swaddler and sometimes he hears the baby before me during the MOTN (wink, wink).

    Worst: I still mostly track number of diaper changes, hours of sleep and quantity of BM given daily. DH will take the baby from 5am - 9am but will not record or remember what time he last changed or fed LO. C'mon dude, this info lets me know if I have time for coffee or breakfast and if I should pump or will LO be awake soon to nurse, etc.

    Yes! My H is also a master swaddler!! Every night he does it for me..
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

  • Best: he tends to my bigs so baby gets my undivided attention. 
    Worst: still after three kids, he's not that great at soothing. He is a lazy soother and isn't great at reading cues. I give him plenty of opportunity to figure things out on his own without critiquing but I usually end up having to tell him what she needs (certain holds). He will fight my "soft" advice but I'm nearly always right.  It's frustrating. 
    Anna Kate 10.17.2009 Alexander 6.10.2011 Baby Girl 6.2014
  • Best: the way he loves DS. The hugs, talking, singing, laughing. So adorable!

    Worst: he cannot get out of bed! It takes two alarms and a lot of nagging for him to get him. I end up getting out of bed when DS cries because DH can't get moving.




  • Best: He has these cute, made up songs he sings to DD and it's so sweet seeing him do that with her. He also loooves combing her hair after bath time. Something about that is just so sweet!

    Worst: I cannot stand it when DH does what I call "one-handed parenting". He will be feeding her a bottle with one hand and check his phone with the other. He only gets maybe two whole hours with her each day by the time he gets home from work, so it makes me stabby when he can't give her his full attention for that short amount of time.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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