We just found out this morning, I'm pregnant with baby number two. We have a 17 mth old little girl. I'm happy they will only be two years apart. I'm just starting to panic about being a full time working mom. It's hard enough with one. I work a stressful job. I'm out of the house by 7 am and not back in the house until 7:30 because I commute to manhattan everyday. There's no way I can find something closer to my home on the same salary. Being a stay at home mom isn't an option right now. Luckily, my husband sells insurance and he's home two days during week-days. So te other three days the babies will be in daycare from 7 to 6:30, my husband will pick them both up. I just feel so guilty, sometimes I just feel like a weekend mom
. Can anyone relate? Any tips/ advice?
Thanks all!
Re: Pregnant with baby number two!!
Youll find your new groove after delivery and when you get back to work. It will be hard and overwhelming at first, but ladies here have done it and are doing it great. All the best.
Congrats, very exciting morning for you!!
Regarding guilt, I heard this quote once and tell it to myself daily: "Behind every great kid is a mom worried she is doing everything wrong"
2 kids 2 years apart here. Went back to work when baby was 4 months. What made life easier for ME:
- formula feeding. I breastfed #1 and for a variety of reasons chose not to this time. I find it easier.
- frozen/easy/crockpot meals
- cleaning lady
- getting a sitter to come one evening a week so that I can, while at home, tidy, work out, study etc. DD thinks sitter is her friend as I'm still home, but I get stuff done (DH works insame hours and I'm by myself a lot otherwise).
You definitely will hit a groove, but it can take a while. Good luck and congrats again!
I really shouldn’t haven’t made the “weekend mom” comment. Because you’re all right. Although I get home, as soon as I set foot in the door, my LO is right there with her arms open ready for me to pick her up, then we eat dinner, I change her, and we read a book, and usually fall asleep together.
I’ve tried looking for jobs closer to home, even with a $10k paycut, that’s how much I can afford, but it’s so hard in Long island to find anything even close to what I make in Manhattan. I’m in the fashion industry so I think Manhattan is the place for me. Maybe when they start school, something will change. Of course I stress over that A LOT, how I want to be there for them more when they start school, but I guess I’ll cross that bridge as it gets closer, I still have 4 years for that lol.
2010: Infertility
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)