July 2013 Moms

People say the craziest things....

Tonight while over at my mil's house she shared that the reason Allison hadn't started walking yet is because we don't have carpet in our house......

What are crazy things that people have said to you lately?

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Re: People say the craziest things....

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  • My thoughts exactly @ramy3695‌


  • These are caused some side eying and chuckling..... where do people come up with this stuff?!?!?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Recently one of the judges I work for, a woman in her late 70's, asked me if Luke was sleeping through the night yet. I said no, he's doing better, but we're still getting up for the day around 4am. She said "have you tried reasoning with him?" I giggled, thinking she was kidding, but nope. Apparently, 1 year olds should completely understand when you tell them that Mama doesn't want to wake up that early so he can either sleep it play quietly in his crib until I'm ready to wake up.

    Oh jeez. You know what did work for that?! Kim West's suggestions. James was getting up between 4:45-5:30 am for like 2 months. Brutal. Anyway, she suggested not letting them get out of the crib until 6 am. We sat by James' crib and kept laying him back down and patting his back until he went back to sleep. I thought it would never work but it definitely did. Now he's sleeping until 6:30 or even 7 some days.
  • missymr said:


    That is just rude. I'm sure they weren't saying it to be judgemental but it certainly comes off that way. I wish people would think before they speak. You're an awesome mommy.

    I know. It's comes off very judgey and it stung a bit.


  • My coworkers love to ask me when I'll be done nursing Finn and talk about how gross extended breastfeeding is. Interesting, since they are supposed to be breastfeeding advocates. :-/

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