July 2013 Moms

Does your LO watch TV?

mrshudson618mrshudson618 member
edited August 2014 in July 2013 Moms
Based off SPAM this morning:
DO they like to watch?
Do you let them?
Married 6/18/11
BFP #1 10/26/12 DS born 6/30/13
BFP #2 10/30/13 MC 11/25/13
BFP #3 1/18/14 DS #2 born 10/7/14
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Does your LO watch TV? 159 votes

Yes, he/she watched regularly and loves it.
6% 11 votes
He/she loves it, but I don't really let them watch.
5% 9 votes
He/she will watch but only interested in certain shows
9% 15 votes
He/she will watch, but only for short periods of time-short attention span.
49% 79 votes
He/she has no interest at all
20% 33 votes
Don't know, haven't exposed them to it.
7% 12 votes

Re: Does your LO watch TV?

  • C has no interest. DH has tried to get him to watch a few times, but he doesn't care. We usually watch on a laptop, and C would rather try to PUSH ALL THE BUTTONS!  than pay attention to what is on the screen.
    Married 6/18/11
    BFP #1 10/26/12 DS born 6/30/13
    BFP #2 10/30/13 MC 11/25/13
    BFP #3 1/18/14 DS #2 born 10/7/14
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  • He'll watch a few minutes of Jake and the Neverland pirates or Daniel tiger. He mostly likes when there is singing. He's only seen maybe 10 episodes of TV in his life. We just aren't home a ton and our living room isn't super conducive to playing.

    Baby boy 7.10.13
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  • I usually turn on Sesame Street in the morning and P will watch some of it. He's usually too busy playing.
  • Our TVs are in the bedroom and the basement which I sort of did intentionally so that I wouldn't put it on as background noise like I like to do. I'm trying to keep his screen time as minimal as possible before 2. He gets to watch Baby Einstein on YouTube when I need a shower or when there's sexy time going on ;)
    Me: 35  H: 35
    Married: 4/5/13

    "You know that place between sleep and awake, 
    that place where you can still remember dreaming?
    That's where I will always love you.  
    That's where I'll be waiting."
    ~Peter Pan 

    BFP #1: 11/12/12  EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13
    BFP #2: 10/29/17   MMC dx @ 9 weeks
    BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
    BFP #4: 3/2/18  MC 3/9/18
    RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
    BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl  :'(
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    BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19  <3  Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 
    BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022 
  • Short attention span here. To shower, I put him in the pack and play with Disney junior on, which keeps him happy. He isn't always paying attention to it though.

    The other day I recorded America's got Talent and watched it while we played. He loved dancing along to the music. There was also a guy with a dog, and he laughed and laughed at the dog and kept saying hi to it. It was so cute.
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  • Ours is in the basement with lots of other toys. He gets excited when I turn it on for big brother, but then only watches for a few minutes before moving on to play.
  • He really has had no interest in TV which I am fine with. 

    Now that he is one we have a language learning program in French that we are put on for him on DVDs to see if he showed interest.  He did...he actually watched about 10 minutes of the program...he has never paid attention to television before this.  We may play 5-10 minutes of this daily for him before play time.

    Husband and I are also brushing up on our French :)  Husband used to be fluent...hardly uses it anymore and I knew the basics in HS.



  • El is only interested in Mickey mouse and football (DH is very happy about that) and she usually only really watches if it's a song. She likes to dance with Mickey.

    I don't keep the tv on much during the day. I turn it on in the evening when I. Preparing dinner because I need its help! Dh is still at work when I'm trying to get dinner on the table so Mickey helps me out!


    Baby girl #1 7/11/13

    Baby girl #2 4/30/15

    Baby Boy Due 2/16/19!


  • Only if there's music on. Otherwise she pretty much ignores it.

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  • No, I've tried Sesame Street a few times but he won't watch at all. My boys learned so much from that show, so I kinda wish he would once in a while!
  • DS had no interest at ALL. I wish he would for at least a couple minutes. Even when we eat dinner in the living room (very rare) and bring his high chair out, he won't watch. DD on the other hand livloveses TV and would watch all day if I let her.

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  • econmama said:

    So she'll watch in short 5-10 min bits when she's tired. She'll curl up in her chair with her frog and blanket and watch TV.

    Most times after 5-10 min, she'll get up again and go play; until music starts. Then she comes back to dance.

    We limit to Sat/Sun morning for a short time or when sick.

    This is us, exactly.

    @lancomechica‌ - is it Little Pim? L loves those videos! We do the French ones, too :)
    Mom to three girls and pregnant with #4!
    L: 7/12/13
    C: 5/11/15
    E: 3/7/17
    Due 11/10/18
  • She watches this nursery rhyme thing on the computer with my dad. But isn't interested in regular tv, and doesn't watch anything with me...except videos of herself on my phone. Girl loves to watch herself! I have to be there holding it though, so it's not that great of a distraction tool for me to get anything done...

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    My little love was born July 20th, 2013!

    BFP 11.11.12

    TTC #1 Since March 2012

  • Pink724 said:

    econmama said:

    So she'll watch in short 5-10 min bits when she's tired. She'll curl up in her chair with her frog and blanket and watch TV.

    Most times after 5-10 min, she'll get up again and go play; until music starts. Then she comes back to dance.

    We limit to Sat/Sun morning for a short time or when sick.

    This is us, exactly.

    @lancomechica‌ - is it Little Pim? L loves those videos! We do the French ones, too :)
    Yep! Little Pim :)@Pink724 L and V can speak French to each other :)


  • No, tv is bad for kids and rots the brain!

    Jk. He doesn't like tv... Maybe the occasional glance... We don't have it on in our house that often. My husband watches sports but i never really sit in front of it. I'd rather be outside, at the kids' museum or out running errands.

    I do wish he would snuggle me & watch a show sometimes... He's so busy.
  • I have the tv on while we are home and usually on PBS or Disney Jr.  She will stop and watch and dance to the theme songs but other than that she isn't really interested.  I can get her to sit and watch it in her chair for 5-10 min during snack time.  It keeps her attention long enough to eat a snack and saves my house from being covered in milk and puffs.   I usually take her out of the house for the big block of awake time so she doesn't have that much of an opportunity to watch it anyways.
  • His big brother watches shows on Disney Junior or Sesame Street, so he will watch for maybe a minute or two and then lose interest and just play. He seems to like Mickey and Elmo.
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  • She doesn't really show any interest in it. Maybe a glance here and there but thats about it.
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  • Zack has no real interest. At this age Delilah was entranced.

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    D 2.20.2011 & Z 7.16.2013

  • Haven't really exposed her to it. TV was on at my ILs' this weekend and she paid attention for a few mins and then went and did other stuff.
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  • He loves Mickey Mouse and sports. He loves football and baseball!
  • Pretty much what @lizabethann06‌ said, except he will watch a movie. If you were over on a Saturday morning you might think Cal was a tv junkie because he is so excited for a show, but it is because it's one of the few times he can have anything he wants (a show or movie) and he doesn't get much tv time. I clean the kitchen and make coffee and breakfast on Sat morning and that time is Callen's to do what he wants. He reserves "special" play for when Liv naps because she usually tries to eat his paper while he colors/plays Godzilla while he builds/steals puzzle pieces and throws them behind the couch.
  • The only show he will actually sit and watch is "the wiggles". I usually prep dinner at that time, since I get a full half hour uninterrupted. both boys watch it after naptime
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  • Doesn't really show interest and I don't really let him watch it either.

    I've used it as a distraction when I need him to sit still so I can trim his nails, but even now that doesn't work since he doesn't care enough to watch.

    We don't have a TV on the main floor so it's mostly radio for background noise. Dinner prep can be interesting but generally it works ok for us without a tv, for now.
  • Noah watches movies way bet than TV shows. And he watches non-kid movies a while lot better than most kids movies. Last night, he was transfixed on Neighbors for the whole movie.
    Married 12.20.2010
    BFP#1: 11.22.2012 EDD: 7.22.2013 DS Born 7.24.2013
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