How long after stopping progesterone and estrogen supplementation did it take to get AF? I would have expected it on 13dpo in a normal cycle of course I was still on endometrin and estrace at the time since that was the day before my negative beta so I understand that kept it away then but I'm curious as to when to expect AF now.
TTC since March of 2012
Me: 27 Dh: 35
Testing Begins 3/5/13
Six SA's show DH has low numbers across the board = severe MFI
Genetic testing for me = MTHFR+, also carrier for blood clotting disorder Otherwise all else normal
Dh's karotype= Normal!!
Mini-IVF/ICSI - July -August 2014 - 1R,M,&F Transferred 1 Grade 1 Morula-5dt - BFFN
Re: Period after Progesterone
Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545 -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
TTC #1 since August 2011
My Blog
September 2012: Start IF testing
DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA
October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos
November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues. Converted to freeze all due to lining issues. 2 blasts frozen on day 6!
January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues
April 2015: FET #2.1
PAIF/SAIF Welcome!
Me: 27 Dh: 35 Testing Begins 3/5/13
Six SA's show DH has low numbers across the board = severe MFI
Genetic testing for me = MTHFR+, also carrier for blood clotting disorder Otherwise all else normal
Dh's karotype= Normal!!
IVF #2: April 2014 Antagonist Protocol|12R 11M 10F|Transfer 2|BFP | m/c 5.8.14
U/S shows two beautiful heartbeats at 122!!
Baby A is our stubborn little fighter with a heartrate of 169!
Team BLUE!
TTC since 04/12
Me- 26 PCOS
DH- 28 MFI
10/13 IUI #1 (1 follie)- BFP!
11/13 M/C @9 wk due to tetraploidy, one little boy in heaven
01/14 IUI#2 (1 follie) BFN
02/14 IUI #3 (3 follies) BFN
03/14 IUI #4 (2 follies) BFN
05/14 IVF/ICSI #1 CXL
07/14 IVF/ICSI #1.2 6R, 6M, 5F, 2T, 2 frosties!
Transferred 2-5dt CP
09/14 FET #1 BFP! Beta #1 52 Beta #2 152!
10/20/14- It's TWINS!