
Would you go?

I unexpectedly got an opportunity to go on an all expenses paid trip for two (me and DH) to Charlottesville for a long weekend next month. I will be 26 weeks pregnant with mono/di twins at the time. I really want to go, especially since DH and I had to cancel a previously planned vacation this summer because he got a new job that wouldn't let him take time off yet. 
I called my Dr's office to consult and so far I have a yes based on how things have gone so far and with me coming in for a u/s within 2 weeks prior (no problem, already have it scheduled that way) and an appointment with her within a week before so she can see the babies and I are still doing well. 
Would you go as a MoM? It is across the country (I live on the west coast, so it's a 5 hr flight each way) and the nurse mentioned I would want to be familiar with hospitals able to stop labor before I go which makes me think I should probably call my insurance company to see if I'd be covered across the country (in-network). Any thoughts? Did you travel? How late? Thanks!

Re: Would you go?

  • I would totally go. No experiencing traveling besides a couple hours in a car ride, but as long as you're feeling well and your OB clears you, take advantage! Congrats!
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  • Personally, if it were me I wouldn't. Bummer to pass up but I would play it safe. I was pretty uncomfortable beginning around 25 weeks so I'm not even sure it would be that fun or relaxing. That's just my opinion, though. 
  • I'd go. I never had travel restrictions. I knew where the hospitals were should I have needed them, but I never did.

    That being said, if you're a worrier, don't go. You won't be able to enjoy yourself.

    I turned down was a wedding at 35+ weeks about 3hrs away and not super close to a good hospital. I had my babies at 34w, so that turned out to be the right call.

  • At 26 weeks as long as my doctor was comfortable with the trip I would go. The flight will no doubt suck but the trip should be fun. I went to an amusement park at 28 weeks. I rode a scooter all around that place and had a ball!
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  • I just got back from Disneyland at 24 wks, my twins are di/di though. It was a 6 hr car ride plus all day walking in the heat. I usually am very active so for me it wasn't a problem. I did ask my OB and she didn't have a problem with it. 

    For the ride ride we stopped 3x each way and I got out and walked around. For the Park I just made sure to stay hydrated and rest frequently. 

    If it where ok with my OB and I was having a problem free pregnancy then I would go.
    Diagnosed MFI- low sperm count  
    DS-Born 7/27/11 After 2 years of IF we have our little man
    TTC#2 January 2013
    11 Medicated cycles gave us
    B/G Twins born 10/8/14 @ 32 weeks
  • Yes, I'd go as long as I didn't have any complications.
  • I went on a 10 hour road trip (each way) last week at 30 weeks and it was fine. My twins are also mono/di, so I had an ultrasound before I went and one when I got home. My OB and my MFM both said it was ok, but they did have me take a copy of my medical records with me just in case. I don't have any complications, both babies have been totally healthy this whole pregnancy, so nobody saw any reason for me not to go. I also used to live in the area and had my daughter there two years ago, so I was familiar with the hospital and where I would need to go. If you're not familiar with the area, it would probably be smart to locate a hospital and have some kind of plan if just for peace of mind. You will be uncomfortable on the plane, and you'll need to make a conscious effort to walk around and drink lots of water throughout your trip, but if it were me I'd go.
  • I wouldn't, but my reponse is colored by having had my twins at 30w4d. It's been said many times on this board, but everything is fine until it isn't. I had a healthy, complication-free pregnancy until 30w2d. I don't blame you for wanting to go if you're feeling up to it though, especially since most MoMs will have healthy pregnancies. There's just that small chance that something could go wrong when you're so far from home. :(

  • Thank you all for the input, lots to think about and consider. Being a twin mom is definitely not cut and dry in any aspect, I think this is helping me realize that!
  • I just returned from a 4 day vacation in MI (I live in AZ), 3 hour flight each ways, and I was 28 weeks, now almost 29 with Mo/di twin girls. Yes I was nervous but we had the trip planned and payed for already from awhile back. The flight wasn't bad at all, I got up a few times to pee and stretch. I did a lot of walking on the trip but also a lot of taking it easy :) I did however have a check up a few days before we left and everything looked great. Had there been any concern at the appointment I wouldn't have gone.
  • If my OB okayed it and what not I would go. But I would also go armed with knowledge of the area hospitals, a copy of my records, and all that. Then again that is also because my comfort level of dealing with strange possibilities is pretty high. If I wasn't comfortable with it though..... if I didn't think I would be able to enjoy myself because of the worry..... I would probably still send DH. I would feel guilty being a total kill joy. :)
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  • I'd go if you are feeling well and haven't had any complications.  After the babies arrive it's much harder to travel and get away, so I'd enjoy it :)
  • If your doctor says it's ok then I would totally go. I'm 25 weeks right now and I think I would probably be up for going somewhere in the next week if the opportunity came up.

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

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    TTC since 2011
    Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
    January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
    March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins! 
    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
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  • I would have felt physically fine to go, but my cervix changed so drastically at 28 weeks putting me on immediate bed rest that I would not go.  

    D & L are here at 34 weeks 4 days by vaginal and breech delivery on 11/19/2013
    Two healthy boys weighing 4 lbs 15 ozs and 4 lbs 5 ozs.  Only 6 days in the NICU and getting bigger, stronger and cuter every day! 
  • spin25 said:
    It's been said many times on this board, but everything is fine until it isn't.

    Totally agree.  I had zero signs of premature labor, was sent to the hospital for a pee test to check for proteins after high BP and found out I was in active labor, 5 cm dilated, 6 weeks early.  Yes, that's not 26 weeks, but premature labor comes on very quickly with few signs sometimes - and by the time the signs show up, you can't hop on a plane to come back home.  Maybe find a nice B&B an hour from home and spend a nice weekend there!  
    m/c my Angel Baby in 2000
    IUIs with clomid from 2009-2011   Feb 2011 - Tubal surgery (repair)  Jan 2012 - Tubal surgery (remove)  
    8/13 IVF#1.  Lupron/Follistim protocol - b/g twins born April 1 at 34 +1.  Luckiest woman in the world.
    8/15 FET #1 - transferred 1 thawed embryo - Pregnant with Baby C, it's a girl!  Due April 2016. Pregnancy Ticker  

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    "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for hope and a future"   Jer 29:11
    "All things work together for good to them that love God, who are the called according to His purpose"  Rom 8:28
    "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of salvation unto all who believe"  Rom 1:16
  • It seems like you have gotten both yes and no answers for this question.  Only you and your Dr know how you feel and how your pregnancy has gone thus far.  If it were me and my situation, I would totally go.  My babies are holding on tight and I would be very surprised if they come early.  We just took a 5 hour car trip, 10 hour round trip, for a friend's wedding and back at 29 weeks and it was perfectly fine.   I also had a 4 hour flight at 20 weeks that was also fine.  But again that was my situation.  I checked with both Dr's before going and they approved. 
  • I just wanted to add my input - I just went on a cross country trip from NY to CA for a week during my 23rd.  I have had no complications throughout the pregnancy, but my OB did caution me that if I went into labor I would be stuck in CA until they could come home.  I have not been worried or stressed throughout my pregnancy, but I was definitely nervous when I was away and was so glad to be back in NY afterwards.  I didn't feel like anything was wrong per se, but I just didn't quite feel like myself that week and it was busy with a wedding and Disneyland.  Overall, I am so glad I went, but I was just surprised how nervous it made me.  I think just being on a different schedule threw me off a bit.  So that's just my two cents!  If you go, hope it goes smoothly!
    Me: 33, DH: 33
    Married since 2007

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  • I just took a 15-hour flight to another country at 20 weeks. OB okayed it. I drank lots of water and walked laps around the plane. The flight attendants definitely spoiled me, too. :) I took my medical records with me and knew where to seek medical attention if needed. 
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  • I would have go as long as my doc gave me the green light. I think you have to get up and walk once an hour on long flights while pregnant.

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